View Full Version : Caught Stealing apples what would your punishment be to these lads...

10-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Caught Stealing Apples..fruit that is...

Seeing the ripening fruit on the apple trees in the garden reminded me of a painful experience when at school primary 7.

My friend John and I aged 11 decided to raid Miss Murray's orchard as she had some great apples, plums etc.
A plan was hatched that on the way home from school we would climb over the fence at the rear of her garden to avoid being seen
from the house. We collected as much apples as we could carry and made to make our get away, but unknown to us we had been seen by the owner
who made a weak attempt to catch us but anyway we made our getaway through a hole in the fence...thinking we had got away with it....one thing
we had forgotten was we were wearing our school uniforms....dam...

We though no more of it that night and the stolen fruit was tasty!!
Next day Friday I can remember as it was maths first thing...ah!!
At assembly the head teacher Miss Miller had mentioned the recent increase in thefts from local orchards and vowed that if anyone from
this school was found to be involved they would be dealt with most severely...did not like the sound of that...

During maths the headmistress open the door made her appologies's, accompanying her was Miss Murray!, the purpose being to see if
she could identify anyone in the class who had been in her orchard the previous evening.

No surprise here she very quickly identified both myself and John to Miss Miller the headmistress
she was furious and demanded to know if this was true...well we had no option but to confess to our crimes.

Right you two to my office now!!

10-02-2012, 03:21 PM
Had a very similar experience to the one you had Romasz. I lived in a small village next to Prestwick Airport. On one street there were some nice bungalows that had some good apple and plum trees in their gardens. I was still at the local primary school, probably my last year and my pal and I decided to do a raid on the plum trees. We didn't know it at the time but we were seen by the owner and he knew who we were. A relation of the owner taught in the school and to our great surprise our names were called out at morning assembly requesting us to report to the headmaster. In the headmasters office we were given the option of having the matter reported to our parents or accepting his punishment. Five minutes later two unhappy pupils left his office with stinging hands from his strap. It didn't stop us carrying out the odd future raid on the fruit trees. The fruit always tasted better when it was nicked.


11-02-2013, 01:27 PM
Made me think back to childhood when me and my sister got caught throwing mud at schoolkids in the school next to our house. The headteacher, very angry, came round to see our Mum who gave us the choice of being dealt with by Dad or the Headmistress. We chose the Headmistress because we thought we'd only get a good telling off and Dad would most certainly give us a spanking.
Well, weren't we in for a surprise as we stood before her in our school uniforms, after a lecture on discipline she went to the desk of her drawer and pulled out what looked at the time like an enormous gymshoe or plimsoll.
I'd had the slipper at school before so wasn't quite as shocked as my sister who always seemed to get away with her actions, well not this time. She told my sister, first while I looked on, to bend over a stool placed in the middle of her office, which after much argument, she did. Right young lady, you'll feel the consequence of your actions now as she lifted up her school skirt to reveal her navy blue knickers.
After a short interval of more lecturing she whacked my sisters bottom really hard with the plimsoll making her jump up. This really isn't good enough shouted the headmistress and made her bend back over the school, but this time went round the other side so as to stand astride of my sister so that she couldn't wriggle so much, pulled her skirt back up and also yanked her knickers up tight exposing her bare bottom. She then whacked each side of her bottom three more times, my sister really was screamimg by this point and was then allowed to get up, which she did rapidly rubbing her sore bottom.
Then it was my turn, same stool, I thought I was lucky wearing shorts until she told me to drop them, I protested because I wasn't wearing any underpants, but that didn't bother her, she made me bend over that stool with my bare bottom sticking up.
Again, after a short interval she brought down the plimsoll on my bare bottom, boy did it sting but I stayed down because I didn't want to make her even more cross like my sister had done.
Then another, right across both cheeks, then four more, I really was wailing at this point, she let me get up, pull my shorts back up, made us both stand there while she shouted some more, the sent us back home.