View Full Version : Philps tawse v's Lochgelly tawse

02-05-2012, 12:58 PM
Yesterday I had the wonderful pleasure of using an original Philps 2 tail tawse .The sound of it when it hit the palm was delicious ,it has a superb 'crack' I could happily have kept it ,unfortunately that's not a possibility, although I'm sure I shall have plenty more use of this wonderful implement .
Along side this was an array of original lochgelly tawses which I also had the pleasure of using as I wished to compare these with the one I have for sale - I must say these tawses were nice but not a patch on the Philps,although the 3 tail lochgelly was lovely also ,it made a fine sound as it struck .

Damn, I really want a Philps now !!!

So, have you tested both theses makes , if so, which would you say is the superior tawse ?
If you haven't had the pleasure of using or feeling a Philps and you can find someone who has one ,I reckon you should go out your way to do so .
A HUGE " THANKYOU" to the gent who brought these delightful implements for my perusal ,ofcourse I did have to test them on him :D

Barbie x

02-05-2012, 01:42 PM
I should have said I meant the difference between the philps and dick which are both lochgelly tawses .As the philps is where it all started .Now i'm gonna get grief for not stating that .
Ooops !

02-05-2012, 03:41 PM

Glad you appreciate the differences....yes the Philp is my far the nastiest belt in the collection but all of these ones we played with are definately the best...the leather availble at that time was perfect. Very dense so what looks like a failry tame thin belt can deliver an almight whack leaving the recipiant wondering what happened. I do look forward to bringing these grand masters into use afterall they can only improve with use!! and who better to demonstrate it !!

Have Fun

05-05-2012, 11:45 AM
Well as you know ,I was very taken with it and looking forward to putting it to more use :D Definitley not an implement for the faint hearted !

Barbie x


Glad you appreciate the differences....yes the Philp is my far the nastiest belt in the collection but all of these ones we played with are definately the best...the leather availble at that time was perfect. Very dense so what looks like a failry tame thin belt can deliver an almight whack leaving the recipiant wondering what happened. I do look forward to bringing these grand masters into use afterall they can only improve with use!! and who better to demonstrate it !!

Have Fun

30-05-2012, 10:01 PM

You and I are going to have a long chat. I was in Fife today being tutored under the tender mercies of you know who. At one point I was in the familiar position of being bent over the desk and she was attending to my rear with some horrible instrument of torture that she wouldn't let me see until the allotted punishment was over. What in god's name were you thinking about when you presented her with a devil's tail strap. That thing stung like hell. I then find out that you will in the future be giving her a loan of a Philps tawse. If people think a lochgelly is bad, wait until they feel the sting of a Philps. I thought you were one of us Romasz but now I am not sure. I will warn you that she has insisted I bring her a bunch of birch twigs for the flower arranging class at the little gathering in July. It should be fun.



Glad you appreciate the differences....yes the Philp is my far the nastiest belt in the collection but all of these ones we played with are definately the best...the leather availble at that time was perfect. Very dense so what looks like a failry tame thin belt can deliver an almight whack leaving the recipiant wondering what happened. I do look forward to bringing these grand masters into use afterall they can only improve with use!! and who better to demonstrate it !!

Have Fun

31-05-2012, 09:53 AM

Glad to hear you are back..The devils Tail was a gift to a lady who deserves the title "Devil" so she can leave her mark like a branding iron...glad you enjoyed....
The Philp came about when she was selling a lochgelly tawse and wanted to compare to some others and of course stupid me took along my collection which was admired
to say the least and I was obliged to test them and I agree the Philp is a weapon of ass destruction its completely different and the crack when it hits your outstreched palms
brought joy to face of the lady in question...we have a small breather as Germany has the company of the headie...



You and I are going to have a long chat. I was in Fife today being tutored under the tender mercies of you know who. At one point I was in the familiar position of being bent over the desk and she was attending to my rear with some horrible instrument of torture that she wouldn't let me see until the allotted punishment was over. What in god's name were you thinking about when you presented her with a devil's tail strap. That thing stung like hell. I then find out that you will in the future be giving her a loan of a Philps tawse. If people think a lochgelly is bad, wait until they feel the sting of a Philps. I thought you were one of us Romasz but now I am not sure. I will warn you that she has insisted I bring her a bunch of birch twigs for the flower arranging class at the little gathering in July. It should be fun.


31-05-2012, 10:44 AM
Hi Romasz

Yes she was in good form yesterday. I took her the usual bunch of twigs and you want to see the state of my rear end. I unfortunately left a little knot on one of the twigs which did a bit of damage.
The tawse she sold was one I gave her. I hated the thing. I was convinced and still am to some extent that it was not the real thing. I got it for not a lot which instantly made me suspicious. For me the texture of the leather in the tails was too spongy, in a real XH lochgelly the leather in the tails is dense which gives the sting. She could have belted you all day with that thing and you would have gone back for more.
Anyway looking forward to seeing you at the gathering.



Glad to hear you are back..The devils Tail was a gift to a lady who deserves the title "Devil" so she can leave her mark like a branding iron...glad you enjoyed....
The Philp came about when she was selling a lochgelly tawse and wanted to compare to some others and of course stupid me took along my collection which was admired
to say the least and I was obliged to test them and I agree the Philp is a weapon of ass destruction its completely different and the crack when it hits your outstreched palms
brought joy to face of the lady in question...we have a small breather as Germany has the company of the headie...


09-05-2013, 11:10 AM
I have several Philp tawses in my collection. I would not go as far as to say that they are better than the later Lochgelly models that I own, but they are very different. Usually very supple and dense, without being too thick. Tawsemaker

09-05-2013, 11:28 AM
Oh mr tawsemaker , you should pop along to my tawse challenge or just pop over to let me admire and test your collection on you ! Afterall , there's no point in having such lovely things doing nothing .

Barbied x

09-05-2013, 09:03 PM
After all , there's no point in having such lovely things doing nothing .

Barbied x The beauty of my collection is that is still gets some use. A very tempting offer though. ;)