View Full Version : Independent cane 'road test'

12-10-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm thinking about setting such a thing up. The idea is that we get a number of canes from different suppliers and then we meet up in a mutual venue so that we can analyse the results of using each one both from the view point of the caner and canee. Hygiene will be an issue so some neat alcohol will be required - just in case - and venue is a question but if we plan far enough in advance it could be a quite amusing way of getting some very helpful results.

Is there an appetite for such a thing and, if so, who's up for accommodating us and where in the country shall we hold it?

15-10-2012, 12:33 PM
Hi Algolagnia,

I'm a Dom who'd be happy to help your research.


15-10-2012, 09:31 PM
Hi Algo

Be great if you could hold it in Scotland. I know one person who would love testing out different canes on a selection of bums. The problem she might incur would be getting volunteers for the test. Most of us would suddenly find things of great importance that would make us unavailable on the day required for the test.


I'm thinking about setting such a thing up. The idea is that we get a number of canes from different suppliers and then we meet up in a mutual venue so that we can analyse the results of using each one both from the view point of the caner and canee. Hygiene will be an issue so some neat alcohol will be required - just in case - and venue is a question but if we plan far enough in advance it could be a quite amusing way of getting some very helpful results.

Is there an appetite for such a thing and, if so, who's up for accommodating us and where in the country shall we hold it?

15-10-2012, 10:03 PM
If up north I'd volunteer to take part. Will you assess by loudness of my yelps or will there be a more scientific method.?

16-10-2012, 09:52 AM
Looking good - now we need a venue. I can travel a reasonable distance and, indeed I do get up north occasionally - but the south would be easier for me personally. As to method well; we probably need a number of caners and canee's and then adopt a truly democratic method - we vote. Top and bottom place the canes in order of preference. It's always going to be subjective so the scientific bit seems pretty well out of the window and I suspect it will be a result that is more about the winner emerging by isolating the losing implements.

An interesting aside: my threshold/limit - call it what you will - is considerably higher and every cane that touches me infinitely more fun(!?!?) if I've been thoroughly warmed by extensive hand/paddle/strap warming. However I know others prefer to bend over and take it like n adult (or school boy) from cold and I'm unclear as to how we even this up. Maybe I and those like me have to wield the stick on this occasion and leave the receiving to the real grown ups (boys/girls).

Could be jolly good fun though.

16-10-2012, 03:04 PM

As I see it, the problems with having a pre-caning warm-up would include:

(1) Having to give a warm-up between each caning, which could blunt the senses, and

(2) Simply because a warm up does cushion the effect of the cane, it might be harder to differentiate as the experiment progressed. As one who has in the past experienced, and later given, a simple schoolboy caning on an unwarmed bum, I can vouch for the fact that one can tell the difference between canes pretty quickly !!


17-10-2012, 09:30 AM
Hi Charles
Sorry for the delay I thought I'd replied to this earlier but must have forgotten to press the 'post' button - DoH.

You're quite right of course that the delay in the warm up could be disruptive however and for my part once thoroughly warmed it seems to remain that way for some time. In actual fact it will be such a subjective thing that it's probably best handled by a good old fashioned vote. the fascinating thing could be the disparity between what the caners and canees think is the best cane and won't we all be in trouble if we can't agree.

Another aspect is that for some the pleasure is in the pain and for others in the release of the endorphins after the pain and for yet others the sensuality and gift of 'control' (control by both parties actually) so it's a tough one to do accurately but a fun one to do none the less.

I do remember very vividly the un-warmed school canings as being pretty horrible but hey, look where they got me.


17-10-2012, 10:51 AM
Well I eventually got in to reply to this - must've been a glitch somewhere .

Anyway , personally this is my cup of tea BUT and there are a few Buts or would that be butts :) ....

Everyone would need to play on the same level .
Also how many different types and thickness of canes would be tested ?
I also don't think there should be any warmup prior to the caning as afterall , you wouldn't feel the true benefit of it /them ...would you !?
What time period would this span ?
Obviously the poor butts would require a bit of recovery time inbetween each caning and how many strokes of each cane would give you a proper reading of severity ?

I know 2 Fife ladies who would quite happily dish out the canings and can accommodate ...Me being one and ellie being the other :D

Barbie x

17-10-2012, 11:12 AM
You called? A canning test? Well, how simply delicious! :D I would be more than happy to assist in the application of said test. But Barbie is right, there couldn't possibly be a warm up as this would fudge the results. Will this be a quantitative or qualitative analysis? (i.e. numbers of bums/canes/strokes or fewer of all but more depth and discussion).


Well I eventually got in to reply to this - must've been a glitch somewhere .

Anyway , personally this is my cup of tea BUT and there are a few Buts or would that be butts :) ....

Everyone would need to play on the same level .
Also how many different types and thickness of canes would be tested ?
I also don't think there should be any warmup prior to the caning as afterall , you wouldn't feel the true benefit of it /them ...would you !?
What time period would this span ?
Obviously the poor butts would require a bit of recovery time inbetween each caning and how many strokes of each cane would give you a proper reading of severity ?

I know 2 Fife ladies who would quite happily dish out the canings and can accommodate ...Me being one and ellie being the other :D

Barbie x

17-10-2012, 02:56 PM
I just knew you two would get involved with this. This is right up Barbie's street and you Els are becoming as bad as her. please let me know well in advance of the test so that I can arrange to be in some far distant place well away from danger:cool:. Now if you were having a hand belting test with the various school belts, that would be a different matter but I am not coming near you two when you are playing with sticks.


QUOTE=Elliej;19081]You called? A canning test? Well, how simply delicious! :D I would be more than happy to assist in the application of said test. But Barbie is right, there couldn't possibly be a warm up as this would fudge the results. Will this be a quantitative or qualitative analysis? (i.e. numbers of bums/canes/strokes or fewer of all but more depth and discussion).


17-10-2012, 04:59 PM
That's a good idea. I'd be up for road testing tawses on hands at the same time. I agree best way of assessing would be by votes of all present.

17-10-2012, 07:11 PM
Aw naw why do I suggest daft things like a hand belting test. Drum have you any idea what Barbie and Ellie are like with a belt in their hands. Barbie has a Philps and she loves using it. Ellie has one of Mr Campbells fine XH belts and she also enjoys using it. I visit them reasonably regularly and I can just immagine the two of them in a belting competition. The two of them would be trying to outdo each other and god help the unfortunate on the receiving end.


That's a good idea. I'd be up for road testing tawses on hands at the same time. I agree best way of assessing would be by votes of all present.

17-10-2012, 08:06 PM
Do I detect an air of anxiety there, BB? Surely you're not scared of two wee women?


Aw naw why do I suggest daft things like a hand belting test. Drum have you any idea what Barbie and Ellie are like with a belt in their hands. Barbie has a Philps and she loves using it. Ellie has one of Mr Campbells fine XH belts and she also enjoys using it. I visit them reasonably regularly and I can just immagine the two of them in a belting competition. The two of them would be trying to outdo each other and god help the unfortunate on the receiving end.


17-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Absolutely terrified, I know what the two of you are like. You might be wee, but the two of you can cause a person like me a lot of discomfort. My worry is the enthusiasm you and Barbie exude when you enter into these sort of games.


Do I detect an air of anxiety there, BB? Surely you're not scared of two wee women?


17-10-2012, 10:13 PM
Och yes BB man up. Surely your not afraid of the belt
And it would be for the benefit of science.

17-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Well said Drum ... I take it you are happy for the two wee Scotswomen to tickle your hands and backside with the aforementioned implements?


Och yes BB man up. Surely your not afraid of the belt
And it would be for the benefit of science.

17-10-2012, 11:11 PM
Now Drum, afraid of the belt,no. I can still remember my happy schooldays of the sixties. Afraid of these two females, yes. You have no idea what they are like. There should be a warning notice on all the signs for Fife reading 'Abandon all hope ye who enter here' They come accross as two lovely people and I suppose they are but the minute they get you into their lair, there is only one word that comes to mind and that is 'PAIN'. Be careful of what you wish for, it might happen.


Och yes BB man up. Surely your not afraid of the belt
And it would be for the benefit of science.

18-10-2012, 12:51 AM
Been a while since I got a Campbell's XH but a few wee tickles wouldn't be amiss

18-10-2012, 10:40 AM
Just returning to the original matter for a very distracting moment - It does look as though those north of the border are keener than we squeamish English lot so it may well be that it's handed over to you guys/girls for a proper test.

I suggest nursery, junior and senior canes from two or three different sources. Has anyone, for instance got any experience of these?

Looks quite fun, maybe we could pitch that against one from dear old Phil and perhaps another source. I know we've all got our old favourites in the naughty cupboard but unless we can all buy the 'winner' there seems less point. I know they're each unique but all makers have their own techniques which afford some greater similarity.