View Full Version : Hi :-)

09-12-2014, 11:44 PM
Hello :-)
I'm Emma, I live in sussex, and I'm almost 19.
I've always been quite attracted to the spanking world but do not know what to begin with.
If I was looking for a relationship, it would be with a mature man who would be a disciplinarian but also like a mentor.
I hope I'll find answers here, and, who knows, meet knew people as well. :-)

10-12-2014, 10:40 AM
Hello Emma,Welcome to the site and I don't suppose you'll be short of offers. It's a weird and wonderful world you're contemplating entering and one that can be so very exciting. If I may join the queue of those wishing to help you I'd be very pleased to do so. I live in Sussex and am very mobile and always happy to meet in a public place so you can feel safe - even if just to chat it all through. You can find my vital statistics by looking at my proflie and am very happy to send a picture - all inthe best possible taste of course. I've had spanking experiences with a number of ladies from this site and each has been very different - the spice of life I think they say but you are, to date the youngest contact I've made.Do you have any idea where the fascination started for you? What sort of scene do you envisage?You've probably summed up what thrills many of us on the spanker end of the equation: it's about discipline and mentoring, probably in equal measure.Best wishesSimon

10-12-2014, 04:44 PM
Firstly; how nice to have another female posting. Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the world but actually we're not alone there are lots of women who love spanking. Both giving and receiving. From what you've said so far it seems you'd like to receive and there are some very decent people about who would love to get involved. The most important thing is to stay safe. I'm lucky as, in the main my husband vets all of the men I'm spanked by prior to them laying a finger on me. Almost always he's also there for the first session as well.

I think if you have a friend you can share information with then it's always a good idea to have someone in the background who knows where you are going, preferably why, and a time by which you must have made contact. They should also have clear instructions of exactly what to do in case you don't get in touch. It doesn't always have to involve the authorities. Maybe they can call a beefy elder brother or ex-boyfriend who could ride to your rescue. It's so unlikely to go wrong but the more so if you take simple precautions, like that I've mentioned and meeting in a public place. I've made lots of friends through the private message system on here and by the time we've exchanged a few and maybe bounced some emails back and forth I know them pretty well.

I do wish you lots of luck and if you ever want the gentler hand of a fellow female I'll gladly help.

Stay safe