View Full Version : Spanked with my friend Richard

04-07-2015, 05:44 PM
Growing up I had my fair share of spankings both at home and also while I was at school. Corporal punishment is now banned at schools here in the UK but when I was at school it was used by most teachers and the headmaster for sure was always more than willing to dish out punishment whenever he seemed it was needed.
This is one of my spankings dished out from the headmaster that will live with me forever.
It was a real hot sweltering day here this morning when I got to my friend Richard's house. We always walked to school together. Well we were both 13 t the time and boys being boys back then just took chances in life and hoped and prayed that if you did something wrong you were not caught because for sure we knew if we were caught we would be getting a spanking for sure. We were walking to school this day when suddenly Richard just stopped and said hey I do not feel like going today in this heat what say you we bunk off for the day. At the time it seemed like a good idea so I went along with it. We went to the fields that was not far from where we lived and just really starting to get bored. We decided to get a bit daring and head into town just for something to do. As we were walking into town a car pulled up and saw that me and Richard were in our school uniforms and the driver winded down his window and asked us why we were not at school. We were both cheeky boys back then so we just said why don't you just mind your own business. Big mistake on our part he was the school truant officer. After reading us the riot act he told us to get into his car because he was taking us to school. We got in and he drove us to the school. When we arrived the truant officer got out told us to get out and he took us to the headmasters office. After hearing what the truant officer had said the headmaster thanked him for bringing us to school and said we would be severely punished. Me and Richard looked at each other as we heard the headmaster was a no nonsense sort of guy and usually caned boys at our school. The headmaster informed us he would be sending a letter home to our parents as well as giving us both 6 of the best with the cane each. We were told to remove our blazers. The headmaster went to a cupboard and withdrew a cane. We both had tears in our eyes by now as none of us had ever been caned before. The headmaster walked around to the front of his desk and told Richard to come forward. What came next was a surprise to us both as he told Richard to lower his trousers and underpants and to bend over his desk and dare not move until he had finished caning him. I flinched so much and was so scared with each stroke that was landing on Richards backside knowing that I was going to be getting the same soon. Richard's punishment was over and I was told the same to lower my trousers and underpants and to bend over the desk for my 6 strokes. We sure had been punished good and proper. After our canings the headmaster put our punishment in the punishment book gave us a little time to compose ourselves and told us to get to class hoping he would not be seeing any of us again in his office