View Full Version : My Ideal Scenario!

31-05-2014, 05:36 PM
You are a strict no-nonsense Headmaster, I am a very badly behaved boy, summoned to your presence to account for my wayward behaviour, I've come straight from Gym and am still dressed in white T-shirt and tight white shorts with white knee socks to match. You remonstrate with me vigorously, a real dressing down, then, reaching forward, you yank my shorts to my ankles, I open my mouth to protest but before I know it I am over your knee and you begin to spank the seat of my underpants, slowly at first, then increasing in tempo, interspersing the spanks with stern words of admonition. I am furious, and struggle and squirm, my sense of indignation is acute, but it makes not a jot of difference, after a couple of minutes of hand spanking a hairbrush appears in your hand - as if by magic! - and is applied soundly to my furiously wriggling rear. Well boy, you say, learning your lesson, but I am furious and struggle all the harder, trying to get up but held firmly in place. Only one way to deal with boys like you, you say, and that's bare bottom! That provokes a response - no Sir! please! not on the bare! - an anguished plea, but falling on deaf ears, as the words are scarcely out before my pants are nestling around my ankles along with my shorts, and there it is, my bare bottom entirely at your mercy! No time is wasted, a very firm sound hand spanking is administered to a very deserving bottom, you spank! spank! and better spank! Pausing only briefly in the thrashing to deliver wise words of admonition, and again the question : learning your lesson m'lad? But I'm nothing if not obdurate, and shake my head and struggle furiously, muttering under my breath, and suddenly! it appears again, the dreaded hairbrush! Please no! I gasp, but its too late for contrition, the message must get through, and you swiftly deal out 10 spanks to the right buttock, 10 to the left buttock, a further 10 to both buttocks together........................now I'm yelping and squawking, squirming and kicking my legs, appealing for the spanking to stop, but remorselessly you proceed to deliver yet another 30 of the same strokes, slightly harder this time, and I can't help myself, I swear at you, and without further preamble another 30 of the hardest strokes so far cauterise my burning bottom, now I'm sniffing and sobbing and pleading and the question is posed once more : are you learning boy! All the fight has gone out of me, my poor defenceless bottom is absolutely on fire, such pain I've never felt before, and I nod mutely, then gasp Yes Sir! please Sir, I'm sorry Sir! Get up m'lad you command, reinforcing the order with a really stinging smack with the brush, which nicely serves its purpose as I leap up and stand head bowed before you......................rising from your chair you seize me by the ear and haul me over to the corner, where I have to stand hands behind my back displaying my really well spanked rosy red bottom, you resume your seat and study your handiwork with some satisfaction, a job well done, you think. Then a frown appears on your face, you cross over and inspect the leathered bottom, hmmm.........the colour is a bit uneven, you decide, could really do with a bit of adjustment, and so, mind made up, you seize the miscreant by the ear once again and drag him back over to the chair, I howl in protest but in a trice I am back over your knee and my bare bottom is being robustly spanked again, no messing this time, straight to the hairbrush, you pay particular care to the colour distribution, to get it just the way you want it takes 3 different sets of 30 smacks, by which time the miserable creature you are dealing with is crying copiously, just lying limp over your knee, snivelling, but you're not bothered about his finer feelings, its his bottom you're interested in, and its a lovely red hue, just the way you want it, so with a final stinging stroke of the brush, which could probly be heard 3 blocks away, you haul him back to his feet and shove him in the corner again, he's quite a sight to behold! Snuffling and sobbing and his arse glowing like a beacon, he's nothing like the picture of arrogance he was just a few short minutes ago. You are well pleased, nothing like cutting a cocky young sod down to size, be a while before he misbehaves again, no doubt, but, just as you are congratulating yourself on a job well done, before your very gaze, you see his hands slip down, inch by inch, and begin to rub and soothe the offending bottom! Such impertinence! It will not go unpunished, seems there's work to do on this boy yet. You get up and walk over to a cupboard, taking out a long black wicked looking strap, as well as a fearsome cane, brandishing them in front of the horrified boy, with the words : seems your education is only just beginning m'lad!

This is the kind of scene I yearn for, I've been spanked often in the past, but this is the stuff that really floats my boat! I can accommodate as well as travel, be willing to travel quite far for the right man, as I don't work any more and have all the time in the world.....................so if it appeals to any of you Spankers out there, me - and my bottom! - are waiting!