View Full Version : Ladies. Fantasise about expert spanking by tall, good looking, educated competent M?

21-09-2007, 04:12 PM
Then Read on David, 41, tall, dark, good looking, hospital doctor/university professor. Good physical shape. Safe, sane, discreet, patient and very, very experienced in traditional spanking and discipline. I have been into this for many years and have done most things - from long term friendships with regular meetings, one-offs. parties, spanking stories, spanking videos/photoshoots, play both sides of the Atlantic and the introduction of many a nervous novice (references provided - all have returned). |Despite being a disciplinarian, I am patient, safe, sane, discreet and would never put pressure on anyone to meet if they werent ready. Happy to chat for as long as it takes to establish trust and respectful of the fact that many may not wish to meet at all in the end - its a big step. Also happy to supply photos and phone number (though not on this site as I do media work and need to be a little careful). Once I have befriended someone on the scene I would never just "spank and run" and have a number of long-standing friends on the scene. Perhaps because of my various roles at work - teaching, writing, lecturing, media etc etc I am good at role play and love to tailor the sessions/stories to the fantasies of the lady. So "what could the drawback be?" I hear you ask. Well firstly you might think this message makes me sound arrogant and full of myself. I respect that but a degree of self-assurance is vital in a dominant man. I am in fact a gentlemanly and courteous spanker "its for your own good, young lady...more in sorrow than in anger etc" and would never raise my voice to a woman and am actually very respectful to women. (As in treating them as equals rather than put-on public school exaggerated courtesy). The drawback is this. I am married (happily to a woman who turns a blind eye to my interest but whom I would never want to leave) and am therefore not emotionally or sexually available, however much I love my spanking friendships and find my meetings exciting. Much better to be 100% upfront then you can take it or leave it Over to you ladies.... My email is dvdhzll@yahoo.co.uk