View Full Version : Thrashed by the Headmaster (My Fantasy)

22-04-2012, 06:53 PM
I have been summoned to the headmasters office as I have been reported for truancy. The headmaster is a large man both in height and weight and in the twilight of his career. He is very strict with a humourless persona. I knock on the study door, he tells me to wait. I miss hear him and enter. He bellows back at me 'I SAID WAIT BOY'.He is obviously expecting me as I see that he is laying out his punishment implements on the desk. I get a quick glance; but his shouting makes me retreat hastily. I notice that there is a Tawse and a Cane and some thin rope. I sit down outside the study contemplating my impending punishment. I wish I'd not entered the study. Not only had I enraged the Headmaster further, but I 'd also had an insight of what was to come.

I sit outside the study in my modest uniform which consists of short grey shorts, grey ankle socks, short sleeved shirt, tie, plimsolls and cap. My smooth reasonably hairless legs trembling and teeth chattering. I had been caned for a minor offence before, but have never been on the end of a Tawse or for something so serious as truancy. I suspect the tawse won't be applied to the hands knowing that the Headmaster has such a penchant for boys bottoms.

The door swings open. The sunlight shines through the office outlining the silhouette of the headmasters enormous frame. My heart sinks and I can't feel my legs. Dressed in the traditional mortar and gown he had an intimidating presence. He grabs me by the arm ' Right boy, lesson time!! I'll warn you, i'm in the mood for this' He say's sadistically. He then hauls me into the study and locks the door behind him.

'Right boy, truancy is a very serious offence in my eyes and to put it bluntly i'm going to thrash you. Firstly with the tawse and then with the cane....There will be a brief warm up with the tawse over your shorts, but this will be brief..... Firstly hold out your hands'. I tentatively hold out my hands assuming he is going to lash them with the tawse . Instead he picks up the rope and proceeds to bind my hands together. 'Please sir' I yelp. 'QUIET BOY'. He snaps. 'I don't want to hear another word from you... In fact......' He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a rosy red apple. He tells me to open my mouth and forces it in.'mmphh' I whimper. 'You will keep the apple in your mouth throughout your punishment. If the apple should come out, you will receive an additional 10 strokes of the cane and the tawse.' He then bends me over the desk. Having purposely left two long lengths of rope hanging from my bound hands, he takes them over the back of the desk and fastens them to the desks back legs. He then fetches a cushion and lifts me up by my shorts waist band and positions the cushion under me; to prop up my already quivering bottom. The desk is quite tall and leaves me almost on my tip toes.

He picks up the Tawse and swishes it close to my backside. I twitch a little; which the headmaster seems to derive great pleasure from. I look back at him hoping that my eyes may encourage some mercy, but this is only reciprocated with a stern glare and a bulging groin. The first stroke comes in "Thwack" then the second slightly harder "THWACK" 'Right, warm up over, lets get down to business, shorts and pants down now boy.' It was the quick warm up as promised, the Headmaster wasn't one for delaying an opportunity to see a schoolboys smooth bottom. He positions himself behind me purposely pressing his erection into me. He reaches underneath my stomach and unfastens my shorts then proceeds to pull them down along with my pants. He pulls them down to my knees where he rolls them up tight enough to restrict the movement of my legs. He then lifts up the tail of my shirt and folds it back exposing the small of my back. His large rough hands then stroke my already striped bottom and the top of my thighs. 'mmmmm this will do nicely' he mutters to himself. I can hear his breathing becoming heavy through excitement. He picks the tawse up again and places its three tails against my bottom as to affirm its target area. The Tawse then retracts away and I prepare myself for the lash. It seems like an eternity and then "THWACK-CRACK" 'aaammmphh' I whimper. The tawse lands in the middle of my bottom tanning it instantly. The noise is as sharp as the pain. It was an intense pain and the difference between a covered and bare lash were significant. Again the tawse is placed on by vulnerable posterior gently caressing it, then moves away, the pause is excruciating. "THWACK-CRACK" again I whimper involuntarily. I feel the headmaster's hand stroking my bottom, positively relishing in the heat it was radiating. Suddenly "THWACK-CRACK" without preparation comes another lash. I jump up as far as my restrained hands will allow me, desperately wanting to reach back to relieve my stinging bottom. 'Hurts doesn't it boy'. I confirm this with a sulky nod. He positions the tawse. The cold leather against my skin giving some light relief momentarily. This doesn't last long and the tawse is swung back. I drop my head onto my outstretched arms almost submissively. "Thwack-crack" 'ammpphh' I whimper. My bottom now well lashed all rosy and striped. The headmaster stops briefly to admire his handy work. My heart is pounding and my face flushed to a similar colour to my bottom. 'That's six so far boy' this meant nothing as he'd not stated how many I was to receive. He then swishes the tawse behind me and I jump. With my legs still trembling uncontrollably the tawse returns to my bottom again. The Headmaster pauses then retracts "THWACK- CRACK, THWACK-CRACK, THWACK-CRACK" unfortunately for me I squirm between lashes and the tawse tails catch the top of my thighs on the third one. I scream out 'ammphhAOWWWW, please sir' the apple falls out of my mouth I watch it as it rolls off the desk and out of sight. My eyes well up as I realise that I am going to be here for a while. 'O Dear boy, and you'd only got one lash of the tawse left to go.' he grins. 'Nevermind boy, only another 11 lashes of the tawse to go.... oh and not forgetting the 20 from the cane'. "THWACK-CRACK" 'Owww,please sir' "THWACK-CRACK" 'Siiiirrrrr' I plead. 'QUIET BOY' He barks. "THWACK-CRACK". 'Aoowwwww'. I've never felt a pain so intense my bottom now stinging and so very sore. I wasn't even half way through. "THWACK-CRACK" 'Oh Please sir, i'll do anything' I beg. 'WHAT YOU'LL DO IS BE QUIET AND BE BEATEN' He bellows. "THWACK-CRACK" 'Owwww, sirrr' "THWACK-CRACK" 'Ahhhrrrr' I groan. Both scared and frustrated I squirm and twist in a vain attempt that I may get free, but I'm going nowhere. "THWACK-CRACK" 'OWWWWWW' I yelp. The tails catch my thighs again. 'Stay still boy' The headmaster presses down on my back to subdue me. 'That wouldn't have happened if you'd kept still' . "THWACK-CRACK" 'No more Sir, pleeeaase'. My plea's fall on deaf ears, they only add to his enjoyment. He gives me a moment to gather myself before again positioning the tawse across my beaten bottom. The tawse feels warm now and offers no relief. He pauses for what seems like ages before retracting into his back swing. "THWACK-CRACK" I try to whimper quietly to myself, hoping not to give him the satisfaction of hearing my cries. "THWACK-CRACK" 'AAOOWWWW' I squeal. The next one comes in harder. It seems my restrained reaction had only resulted in antagonising him. 'Last one from the tawse boy and then the real punishment starts'. "THWACK-CRACK" 'Owww, it hurts Sir'. I sob. 'Well obviously boy, then what would be the point if it didn't hurt.....Right we'll have a short break whilst I go for a Coffee'.

The Headmaster leaves me alone in the study with the door locked and still tied to the desk. There's no point in trying to escape. Even if I could get free and ran out half way through my punishment, I would only have to return for double the count of strokes. I wipe my tears on my shoulders and wait, trying to calm my quivering body. The nerves are exhausting but this is nothing compared to the sting of my thrashed bottom. I Look to my right where the cane is laid on the desk. It looks long, but medium thickness, the kind of cane that bites soft bottoms. Then I hear the door unlocking which makes me jump 'O God he's back'. I'd hoped he would be longer, but he'd brought his coffee back with him. He sits in a chair behind me. I can feel his glare fixated on my tender bottom. He is eerily silent. All I can hear is the creak of the leather chair and his heavy breath broken only by the occasional slurp of coffee. I nervously look back over my shoulder only to see him rise from the chair and my heart starts to pound. He walks over to me and places his half drunk coffee on the desk and strokes my bottom. 'You've reddened nicely now lets see if we can add some welts to you boy'. He picks up the cane and swishes it behind me several times, my heart skips a beat with each one. He lays the cane across my bottom in preparation for the first stroke. It feels cold against my hot skin. He swings the cane back, then cruelly pauses "Swish-CRACK" 'AAAOOWWWWW' I yelp. The cane lashes against my tender backside. 'Sir, Please Sir, no more' I beg. He doesn't acknowledge me and lines up for another. "Swish-CRACK", "Swish-CRACK" two more strokes rain in. It leaves me breathless and The headmaster in ecstasy. "Swish-CRACK". 'OWWWWW, Sir I can't take any more please let me go' I plead. "It's not a case of whether or not you can take anymore, you will take some more, your punishment will be seen through to the end and will be delivered without leniency" At which point the cane returns to my bottom. he strokes it up and down moving over the now prominently raised welts fueling his his urge to beat me. He gets excited then "Swish-CRACK" "Swish-CRACK" "Swish-CRACK" "Swish-CRACK". 'AAAAAAOOOOWWWWW' I scream. 'QUIET BOY' He yells.

He allows me to recover briefly and takes a sip of his now luke warm coffee. Realising that he was getting a little to excited, he makes a concious effort to slow down the pace. 'So boy, do you think you'll be skipping school again anytime soon?' he asks. 'NN-No Sir' I Stutter. 'Well I'll make sure these last 12 strokes reaffirm that boy' he says. I gulp and he picks up the cane. He places the cane on my bottom lining it up between two of the freshly made welts then draws back slowly. He reaches the top of his swing then "RING RING" The phone goes. It startles me and I jump. 'WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT?' He snaps.'I'd asked not to be disturbed' He adds. 'What?' He answers the phone. 'It can wait, i have more pressing matters to attend to.' he converses whilst stroking my bottom and legs with the cane. 'I don't want to be disturbed again and if this phone rings again i'll be adding more strokes to this boys punishment.' He then slams the phone. 'Sir?' I question the last comment. 'Quiet boy'. He lines up and swings back the cane "Swish-CRACK" 'Owwww' I moan. "Swish-CRACK" 'OW,Owww' With my bottom so sore now; I know the last 10 will be agony. 'Please Sir, I promise I'll behave, please.' I plead. He ignores me again and mercilessly continues with my punishment. "Swish-CRACK", "Swish-CRACK" 'OWWW Siiirrrr" I whine. '8 Left boy we will have silence for these' He orders.Without Hesitation he delivers another"Swish-CRACK" I bury my head into my arms trying to remain silent but a small whimper escapes from me. "Swish-CRACK" 'arrrmmmpphh' I whimper quietly again with my head still buried in my arms. 'I heard that boy.' He comments. 'S-Sorry Sir' I Reply. 'SILENCE BOY. I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO SPEAK.' He bellows. His raised voice sends shivers done my spine and makes me even more panicky and nervous. I feel the cane touch my calves then slowly run up the back of my legs past my thighs up to my bottom then moves away "Swish-CRACK" 'Owww' I whine "Swish" 'Huhhh' I take in a breath, then "Swish-CRACK" Another one comes in taking me by suprise. "Swish-CRACK" I squirm and wreath arching my back in agony. 'STAY STILL BOY, I WON'T TELL YOU AGAIN' He Orders "Swish-CRACK" he then purposly and cruelly lands one across my thighs to teach me a further lesson. 'AAAOOWWWWW' I yelp. he then realigns on my bottom.'Two Left Boy' He affirms. He moves the cane over the welts on my bottom continuing to draw out the process. I've had enough now, I so desperately want to leave. My hind is hot and stinging and I'm terrified that the phone may ring again, further extending my punishment. "Swish-CRACK" Owwww' I moan. There is no place on my bottom now that the cane hasn't contacted with. 'Last one boy' he huff's despondently. I can sense him willing the phone to ring. He continues to take his time. 'Please sir, I want to go home' I beg him for the last stroke. 'I WILL NOT BE RUSHED, NOT ANOTHER WORD' He shouts."Swish-CRACK","Swish-CRACK","Swish-CRACK" 'AAAOOWWWWW' I yelp. 'Thats an extra two for your insolence' He explains. He unties my wrists. 'Don't get up boy, you will remain in position, until I leave the room' He orders. He walks around the desk, I keep my head down not wanting to make eye contact, he casually gathers together some papers and other items then leaves the study without saying a word. The door clicks shut and I reach back with my trembling hands to feel my bottom, it is so hot and I can feel the contours of the welts. I stand up and unravel my pants and shorts and gingerly pull them up over my tender bottom. It was the thrashing the headmaster had promised and to say I was glad it was over was an understatement.

01-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Owww...but somehow wish it had been me over the desk!