View Full Version : Spanking without leaving lasting marks
14-04-2013, 02:59 PM
I am a lover of spanking and enjoy a good leathering and caning but alas I am a happily married man and need to avoid heavly welted and bruised backside, at least one that does not show longer than say a few hours, which drives me nuts. Is there anyone out there that has a tried and tested solution that works no bullshit...and before you all start by saying just have a gentle spanking and avoid caning but thats not in the vocabulary of our excellent Miss Fife I also dont want to miss out on receiving my just deserves. So lets see what all you caning. belting experts can come up....maybe there is a magic potion that soothes away all the marks of a good hiding....
14-04-2013, 10:05 PM
Make your marriage even happier, introduce your wife to your spanking desires, then any additional marks you get, to those your wife leaves, will be easy to lie away. You never know, she might make such a good job of disciplinig you, that you dont want others or she may want to join in with the wider spanking community.
16-04-2013, 11:27 AM
Now romaz , what do you mean gentle isn't in my vocabulary ? If you weren't so greedy and wanting more all the time, I would give you a nice gentle spanking.
Sometimes straight after receiving punishment to reduce bruising , a very cold wet towel can help ( although a wet towel and bare ass is like a red rag to bull with some of us ,who could be tempted to skelp you with it ) .I done this with a young lady a while back as her master said she could partake in a pain challenge but was limited with bruising - her problem was she bruised very easily but applying a cold wet towel a few times did bring the bruising down . I have also done this with others who cannot be left marked for long.
Anyway ,you will be able to get what you need now before you go jaunting about the world due to my new schedule :D
badgirl - it isn't always easy for married guys to tell their wife and even though some do their wife is not just interested ,which is a huge pity .Even sometimes when their wife does discipline them it isn't always as harsh as the men would like it to be or not as often so they look elsewhere ,which sometimes their wife would not be happy with as they may think there is more going on than just pure discipline. I have a quite a few gents where these are the case.
Barbie x
I am a lover of spanking and enjoy a good leathering and caning but alas I am a happily married man and need to avoid heavly welted and bruised backside, at least one that does not show longer than say a few hours, which drives me nuts. Is there anyone out there that has a tried and tested solution that works no bullshit...and before you all start by saying just have a gentle spanking and avoid caning but thats not in the vocabulary of our excellent Miss Fife I also dont want to miss out on receiving my just deserves. So lets see what all you caning. belting experts can come up....maybe there is a magic potion that soothes away all the marks of a good hiding....
16-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi Romasz
You could always try and persuade Barbie to wallop your behind with her little primary school tawse. It makes a lot of noise, stings a bit, reddens the bum up a bit but certainly does not leave serious lasting marks unlike that devil's tail thing you gave her. I have heard that rubbing a cream called arnica on your tail after a leathering or caning can reduce the bruising quite a bit but I have never tried it. And as for Barbie giving the likes of you and me a gentle spanking well the pigs are gathering at the end of the runway ready for take off. I once enquired of her what a gentle spanking consisted of, she just laughed and continued leathering me with a big heavy belt.
Anyway I am off to the new school tomorrow, will let you know how it goes. Barbie has given me a few vague directions how to get there, seemingly there is a big fir tree growing in the garden. I will probably be late and be in trouble right away.
I am a lover of spanking and enjoy a good leathering and caning but alas I am a happily married man and need to avoid heavly welted and bruised backside, at least one that does not show longer than say a few hours, which drives me nuts. Is there anyone out there that has a tried and tested solution that works no bullshit...and before you all start by saying just have a gentle spanking and avoid caning but thats not in the vocabulary of our excellent Miss Fife I also dont want to miss out on receiving my just deserves. So lets see what all you caning. belting experts can come up....maybe there is a magic potion that soothes away all the marks of a good hiding....
17-04-2013, 03:03 PM
Of course you are correct as always spanking provided at home is no substite for what I would like and to suggest to the other half that I should visit a professional she would imagine all sorts of other things were going on as you said. Might be worth a try the wet towel trick at least that way I might get some belting done at least. Might be worth trying over the trousers to see what that does, one things for sure I think a wee visit to the new lair is called for ...and if the above does not work at least there the good old six of the best with mr philp to fall back on...
Thanks J
Now romaz , what do you mean gentle isn't in my vocabulary ? If you weren't so greedy and wanting more all the time, I would give you a nice gentle spanking.
Sometimes straight after receiving punishment to reduce bruising , a very cold wet towel can help ( although a wet towel and bare ass is like a red rag to bull with some of us ,who could be tempted to skelp you with it ) .I done this with a young lady a while back as her master said she could partake in a pain challenge but was limited with bruising - her problem was she bruised very easily but applying a cold wet towel a few times did bring the bruising down . I have also done this with others who cannot be left marked for long.
Anyway ,you will be able to get what you need now before you go jaunting about the world due to my new schedule :D
badgirl - it isn't always easy for married guys to tell their wife and even though some do their wife is not just interested ,which is a huge pity .Even sometimes when their wife does discipline them it isn't always as harsh as the men would like it to be or not as often so they look elsewhere ,which sometimes their wife would not be happy with as they may think there is more going on than just pure discipline. I have a quite a few gents where these are the case.
Barbie x
17-04-2013, 08:17 PM
Hi Romasz
I attended the new school today and would you believe it, the heating had broken down. It was like being in Siberia without a jersey. The Heidie is going to have a word wie the Jannie to ensure it is fixed pronto. Have you ever felt six o the best with a Philps tawse on cauld hands, :(I can tell you it was a most unpleasant experience especially when the Heidie refused to take the freezing conditions into consideration. I think the problem was that she was not in the best of humour due to her Heidie type of hairdo being ruined in the rain hefting school furniture about prior to school starting. You know how when you appear for classes she is always smartly dressed with that strict schoolmarmish look aboot her, well today I wish I had had a camera.:D I do know I will pay for this in the future.
I would warn you Romasz that she is working on a new trick and that is belting both your hands with a belt in her right hand and and one in her left. It is going to take her a wee while to master this because out of three goes she only managed it once.
She is looking to hold a detention party in her new school in the near future. I have never heard of that kind of party but I am sure it will be fun.
Of course you are correct as always spanking provided at home is no substite for what I would like and to suggest to the other half that I should visit a professional she would imagine all sorts of other things were going on as you said. Might be worth a try the wet towel trick at least that way I might get some belting done at least. Might be worth trying over the trousers to see what that does, one things for sure I think a wee visit to the new lair is called for ...and if the above does not work at least there the good old six of the best with mr philp to fall back on...
Thanks J
06-05-2013, 10:09 PM
You have been very quiet lately!! You ok or lying low....was passing through Glasgow today and dropped in on and old friend who
we both know and what does she have in her possession a bloody Philp tawse you anything to do with this? these things are deadly
and should be banned....
07-05-2013, 09:57 AM
Hi Romasz
Yes, I have been keeping my arse down below the parapet, I know it is safe when I do that and there is no point in disturbing the residents in Fife unless you have to. I have to admit responsibility for the Philps. Ever since I met her 5 years ago she told me she dreampt of having a Philps, the chance came up and I took it. Now both my torturers have one and don't they just love them.
Have you heard that Fifie is thinking of having a tawsing competition to see who can last the pace. I think the Philps I gave her is going to her head.
Well I have been summoned to the Head Girl's study next week. Seemingly Fifie showed her a couple o cartoons that I printed off depicting her and Fifie torturing some unfortunate and she want's to discuss them with me. There will no be much discussion just a lot o whacking.
Keep your eye out for Fifie's wee competition, it should be a lot of fun, like hell it will.
You have been very quiet lately!! You ok or lying low....was passing through Glasgow today and dropped in on and old friend who
we both know and what does she have in her possession a bloody Philp tawse you anything to do with this? these things are deadly
and should be banned....
07-05-2013, 10:48 PM
might have known it was you....she is in heaven weilding that Philp my hands are bruised as a result...these things should be in the same class as firearms and banned...yes have been watching the Fife terror and her tawsing comp. somehow dont think it will be much fun if she goes in full force from beginning she needs to ease us poor lads in gently otherwise or we will all be oot first round...nor sure she will appreciate my suggestions I can onlt try things for sure is she will be the only one left laughing ....
08-05-2013, 09:52 AM
Hi Romasz
I aready broached the subject of what belt she would start out with and she has agreed (probably reluctantly) that the competion will start out with light taps from her primary school belt. I will find this most interesting as I have never seen or experienced light taps from anything.
Glad you enjoyed the Philps in Glasgow, I was on the receiving end of it a few weeks ago. I still like that nasty little 21 inch H thats she used to like using.
might have known it was you....she is in heaven weilding that Philp my hands are bruised as a result...these things should be in the same class as firearms and banned...yes have been watching the Fife terror and her tawsing comp. somehow dont think it will be much fun if she goes in full force from beginning she needs to ease us poor lads in gently otherwise or we will all be oot first round...nor sure she will appreciate my suggestions I can onlt try things for sure is she will be the only one left laughing ....
08-05-2013, 08:08 PM
Headie and gentle somehow dont seem right, light taps ? would have to be felt to be believed...but could be entertaining though watching her trying to be gentle...her tawses fitted with brakes unlikely...Yes that short 21 inch H is a nasty piece of work...but good none the less....
09-05-2013, 02:48 PM
Well Romasz
She is definitely building up a head of steam for this belting contest. It's mentioned on here and on another forum. I wonder if I might be lucky enough to be on holiday when she holds it.
I can just see her gently belting away with the primary school belt and you accidently smile at her, immagine the explosion. I would think we would have to employ an umpire to make sure she doesn't whack someone harder than the rest.
Headie and gentle somehow dont seem right, light taps ? would have to be felt to be believed...but could be entertaining though watching her trying to be gentle...her tawses fitted with brakes unlikely...Yes that short 21 inch H is a nasty piece of work...but good none the less....
09-05-2013, 09:23 PM
Thats what worries me also...look the wrong way or accidentally smirk and wham you are now in deep do do ...who would be brave enough to umpire if she did not agree with the decision they would find themselves in the competion you maybe we will escape as looks like I will be away to China later this month so best keep quiet......good luck ...she is pre occupied with her judicial event poor guy ....
10-05-2013, 09:53 AM
Hi Romasz
You are right about the umpire, never thought of that. He would be in a lot of danger if he cried out 'foul stroke', the next stroke would probably land accross his backside.
All I can say about the judicial is best of luck to the guy. I could volunteer to carry the hip flask to bring him round at the end of it but I would probably have to be brought round after looking at the state of his backside.
You might be in luck with the China visit but as you well know, She Who Must Be Obeyed is sitting quietly in the bat cave monitoring this thread with a little smile and saying to herself 'just wait till I get my hands on that pair, they will suffer'. Sends a shivver down your spine.
Thats what worries me also...look the wrong way or accidentally smirk and wham you are now in deep do do ...who would be brave enough to umpire if she did not agree with the decision they would find themselves in the competion you maybe we will escape as looks like I will be away to China later this month so best keep quiet......good luck ...she is pre occupied with her judicial event poor guy ....
10-05-2013, 02:35 PM
I can feel the air chilling as I write this...will give the Judicial a miss you say after 100 strokes from the good lady his rear end will be a mess if its not she will have failed...I have seen videos where only 50 strokes were used and blood was running down the poor guys legs...not for the squeemish...I am sure she is plotting our demise and it will be painful thats for sure its only a matter of time...
10-05-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi Romasz
I have to agree with you, Madamme la Boss and her judicials are best left up to her and the unfortunate that is on the bench. There is absolutely nothing we can do to help him now. I do have a feeling however that the names of you and I are already top of the list as regards the belting challenge. Volunteers we are not, conscripts we certainly are. I am not sure that disappearing off to China will get you out of this. What we should do when we arrive for the occasion is have a look at the contestants, let her belt them with the primary school belt then start up a betting book on who we think will win it. You never know, we could end up with a couple of bob to buy a bottle of beer in the pub when its fininished. On the second round we put the white flag up and carefully work out who the finalist is going to be. No problem.
I can feel the air chilling as I write this...will give the Judicial a miss you say after 100 strokes from the good lady his rear end will be a mess if its not she will have failed...I have seen videos where only 50 strokes were used and blood was running down the poor guys legs...not for the squeemish...I am sure she is plotting our demise and it will be painful thats for sure its only a matter of time...
11-05-2013, 09:08 PM
Hi Romasz
Received an e-mail from the Hiedie. I think she was out last night having a good time, something about having to take an aspirin for a sore head. this does not auger well for any unfortunate meeting her next week because she could be a bit crabbit. Fortunately it is only her Chief Enforcer I am having to endure next week although the last time I met her she left my backside resembling the Clan Macgregor tartan.
11-05-2013, 11:11 PM
Hello boys , you do realize you have hijacked this thread , you should be doing this in the one about the tawse challenge ! I can see 2 people with very sore hands very soon !!!
The poor boy as you call him has had more strokes of the cane than that from me and survived ,although one day he did jump up near then end and shout " you bitch " and I couldn't help but laugh ...very endearing it was before he then had to go back over and take some more !
Now remember that spring has sprung and those trees have some lovely branches , I will be doing my first birching of the season on the 21st Oh how happy am I going to be :D
BB, don't forget we have flower arranging class on your next visit :D
Miss Fife x
12-05-2013, 03:58 PM
OH oh Romasz, we have been rumbled, Madamme la Boss has surfaced. That could mean pain. Now she wants me to wander about the countryside looking for twigs for the flower arranging class. My only concern is that she wants the twigs to be about 30 inches long and straight and about a quarter of and inch thick. She suggests I look for twigs from young birch trees, she says they are the best for the job. I don't know, she is very fussy at times.
20-05-2013, 11:21 PM
Hi Romasz
Something is rotten in the State of Fife. I received an e-mail from the High Heid Yin telling me that the staff of Miss Fife's tawsing academy of excellence were going oot for a small imbibement at their local hostelry on Saturday. Despite several attempts in trying to communicate with members of the said academy to find out if I should be studying a particular subject prior to my appearance later in the week I have heard naff all. That either means she is still recovering from her so called small imbibement or she is trying to catch me oot. I have a feeling it is the latter.
Hope you are having a nice time wherever you are. Soon I will be wending my weary way to that fine establishment of education, The Fife Academy.
21-05-2013, 11:45 AM
There seem to be a lot of changes going on in academy HQ renting out rooms small price increase etc. seems big expansion plans are afoot...the heidie seems to have her business head on as long as she does not forget how it all began. Me I am off oot of harms way on Friday for sunny china till middle of June all the best with your education and give my regards to the high heid yin..
Hi Romasz
Something is rotten in the State of Fife. I received an e-mail from the High Heid Yin telling me that the staff of Miss Fife's tawsing academy of excellence were going oot for a small imbibement at their local hostelry on Saturday. Despite several attempts in trying to communicate with members of the said academy to find out if I should be studying a particular subject prior to my appearance later in the week I have heard naff all. That either means she is still recovering from her so called small imbibement or she is trying to catch me oot. I have a feeling it is the latter.
Hope you are having a nice time wherever you are. Soon I will be wending my weary way to that fine establishment of education, The Fife Academy.
28-06-2013, 10:10 AM
Well Romasz, round about now we used to look forward to a wee holiday, joy in the knowledge that our bums and hands would be safe from Fifie's belts and canes. The next couple of months used to allow our red and well striped bums to heal from the frequent leatherings and canings they had suffered over the year. Circumstances have changed, Fifie, instead of taking off on her broomstick for a wee holiday has decided to open up a summer school for her under achievers and I was the first to get an invitation, something aboot poor spelling that has to be rectified. I have tried to explain to her that I find any word with more than four letters difficult. Ach well better get the dictionary looked oot. BB73
There seem to be a lot of changes going on in academy HQ renting out rooms small price increase etc. seems big expansion plans are afoot...the heidie seems to have her business head on as long as she does not forget how it all began. Me I am off oot of harms way on Friday for sunny china till middle of June all the best with your education and give my regards to the high heid yin..
28-06-2013, 03:21 PM
I will be having a chat with the hedie on Wed next doubt some pain may be involved..I discovered that the new school is about 1km from my House so guess the excuse of not having the car goes oot the window...I can feel some short sharp shocks coming up quite often...and travelling may become more uncomfortable...
Maybe she will be nice as I have a wee pressie for her ...but not holding out too much hope....and nae summer hold this year whats the world coming too ...
Cheers J
Well Romasz, round about now we used to look forward to a wee holiday, joy in the knowledge that our bums and hands would be safe from Fifie's belts and canes. The next couple of months used to allow our red and well striped bums to heal from the frequent leatherings and canings they had suffered over the year. Circumstances have changed, Fifie, instead of taking off on her broomstick for a wee holiday has decided to open up a summer school for her under achievers and I was the first to get an invitation, something aboot poor spelling that has to be rectified. I have tried to explain to her that I find any word with more than four letters difficult. Ach well better get the dictionary looked oot. BB73
01-07-2013, 08:46 PM
Well Romasz bringing a wee pressie to She Who Must be Obeyed can be fraught with disaster. When I was doing my adventure thing and cruising about I came across a nice wee hairbrush and I immediately thought, Barbie will love this. On my return to her classroom I presented her with the nice hairbrush, a few seconds later I was across her knee feeling the hairbrush on a very tender rear end. I will say however that she did tell me later that she liked the hair brush. Best of luck Romasz, I have a feeling she is in hyper mode and I would make sure your hands are nice and warm before she makes sure they are nice and warm. BB73
I will be having a chat with the hedie on Wed next doubt some pain may be involved..I discovered that the new school is about 1km from my House so guess the excuse of not having the car goes oot the window...I can feel some short sharp shocks coming up quite often...and travelling may become more uncomfortable...
Maybe she will be nice as I have a wee pressie for her ...but not holding out too much hope....and nae summer hold this year whats the world coming too ...
Cheers J
03-07-2013, 11:03 AM
Nothing like living dangerously...had to delay my visit until next due to weekend accident failed to follow instruction on salad slicer and nicked the top off my finger sore I can tell you...hope it is better before next week...!!! no doubt i will be in trouble for failing to read instructions you cannot win...wish me luck...
03-07-2013, 03:27 PM
I will certainly wish you luck Romasz. The Fife Heidie is not renowned for her tolerance of not reading instructions. You might have to take the belt on one hand, could be sair. BB73
05-07-2013, 03:33 PM
Have rescheduled my visit to Tuesday next week finger should be fine by then ...the thought of the tawse on one doubt a a lecture will be in order followed
by some retribution for missing school, not reading instructions ...I feel Mr Philps may be called into action to get the message thro...wish me luck!!!
07-07-2013, 08:20 PM
Hi Romasz, I don't think luck will come into it, all you can do is pray that she is in a good mood. The latest thing is that because the Head Girl is taking a wee break from duties the Fife Heidie has decided that she will look after the detention classes. A detention class with the Fife Heidie is no something I am looking forward to and the thing is she wants me to get my arse up there pronto so that she can discuss one or two little things. Again that word discuss comes into play. I definitely liked it better when she went aff for a few weeks holiday. BB73
Have rescheduled my visit to Tuesday next week finger should be fine by then ...the thought of the tawse on one doubt a a lecture will be in order followed
by some retribution for missing school, not reading instructions ...I feel Mr Philps may be called into action to get the message thro...wish me luck!!!
08-07-2013, 10:59 PM
I am a lover of spanking and enjoy a good leathering and caning but alas I am a happily married man and need to avoid heavly welted and bruised backside, at least one that does not show longer than say a few hours, which drives me nuts. Is there anyone out there that has a tried and tested solution that works no bullshit...and before you all start by saying just have a gentle spanking and avoid caning but thats not in the vocabulary of our excellent Miss Fife I also dont want to miss out on receiving my just deserves. So lets see what all you caning. belting experts can come up....maybe there is a magic potion that soothes away all the marks of a good hiding....
there is no magical cure or expert advice, you could opt not getting spanked, wear long johns and conceal your marks to your wife or be brave and come out in the open to your wife and assure her its just harmless fun without being unfaithful! :cool:
03-05-2014, 01:38 PM
I agree that the birch (not IoM version) leaves short lived marks, even when applied with force
09-07-2014, 10:59 PM
I only have one idea but it is not a cure because it will not be hard enough for a lot of us..
I have a smallish soft black leather paddle which makes a wonderful crack when used with gusto but because it takes forever before it gets a wriggling, if indeed it gets you wriggling at all. I have used it with guys that cant put up with anything more than light spanking and people who say they dont want any marks. It works every so well up and down the thighs and on the tender spots.
Well that is what I have in my kit bag for such requests, but my bottom prefers something a bit heavier than that.
mmmmmmmmmmm Got me going now. LOL.
26-08-2014, 09:09 PM
I've given up on people that only want gentle taps. If they come to me there will be marks (nothing permanent, but certainly marks) otherwise its just a waste of time. I did come across someone who couldn't take hardly anything, fortunately I was the visitor, so I just left, advising him not to advertise on spanking sites if he didn't want a spanking (all he wanted was a shag).
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