View Full Version : Male CP At School

18-02-2014, 06:54 PM
I am interested in chatting to MALES only who got CP for real at school as a kid
I do also run a very active forum on the topic, so if you enjoy chatting about the CP you got as a kid and if you like sharing experiences with others, PM me for the details, or see the ad section where I may post an ad.

So I would love to chat to some of you re: the cp you got at school for real - MALES ONLY please

23-02-2014, 03:24 PM
Would love to know some details guys. Especially those who have chosen "other"?

12-03-2014, 01:18 PM
I was given the slipper loads of times at school, with first dose on my very first day at Grammar School aged 11 for talking in class. Out front of class told to touch my toes and got three whacks on my short trousers. From then on it was at least once a week and interspersed with the occasional caning from the head

19-03-2014, 01:16 PM
Endeavored to PM you, message box is full

08-02-2015, 01:12 AM
As I have, Mastergoody. State Grammar School, 1960s. Mixed but segregated for PE & Games. Our PE teacher normally used the plimsoll, but only very rarely and normally only one stroke. Being in front of the class - perhaps 30 boys from two forms - the embarrassment was probably worse.

One day we were given an "assault course" around the gym, I think so our teacher could complete some paperwork, seated at a table at the end of the room so he could also keep an eye on us. Two of us broke a rule about swinging in one direction only on the thick climbing-ropes, some inch-&-a-half diameter, so received 1 stroke each from the end. Much to the other boys' prurient interest of course.

At the time I did not regard real CP as anything but a danger to be avoided, and still oppose genuine physical punishment. Nevertheless the predilections were there in my febrile imagination despite utter ignorance about anything to do with "things down there" other than urinating and masturbating.

I think the seed was witnessing a genuine spanking by bare hand on bare bottom of a particularly unpleasant and badly-behaved boy, by our much-loved female teacher, in front of the mixed class in Infant's School, c.1958. Giving such punishment was totally out of character for her, but thanks to the boy's general unpleasantness including being a bully, many of the rest of us shocked and bemused girls and boys supported her not him!

14-02-2015, 08:03 PM
Interesting poll - I've answered the questions honestly. I can ascribe my interest in CP to my experiences at school, where caning and slippering were both commonplace. I had my first taste of the cane within two weeks of starting high school, and although terrified, was also very excited. I went out of my way to try to get it, and was caned and slippered many times, the most enjoyable being across the seat of my thin nylon gym shorts. It was also good to get the cane across the seat of my grey school trousers, as I could feel the ridges under the material during the day. Most of my early masturbation was over thoughts of being punished.

15-02-2015, 04:36 PM
Slickshorts - Pity you & I are rather too far apart to meet easily (I think it's a 4-5hr journey, in my car at least)! Very similar tastes in clothing and desires, although I went out of my way not to get the cane or slipper, which were rare in my school anyway!

13-04-2015, 08:38 PM
Tawse hands were so common that no one really batted an eyelid. The crack of the tawse along corridors and from classrooms was constant. We had one pervo PE Teacher who took particular interest in Lads in shiny satin Footie shorts.

15-04-2015, 12:20 AM
briliant that you can be so totally honest.
Interesting poll - I've answered the questions honestly. I can ascribe my interest in CP to my experiences at school, where caning and slippering were both commonplace. I had my first taste of the cane within two weeks of starting high school, and although terrified, was also very excited. I went out of my way to try to get it, and was caned and slippered many times, the most enjoyable being across the seat of my thin nylon gym shorts. It was also good to get the cane across the seat of my grey school trousers, as I could feel the ridges under the material during the day. Most of my early masturbation was over thoughts of being punished.

15-08-2015, 09:14 PM
I can so relate to this. First caning in Prep School at 9 (see posted story), then regularly beaten on the rear-end regularly with whatever the teacher (95% masters) hand to hand - starting with the hand, slipper, bunson-burner tubing, ruler, blackboard pointers, yardstick, coat-hanger, and - of course - the cane of various thicknesses and shapes (one latin teacher had a practical, weight-bearing walking-stick with a thick round knob at the end - he would wallop any miscreant arse with the knobbly end, I can attest that the bruising DID really last for weeks !). On another occasion, a Sports teacher had a ring of boys bend over and made the boys spank the arse in front of him by hand - anyone he did not feel hit hard enough was whacked with his on swizzle-stick.) AS another correspondent commented, corporal discipline was an every day event, and not really made too much of - in my class of 30 boys going through the school someone was hit with something every day.

Interesting poll - I've answered the questions honestly. I can ascribe my interest in CP to my experiences at school, where caning and slippering were both commonplace. I had my first taste of the cane within two weeks of starting high school, and although terrified, was also very excited. I went out of my way to try to get it, and was caned and slippered many times, the most enjoyable being across the seat of my thin nylon gym shorts. It was also good to get the cane across the seat of my grey school trousers, as I could feel the ridges under the material during the day. Most of my early masturbation was over thoughts of being punished.

21-08-2015, 12:08 PM
I, too, got my first taste of c.p,. at school at age 12.I was a randy little sod often with a hard on in the showers , I know the P> E master was always watching, and the older boys told me he liked to enjoy younger boys. so it was know surprise to be ordered to his office for a bare bottom caning. First I got an O>T>K spanking in my tight gym shorts.As he could feel my 'stiffy' he must have know I was up for more. Then it was shorts down, cheeks sepparated for my examination . And at last, 6 of the best. Fantastic!This became a weekly event and soon progressed to my tight little hole being invaded by the P.>E. masters cock. I loved it all then, and still enjoy the same although I am mainly a top today

03-11-2015, 11:20 AM
I went to all boys primary school and they used to smack our bottoms shorts down on our underpants done by Senior teacher and deputy head (both male) across there knee 15/20 good smacks. if you were sent to Headmaster was cane on hands usually 1 stroke on each hand. At secondary school was Slippering or caning on hands or bottom. I had hands caned in 1st year 2 stokes on each hand then was caned on bottom after that another 5 times had 6 twice. Was also Slippered quite a bit by Housemaster and PE/gamesmasters/ Last caned in 5th form Beaten by Head 6 for traunting. Slippered twice by Housemaster in 6th form!

17-11-2015, 03:35 PM
Caned at public school early to mid 80s, various masters various positions, also got taken into the woods on a Scout camp for the cane.

09-12-2015, 07:48 PM
i didnt go to public school where cp was obviously prevalent but in my state primary school in the 1970s the threat of the slipper or ruler was very real. i was a poor runner and my sportsmasters incentive to go faster was always a couple of thumps on the arse with a training shoe, he was actually sacked for picking a boy up by his ears! well it seemed funny to us at the time.I was however terrified of my first headmaster he would bellow at you seargent major style and crook his finger at you to follow him, I got a couple of whacks from him for throwing stones but we all made it to adulthood without counselling!

09-12-2015, 08:22 PM
Spanking or caning was outlawed in Scotland by the time I was in primary two. Never experienced it. Although, I was bottom spanked by my parents a child. Mostly over jeans, only when really bad was it bare. Stopped by the time I had reached 11 or 12. Though, I did dream as a teenager, that my teacher would spank me in front of the class. Odd even as a teenager!!