View Full Version : Tawse challenge

05-05-2013, 10:44 AM
Okay , who is up for this ?
2 groups of 3 or 4 to see who and which group can take the most .

Prizes will be given to the winning team and the 1 person who can take the most :D
A selection of different tawses will be used, starting with the baby belt and ending in the Philps with a few others in-between .
Once we get a couple of teams together we can arrange a day and time that suits most , a small donation for this is required .

Miss Fife x

05-05-2013, 12:33 PM

Well this could be interesting count me in but it cannot happen before 27th May hols etc.
Any suggestions on what format this will take ...don't want to be knocked out on first round...if you need some additional tawses
my collection is available but lets wait and see how many are up for it...


Okay , who is up for this ?
2 groups of 3 or 4 to see who and which group can take the most .

Prizes will be given to the winning team and the 1 person who can take the most :D
A selection of different tawses will be used, starting with the baby belt and ending in the Philps with a few others in-between .
Once we get a couple of teams together we can arrange a day and time that suits most , a small donation for this is required .

Miss Fife x

05-05-2013, 07:46 PM
Holidays ! What do you mean holidays , honestly some people are always away :P

The challenge will be on the hands just for those who were wondering .
I would say simple sets of 4 to start with each individual of the team going back to the end of the line after each set received , keep going until there is only 1 man /woman standing in each team and after that see which of the last 2 will be the winner .

romasz, I'm sure a few of your delightful implements will be welcome on the day , infact even before the day :D It was a while ago since I dusted them off on you , so it's about time I rechecked them to find out which I prefer to use .

Miss Fife x


Well this could be interesting count me in but it cannot happen before 27th May hols etc.
Any suggestions on what format this will take ...don't want to be knocked out on first round...if you need some additional tawses
my collection is available but lets wait and see how many are up for it...


06-05-2013, 10:05 PM

I am assumeing we can get 6 tawses of varying weights not all XH!.

Can I make a suggestion we start off with just 2 strokes with each belt for round one repeating until all tawses have been used ...this way everyone will have received 12 strokes.

Now repaet the exercise increasing the strokes to 4 of each... total 24 strokes

Repeat with 6 strokes total 36 strokes....and if there are any survivors then it will be settled with the Philp
until only one is standing...



Holidays ! What do you mean holidays , honestly some people are always away :P

The challenge will be on the hands just for those who were wondering .
I would say simple sets of 4 to start with each individual of the team going back to the end of the line after each set received , keep going until there is only 1 man /woman standing in each team and after that see which of the last 2 will be the winner .

romasz, I'm sure a few of your delightful implements will be welcome on the day , infact even before the day :D It was a while ago since I dusted them off on you , so it's about time I rechecked them to find out which I prefer to use .

Miss Fife x

11-05-2013, 11:18 PM
Hello romasz ,
I think this is quite a good plan , but you still won't be let off lightly .It will help those who are not quite so hardened to receiving the belt . Afterall, it is meant to be a fun day for everyone and for those who do decide they've had enough they can cheer on their team mates from the sidelines .
I have thought up some wonderful prizes for the winning team and an extra special prize for the last man /woman standing ;)

Maybe you can choose team captains and they can umpire for the opposite team to make sure I am not too heavy or soft .

Miss Fife x


I am assumeing we can get 6 tawses of varying weights not all XH!.

Can I make a suggestion we start off with just 2 strokes with each belt for round one repeating until all tawses have been used ...this way everyone will have received 12 strokes.

Now repaet the exercise increasing the strokes to 4 of each... total 24 strokes

Repeat with 6 strokes total 36 strokes....and if there are any survivors then it will be settled with the Philp
until only one is standing...



19-05-2013, 11:53 PM
im interested in participating if this goes ahead. Have a M 2tail and an H 3 tail lochgelly if tawses needed.

26-05-2013, 06:45 AM

I think we need to be careful in choices of tawses for this challenge in order to be fare to all participants intending to accept the challenge' for example you may find that your M lochgelly is worse than an XH this can happen depending on the leather that was availble at the time of manufacture. I am assuming we want to get the best out of this challenge we need to keep as many players in active competition as long as possible not have everyone out on first strokes bearing in mind its the headie who is wielding the tawse maybe its her enthusism we will need to curb!! any volunteers?


im interested in participating if this goes ahead. Have a M 2tail and an H 3 tail lochgelly if tawses needed.

06-06-2013, 10:23 AM
I have a few interested in this ,also some who only wish to watch ( not brave enough to take ) . Anyone else interested ?
This looks like it will be held on a Friday or Saturday ,once I sort out the list of peoples holidays of when they cannot attend .

Also an up and coming summer party/ mixer is on the cards for a Saturday in either July or August . Much like last years party ,although a donation is required which I shall be donating to The Macmillan Fund in East Scotland .

Romaz could you send me a private email to let me know when you're actually going to be home from all your travels as we can't have you trying to miss this tawse challenge .

Barbie aka Miss Fife x

13-06-2013, 06:12 PM
would love to come and watch