View Full Version : Moderators on the forums

08-02-2012, 01:08 PM
Now we all know Algonania has a bit of a task on his hands here .
He is trying his hardest to make a nice community for likeminded people but can't be here 24/7/365.

So how do people feel about moderators to give him a hand ?
How would he choose moderators to act on his behalf ?

As so many don't join in but lurk about in the shadows or pop in now & again what should be the criteria to be a moderator ?

To have people as moderators would possibly benefit those who donot join in as it would make them feel more comfortable doing so .

Any suggestions for this are more than welcome from all who frequent the forums .So please speak up people .

I personally think moderators are a good idea .

Barbie x

08-02-2012, 06:07 PM
I'm not in favour. It will just be another excuse for the usual busy bodies to be poking their noses into other people's business. There's more than enough of that goes on already.

08-02-2012, 10:58 PM
What a surprise! Maggie May is against the idea! No doubt old Evenolder will be too! I, on the other hand, think it a capital idea, well said Barbie!

09-02-2012, 09:43 AM
Some thought provoking stuff, and, yes it is getting to be quite a headache. Moderators can operate in several ways and don't need to be set up to approve every post but can be there to intervene when rules are flouted. I've always been against the idea but, with recent goings on it's looking more attractive.

As always the difficulty; were one to go down that route would be how to choose such a person.

red hand
09-02-2012, 04:11 PM
It looks like Barbie is on trying to take Evenolder's new shiney sherriff badge from him. Oops, too late it's away. Thats the quickest promotion to demotion I have ever seen. Still you could be her deputy Evenolder and law and order will never be the same in Fife again. I can see it now............. Listen Evenolder, me and you are gonna clean up this town ok. No problem Barbie but what if that cotton pickin varmin Dusty Bluebell comes riding into town shooting up the townsfolk and worrying the Sheep? Hell Evenerp dont you go thinking about him. I have sent him down to Ayr where the clean air might help his mind find that saloon or salon he has been bleating on about. Hell Evenjesse, I think we have seen the last of that critter around these parts. Lets hope CalamityMay meets him and teaches him how to drink like a real man. But Barbielill, what if that nasty Westy turns up with that huge steed between his legs. He's the most hated outlaw this side of Spankcity ever since the Governor AlgyEastwood sent BillytheCov to jail. I have heard he dont take no priznirz even though he is mighty handsome. Do you honestly think the Great and the good Westy would turn up in a one horse shithole town like Fife? Now get on that fuckin tractor and dig me some turnips deputy or you are going to feel the crack of my whip.
moderator required? sounds like an ideal time to bring in "The Milky Bar Kid"

09-02-2012, 04:19 PM
He has finaly flipped, too late now for medical help. Trip to the vet to put him out of his misery is the only solution.


It looks like Barbie is on trying to take Evenolder's new shiney sherriff badge from him. Oops, too late it's away. Thats the quickest promotion to demotion I have ever seen. Still you could be her deputy Evenolder and law and order will never be the same in Fife again. I can see it now............. Listen Evenolder, me and you are gonna clean up this town ok. No problem Barbie but what if that cotton pickin varmin Dusty Bluebell comes riding into town shooting up the townsfolk and worrying the Sheep? Hell Evenerp dont you go thinking about him. I have sent him down to Ayr where the clean air might help his mind find that saloon or salon he has been bleating on about. Hell Evenjesse, I think we have seen the last of that critter around these parts. Lets hope CalamityMay meets him and teaches him how to drink like a real man. But Barbielill, what if that nasty Westy turns up with that huge steed between his legs. He's the most hated outlaw this side of Spankcity ever since the Governor AlgyEastwood sent BillytheCov to jail. I have heard he dont take no priznirz even though he is mighty handsome. Do you honestly think the Great and the good Westy would turn up in a one horse shithole town like Fife? Now get on that fuckin tractor and dig me some turnips deputy or you are going to feel the crack of my whip.