View Full Version : Cultural outing

29-07-2013, 12:58 PM
Last weekend due to our reasonable behaviour over the school year Miss Fife decided to invite two of her pupils to spend a cultural weekend at the Wickerman Festival. One of the girl pupils 'T' and myself being chosen. Miss Fife and T departed on the Thursday to spy out the land and I would be following down on the Friday morning. I arrived at the very nice digs that Miss Fife had chosen for us to find Miss Fife making up a Mojito cocktail for herself, T and I were informed that there was plenty of coca cola's for us to enjoy. I was a bit alarmed at the amount of bicardi going into the cocktail but decided not to say anything because criticism of Miss Fife can quickly result in you being over her knee with her hairbrush causing great distress. Miss Fife had got through one or two cocktails and it was getting close to setting off time. At that point Miss Fife decided she was going to demonstrate what would happen if we stepped out of line. All of a sudden her favourite school belt 'Mr Philps' and her favourite cane 'Big Stinger' appeared on the scene. Mr Philps was used first. I am not sure if the Mojitas had affected her vision but while she was warming our hands there were a few fresh air strokes. Needless to say she landed enough strokes to keep our hands warm for a considerable time. Next up was Big Stinger. With this weapon she had no problem and gave us a set of stripes that I am still proudly wearing. Before we set of it was decided that bags would be carried with supplies and wet gear in case of rain, I didn't think we would need the wet gear because the sun was blazing down and it was about 30 degrees in the shade. I was also a little alarmed that the only bag in use seemed to be mine. Off we set at a very slow pace owing to Fifie having trouble keeping up with the young ones. I was a little concerned with our pace because from where we were staying it was about 3 miles to the festival. Fifie wasn't too bad going downhill but on an up slope we almost had to revert to ropes. Fortunately after about half a mile a passing car saw our distress and gave us a lift to the festival that he also was attending. . I have to say the festival was fantastic and when Fifie wasn't looking T and I managed to get in a couple of ciders. The only uncomfortable part was having to sit on hard ground with a well striped rear end. All to soon it was over and at about midnight we set back off for the digs, again Fifie was in luck as we got a lift part of the way by a passing taxi, the guy paying for the taxi was most kind. Good sense prevailed on the Saturday and no drink was taken, altogether a fantastic weekend. BB73 . .