View Full Version : Catholic Caning

12-11-2012, 03:29 PM
Have you ever thought about becoming a catholic and thereby gaining access bto one of the most depraved and perverted bodys of men around What perversions they dont practise dont exist

12-11-2012, 04:59 PM
That sounds heartfelt - pray; tell us more.

12-11-2012, 07:19 PM
Hi Missonia

Be careful what you are doing here. I am not a Catholic, but I have looked into what went on in certain institutions run by the Roman Catholic authorities and it was not nice. You could be unearthing a load of nastyness. We cannot change what happened in the past, what we can do is try to move forward although where you have a veil of secrecy, that can make it difficult.


Have you ever thought about becoming a catholic and thereby gaining access bto one of the most depraved and perverted bodys of men around What perversions they dont practise dont exist

13-11-2012, 01:02 PM
There is someyjing V Sexual about the ritual covering Percverted practises dont you think

13-11-2012, 05:45 PM
It's a very difficult subject as so many of the abuse victims have been young people and even children, some of them very vulnerable and alone. So for me I would sooner keep well away from having anything to do with that sort of system/cult/creed. I don't think it's possible to consent to what we all get up to without being of a certain age and, yes a certain maturity so even eighteen doesn't cover it for me. when I think how naive I was at that age it was only when my (now) hubby introduced me so gently and gradually that I became aware that it was part of my being.

Just my view.

There is someyjing V Sexual about the ritual covering Percverted practises dont you think

14-11-2012, 09:53 AM
Personally they make me furious. In fact it's the only time I wished I lived in Tunbridge Wells as then I'd be able to fire off furious emails to all and sundry. How they get away with it defeats me. And now they've arrested an ex-bishop of somewhere or other in Sussex. I know the rule is innocent until proven guilty and that's fair enough but we all know the outcome and why God gave these people breath defeats me!

Rant over and back on topic:
The ritualistic aspect of punishment is very appealing as it can be found in so many places. For me it was waiting outside the headmaster's study for what I knew I deserved and that lead to a sort of purging of guilt which would probably have been much more difficult to achieve had the ritual not existed. That and the tears. Now I find that with the contacts I've made with ladies through this and other sites I find that they too appreciate the ritualistic aspects of punishment as much as I did then. There can also be something very erotic that takes place as a result of the 'unloading' which can sometimes lead to explosive events.

That's just my opinion for what it's worth.

It's a very difficult subject as so many of the abuse victims have been young people and even children, some of them very vulnerable and alone. So for me I would sooner keep well away from having anything to do with that sort of system/cult/creed. I don't think it's possible to consent to what we all get up to without being of a certain age and, yes a certain maturity so even eighteen doesn't cover it for me. when I think how naive I was at that age it was only when my (now) hubby introduced me so gently and gradually that I became aware that it was part of my being.

Just my view.