View Full Version : Dealing with my naughty sub

03-07-2012, 10:02 PM
Fun with Jen:
It was wet and dark and it really did seem as if the end of the year was nearing. As I pulled off of the motorway the phone rang ... the voice was soft and familiar but mostly enticing. The tone of your voice was also one that I have come to desire. The remaining journey is about an hour and although you know that I will join you soon you are unable to disguise the urgency in your conversation. I sense an aching, a passion and desperation! My memory reflects upon our time together and the trust that has slowly built up. You have been able to release your innermost desires and you have been taken to levels that have made you shiver and shake. You have delighted in the thrashing of the crop across your buttocks and upper legs, the sting of the flogger as is caresses your back and bottom with occasional attention focusing on your vagina and breasts. At times you have demanded too much too soon and I have had to restrain your desires. You have begged to be caned and again I am aware this is the focus of your mind as you speak to me!
I have decided that this evening you will be rewarded with your prise. As my journey continues I consider the way in which you will receive the cane, your position, the use of restraints and penalties for failing to fully submit to this intervention. I also consider the impact of the seductive but slightly manipulative way in which you try to influence me. It occurs to me that in addition to allowing you to experience the delight of being flogged with a cane the intervention will serve to address certain aspects of your behaviour. There is also an attraction in requiring you to bend over and to grasp your legs which are positioned about two feet apart. The intervention will therefore not have the benefit of allowing you avoid protecting your bottom with your hands ... for such indiscretions will result in additional strokes of the cane. Assessing you needs and behaviour the figure of twenty four strokes would seem appropriate on this first occasion. Two additional strokes of the cane will be awarded for misconduct of any form. I have decided upon using a senior school type cane. This will be administered with some force across you fully exposed and pronounced bottom. This will leave marks that will remind you of the experience for several days. I am just arriving and will be with you shortly. I notice the curtains are drawn as I pull into your drive way.
The door is slightly ajar. As I walk in I can see light seeping from the living room. I see you standing facing the wall and notice your well formed buttocks being illuminated by the flames from the fire. As I look at you I notice that you have prepared yourself with leather ankle and wrist cuffs and a neck collar. As I walk towards you you lower your head and I ask you to turn to face me. Your head remains bowed and I notice your breasts in the fire light. I lift your chin with my hand and my lips move towards yours. Just as they touch I feel the need to gently bite your lips. I feel you pushing your body towards mine. The warmth from your breasts is apparent as is the warmth within your eyes. IAs we continue to embrace you feel my hands running down the centre of your spine and gently caress your lower back and spine. You feel my finger explore between your buttocks and around your anus. You right leg lifts and wraps around me and as you continue to cling to me with your arms and hands. I turn you in front of me and you feel my hand move across your breasts. Your nipples have become hard and inviting and you shiver as I squeeze both between my fingers. I gradually increase the pressure upon your nipples and pull them away from you.
I instruct you to stand still and I move a chair into the middle of the room and within range of the fires warmth. I instruct you to sit and then secure your wrists to the arms. You are instructed to part your legs while I secure your ankles. I use a chain that is attached to your neck collar to ensure that you are unable to move your head forward. When I am sure that you are both secure and comfortable I place a blindfold over your eyes. You feel my hands caressing your inner thighs and eventual your damp vaginas. You become away that my head is moving towards your vagina and you eventually feel my tongue penetrate your vaginal lips. I begin to work harder with my tongue and I can taste your juices and they run over my face. I then stand up and after a few moments you feel me securing something to both your nipples. The initial pain you feel is modest but and the full pressure of the clothes pegs is allowed develop the pain increases to an almost intolerable level. You feel me secure additional pegs around the circumference of each nipple and although the level of discomfort increases as each peg is secured you begin to realise that the pain is turning slowly to pleasure!
I insert a vibrator into you and you feel its ears tremble against your clit. You feel your bottom start to move up and down and you long to be able to move your head forward. Your hands begin to struggle and you are overwhelmed with pleasure. Eventually you can hold back no more and you experience several orgasms, which quickly follow each other. You slump back in your chair as I remove the vibrator and pegs. You begin to thank me and tell me how much you really need me. I explain to you that there is an issue we need to address which will involve my cane!
You are instructed to stand in front of me. I inform you that I have been considering your request to be the subject of a caning and that I have decided to agree to this. You respond my gently smiling, your curiosity awakened again. You feel a slight shiver as you contemplate what is ahead of you. Your expression changes slightly when I inform you that I have also been concerned about your attitude and behaviour towards me in recent times. I explain to you that you are consistently pushing “boundaries”, attempting to manipulate me and that you have lost sight of your position. You are informed that this caning will also serve to remind you that such behaviour will not be tolerated and to encourage you to reflect upon your conduct. I inform you that you are to receive twenty four stokes. The initial twelve will applied in response to you desired to be stimulated in this way. The final twelve will be delivered with some force. The intervention will be completed with you bent over; grasping your ankles with your feet positioned about three feet apart. You are instructed that you are to count each stroke aloud and add “thank you”. Tears are expected and will be tolerated but you are informed that you are required to otherwise comply fully and that behaviour considered to the unacceptable will be rewarded with addition strokes of the cane in the punishment part of the intervention.
I then send you to the bedroom to collect a cane that has been placed on the table. You notice that it is longer and thicker than you had expected as you pass it to me with your head bowed. You are instructed to position yourself in an area of the room which allows sufficient room for the cane to be fully raised and swung. I ask you to raise your bottom and to ensure that it is fully exposed throughout the caning. You hear the swishing noise of the cane’s as I practice in the air. You feel the cane gently touch both of your buttocks as I position myself to take full advantage of the target. You are reminded penalties for non compliance. I raise the cane and deliver the first stoke. You instinctively move forward and you manage to say “one, thank you” with ease. You feel a small rush of pain from your bottom but you manage to remain in position. Further six stokes are applied in varying intensities and you surprise yourself that not only are you able to comfortably deal with this you are enjoying the experience. You feel your legs becoming moist from your juices that seem to be flowing freely. You anticipate the eighth stoke and as it cracks across your bottom you have to take a deep breath before saying “eight, thank you”. This increasingly enjoyable experience continues until the twelfth stroke is awarded. Your passion is now fully aroused however you feel the uncertainty for how you will deal with the final twelve punishment strokes. Your bottom is feeling warm, but comfortably so. I ask you to brace yourself and that you are to commence counting from one. The first stroke takes your breath away. You want to protect your bottom with your hands but you are aware of what the consequences of this would be. A further five stroke are applied with sufficient force to make you shudder and the first of a few tears run down your cheek. You manage to say “six, thank you” as you are determined not to be awarded additional strokes.
As the final stroke is about to be applied I commend you for submitting to this punishment and managing to maintain your composure throughout the intervention. I raise the cane to impose the final hard stroke and you he the swishing sound as it cracks hard across your buttocks. You manage not to respond to the burning pain and say “twelve, thank you”. After a minute or two I instruct to stand up and follow me to the bedroom. I instruct you to bend over on the bed with your vagina fully exposed to my will. I insert the vibrator into your wet vagina and ensure that the ears are pushed against your clit. I gently massage lubricant around your anus and you feel my finger gently penetrate your bottom. The soreness of your bottom begins to fade as you push yourself toward my finger. You then become aware that my penis is exploring the entrance to your anus. I then begin to enter you slowly and you feel the shaft of my penis push against the shaft of the vibrator. You feel my body slap at your sore and marked bottom with each thrust I make at you. You can eventually take it now more. You feel a rush of excitement as you explore. I continue you enter you at a faster pace until I can no longer hold back and we finally come together.
Later that evening as I await you in bed you catch site of your bottom as you walk past the mirror. You notice twelve lines that are neatly positioned across your bottom. You feel a rush of excitement are your recall the pleasure and the pain of earlier in the evening. You feel warm and cosy as you climb into bed and cuddle me closely. My hand settles on your bottom which longs to be touched.