View Full Version : I'm contemplating a wee spanking holiday BUT where should I go ???

24-01-2012, 12:03 PM
I've been considering a weekend break away somewhere for a nice spanking holiday the last weekend of February BUT where is the best place for me to visit in the UK with reasonably priced flghts from Scotland ?

I was thinking of finding a private weekend let Friday 24th(my birthday) to Sunday 26th so as some of you lovely people could come and visit who cannot manage upto Scotland .
* See how nice I am*

So, let me know where to visit if you would enjoy coming to see me on my wee spanking holiday , my rate will be the same as up here .
The place with the most responses may very well have my company for a weekend :D

24-01-2012, 04:54 PM
I should try Nether Wallop.

24-01-2012, 07:38 PM
How about I start at Andover , go to middle wallop followed by nether wallop and over wallop and then back to andover :p

I should try Nether Wallop.

24-01-2012, 07:59 PM
If its in the southern area I would very much like but quite possible not enjoy meeting you

24-01-2012, 08:24 PM
I am afraid to have to tell you that you have missed out on a cheap flight ! My map selling contact Alex has been down South on a brief sojourn but flies back today

30-01-2012, 11:54 AM
Oh evenolder - I think I could tickle you pink or atleast make your bum pink to a bright rosey red.
Seems no-one's coming forward to offer me anywhere to visit worth while anywhere in the UK,apart from the Scottish boys seem to want me to stay up here .
So do I now stay in Scotland that weekend or do I head to Northern Ireland ,Belfast might be lovely ,I used to live there and haven't been back for a while ,Wales or England ?

Atleast I do have a wee trip planned on the 29th Feb to Newcastle for one night only !

If its in the southern area I would very much like but quite possible not enjoy meeting you

30-01-2012, 12:58 PM
I have a suggestion. Why don't you, Bluebell73 and Evenolder follow the example of the disabled servicemen who've just rowed across the Atlantic? I know it's been done already, but at least it would give the rest of us a month's peace from the absolute rubbish that passes for witty banter between the three of you.

30-01-2012, 01:13 PM
Now now Maggie, don't be nasty. The forum has been at peace for a few days. Lets not stir things up. We may talk a lot of rubbish at times but at least we leave the serious posters alone to get on with their business. If you feel you can contribute something sensible to the conversation then please join in. Another way to look at it is that you are not compelled to read them. I don't read everything that is posted on the forum. Oh and by the way, I used to row when I was at University a long time ago, great sport.


I have a suggestion. Why don't you, Bluebell73 and Evenolder follow the example of the disabled servicemen who've just rowed across the Atlantic? I know it's been done already, but at least it would give the rest of us a month's peace from the absolute rubbish that passes for witty banter between the three of you.

30-01-2012, 01:23 PM
The forum has been at peace because there's nobody left on it! All the serious posters have upped and gone- wherever they are getting on with their business, it isn't on here. I'm sure that I'm not alone in saying that your "banter" is a complete turn off.

30-01-2012, 02:12 PM
Well Maggie, since you find our banter a complete turnoff, what would you like to talk about. The weather perhaps? Ayrshire? I come from there so I know a bit about it. Come on put your money where your mouth is and give us a topic you would like to talk about and we will try to join in. So far you have had 8 posts and if you think our posts are a turn off yours as yet haven't even turned on.


The forum has been at peace because there's nobody left on it! All the serious posters have upped and gone- wherever they are getting on with their business, it isn't on here. I'm sure that I'm not alone in saying that your "banter" is a complete turn off.

30-01-2012, 03:53 PM
Maggiemay - I sniff an upstart , you post about people having a go at other members and moan about what others do say ,then heavens above you start ranting on yourself when you popin once on a bluemoon . I think your backside needs a thrashing and you're attention seeking !
Shortly you'll have a full inbox from guys offering to put you over their knee , whey hey - you win !

Now back to my wee holiday - Scotland is winning here people unless you speak up .

I have a suggestion. Why don't you, Bluebell73 and Evenolder follow the example of the disabled servicemen who've just rowed across the Atlantic? I know it's been done already, but at least it would give the rest of us a month's peace from the absolute rubbish that passes for witty banter between the three of you.

30-01-2012, 04:58 PM
OMG. Just listen to her - an upstart indeed. Let's face it, Barbedwire, you should know all about upstarts - when your starting point is Fife, the only way is up.

About your holiday - you asked for suggested destinations- I don't recall anybody suggesting Scotland, so don't see how you come to the conclusion that Scotland is winning.

30-01-2012, 06:10 PM
Well little girl , it looks like i'm right about you being an upstart .
You join in November go on to say all the serious ones have up and left, every post you've made has been a poke at what others say .Are you sure you aren't someone else using a different name, location and age?

Fife is a fine place to live and visit if you know were to go.
As for my hoiday destination little girl , do you not know people can make suggestions without posting in the forums hmmmm Scotland is winning so far in areas requested!

We just love the little bratty types on here ,keep up the good work maggiemay .You can also start your own topics to see what people have to say,it's not exactly rocket science :rolleyes:

OMG. Just listen to her - an upstart indeed. Let's face it, Barbedwire, you should know all about upstarts - when your starting point is Fife, the only way is up.

About your holiday - you asked for suggested destinations- I don't recall anybody suggesting Scotland, so don't see how you come to the conclusion that Scotland is winning.

30-01-2012, 06:43 PM
I think that you've been sniffing too much of something else, Barbedwire. I don't know who you think I am, but I'm certainly nothing other than what I claim to be. I'm a 23 year old Ph.D student at Glasgow University; home in Ayr although I live in Glasgow during the week; name is not Maggiemay, but then presumably yours isn't Barbedwire. As for your suggestion that people have pleaded with you to stay in Scotland, pull the other one, it plays a tune. Is that bratty enough for you? Upstart indeed - I'd go easy on the wacky-backy if I were you. It's giving you delusions of grandeur.

30-01-2012, 07:15 PM
Hi maggiemay, I have no real wish to be disrespectful to you but the phrase children should be seen and not heard seems to leap to the forefront of my considerably less educated mind !. On re-reading your postings I have come to the conclusion that either you used to post here under other name or that you are an educated idiot, I favour the latter as the other protagonist was at least very able at passing the odd humorous remark where as you just wish to disrespect every one

30-01-2012, 07:22 PM
OK Maggie I tried to head you off at the pass but I had a feeling that you were not listening. You are nothing else than a silly wee lassie looking for attention and you have decided to use our posts to get that attention. What you have just said about Barbie is out of order and based on complete ignorance. I know Barbie and thank god I don't know you because you are just an ignorant little person that probably no-one bothers about. Now can I suggest that you butt out and leave us alone to post our banter that a lot of forum members seem to look at.


I think that you've been sniffing too much of something else, Barbedwire. I don't know who you think I am, but I'm certainly nothing other than what I claim to be. I'm a 23 year old Ph.D student at Glasgow University; home in Ayr although I live in Glasgow during the week; name is not Maggiemay, but then presumably yours isn't Barbedwire. As for your suggestion that people have pleaded with you to stay in Scotland, pull the other one, it plays a tune. Is that bratty enough for you? Upstart indeed - I'd go easy on the wacky-backy if I were you. It's giving you delusions of grandeur.

30-01-2012, 07:34 PM
Well, evenolder, I suppose it's better to be an educated idiot rather than just an idiot. They do say that as you reach old age you start to think and behave as children again - you would seem to confirm that. As for your claim Bluebell, that a lot of forum members look at your "banter", on what do you base that? Barbedwire asks questions and nobody replies; she asks for suggestions and ignores them; she even comments that nobody is interested- see the post about Rugby. Yes. I'm quite happy to leave the three of you to your senile ramblings.

30-01-2012, 07:45 PM
I am sure Barbedwire that there are many in the South who would be very keen to meet you but they are either (a) shy about posting or (b) not able to meet the required standard of absolute rubbishy witty banter;):o or (c) have not yet discovered how to get past the censor who you will note if you peruse the locations of the postings tends to favour those from what us southerns like to call north of the borders:o I have of course been greatly assisted by my itinerant map selling contact Alex who also has connections to the spanking now please community :eek: :eek:

30-01-2012, 07:47 PM
Bye Bye of to bed now

30-01-2012, 07:48 PM
I am beginning to smell a rat here. Is this a wolf in sheep's clothing. Come on Maggie who is working your lever. It wouldn't be someone who resides near Coventry would it. This has all the hallmarks of what has gone on before. I think we should just ignore this idiot. Maggiemay is a figment of the imagination. Whoever this is lacks the intelligence to come from Ayrshire. Come on Maggie pull the other one it has bells on it.


Well, evenolder, I suppose it's better to be an educated idiot rather than just an idiot. They do say that as you reach old age you start to think and behave as children again - you would seem to confirm that. As for your claim Bluebell, that a lot of forum members look at your "banter", on what do you base that? Barbedwire asks questions and nobody replies; she asks for suggestions and ignores them; she even comments that nobody is interested- see the post about Rugby. Yes. I'm quite happy to leave the three of you to your senile ramblings.

30-01-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi again Maggiemay, do try and not be upset by anything derogatory Bluebell says he is after all nursing a sore arse

30-01-2012, 08:01 PM
Hi again Maggiemay Now talking about a sore arse, I do not suppose you still have and can still fit into your school uniform

30-01-2012, 08:05 PM
I rest my case! Your last post displays all the classic signs of senile dementia - you smell a rat but claim that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing;you claim that I'm a figment of the imagination but that you should ignore me; you accuse me of being under the control of someone who resides near Coventry( you've lost me completely on that one I'm afraid); you cast doubts on my intelligence, and based on that, claim that I cannot come from Ayrshire. What sort of world do you live in? It's quite amazing that you and evenolder have managed to find each other- surely a marriage made in heaven.

30-01-2012, 08:19 PM
Hi again Maggiemay are you sure you are not covespank? you did manage to get a little humour into your last post?? now back to my question about your school uniform:D

30-01-2012, 08:29 PM
Humour? I do apologise - it wasn't intentional. It was meant to be pity and despair. About your question - have you got a thing about young girls in school uniform, then? Do you like to see them bending over in their short skirts, showing off their little white panties? That's alright, evenolder. I've got a thing about old men in dirty macs. Perhaps we should get together?xx

30-01-2012, 08:45 PM
She or he I doth declare hath lost the plot. Look dearie or whatever you are just go away and leave us alone. You know I think away back there used to be a paddle steamer called the Maggiemay. It looks like it is still sailing, lost in a fog.

BB73 :D

Humour? I do apologise - it wasn't intentional. It was meant to be pity and despair. About your question - have you got a thing about young girls in school uniform, then? Do you like to see them bending over in their short skirts, showing off their little white panties? That's alright, evenolder. I've got a thing about old men in dirty macs. Perhaps we should get together?xx

30-01-2012, 08:48 PM
Hi again Maggiemay all this school girl talk has got my tongue hanging out ahh thats not my tongue is it :D;) Now you are beginning to get a feel for what passes for humour on this site . I would suggest you take a look back at my earlier postings every one including you gave me a bit of stick!!
So stay with it it has to be better than watching the crap on tv

30-01-2012, 08:57 PM
That's much better, evenolder. You can put your tongue away for the moment, though ( and anything else that you've got hanging out!). I think that Bluebell73 is getting a little bit jealous though. I hope that he's not going to be a gooseberry. Surely he's heard the expression "Two's company, three's a crowd". Now, where were we? I've just been reading that you've got a thing about being spanked by nuns. I've got a very skimpy nun's outfit that I wear sometimes( did I tell you I sometimes do kissagrams?) Perhaps I could wear it when we meet- then I'll take your trousers and pants down and give your bottom a good hard spanking. That's what you'd like isn't it?xxx

30-01-2012, 08:59 PM
I am appealing to all the members who bother to read these posts, has any one got a dirty old mac they longer need??

30-01-2012, 09:08 PM
Maggiemay you appear to be softening a little! but all this talk of dressing up like a nun is having the opposite affect on me:):p:p:p.
Bluebell is fine but just a little defensive of Barbedwire, how do you think he got that sore arse??

30-01-2012, 09:24 PM
Put your tongue away, you naughty boy. You'll be drooling next. Let's see if you think that I'm softening when I'm spanking your bare bottom. Bluebell may think that he got a sore bottom ( yes, it's bottom, my lad, not "arse" - so vulgar - I'll have to punish you for that as well). When I'm done with you, young man, you'll know what a sore bottom really is.xxx

30-01-2012, 09:25 PM
OK then Maggie, see how you can get involved in a bit of banter. Now here comes the challenge. you purport to come from Ayr. There used to be a pub in Ayr called the 'One Hundred and One' You tell me why it was called the 'One Hundred and One', tell me where it is or used to be and I will agree to meet you and buy you a gin and tonic or whatever your fancy is. I will also bring my lochgelly belt and you can give me six of the best with it. This all depends on you being who you say you are.


30-01-2012, 09:32 PM
Sorry Maggie, my glass of vino blanco is beginning to dull the mind. The pub was called the 'One Hundred and Ten', You can up the six to twelve for stupidity.


30-01-2012, 10:00 PM
Maggiemay I am really beginning to warm to you "young man":confused::o I wish I do not think you read my profile fully!!, I would hope you are also short sighted .
See I told you now Bluebell is beginning to warm to you as well :rolleyes: I would google the pub and it would not matter anyway if he thinks you are going to belt him he will accept any answer

30-01-2012, 10:41 PM
Now Evenolder. I am very careful about who belts me and she must conform to certain standards i.e. she must be a female and look like one. Barbie fits the bill completely. As regards Maggiemay, I have my doubts. The postings by Maggiemay on here are not of a young lady somewhere in the region of 23 anos. It is my suspicion that our Maggiemay has three things that Barbie doesn't have. Two of them if he is lucky are similar the third, well need I say more. Come on Cove own up.


Maggiemay I am really beginning to warm to you "young man":confused::o I wish I do not think you read my profile fully!!, I would hope you are also short sighted .
See I told you now Bluebell is beginning to warm to you as well :rolleyes: I would google the pub and it would not matter anyway if he thinks you are going to belt him he will accept any answer

30-01-2012, 10:57 PM
Hi again Bluebell, well I did allude to this point in an earlier post

30-01-2012, 11:00 PM
By the way I googled the one hundred and ten and all it gave me was a restaurant in Glasgow

31-01-2012, 12:25 AM
Sorry Evenolder, not even close. If a person comes from Ayr they will know the answer. If they come from Coventry, it will be a bit harder.


By the way I googled the one hundred and ten and all it gave me was a restaurant in Glasgow

31-01-2012, 07:19 AM
Hi once again Bluebell, Well maggiemay seems to be a bit slow coming up with a answer!!! so not a lot of local knowledge then!! But good to see some one else posting who ever he/she may be! read posting 31 again very much in the style of covespank, must be very annoying not finding any spelling mistakes :):(:p ..Gripe/Bleat/Whine/Moan but still purporting to be from Scotland:mad: Come on you English you can type with one hand:rolleyes::D;)

31-01-2012, 04:12 PM
I wasn't aware that I was doing a test under timed conditions. I do have a life - I eat, I sleep, I study, I go out, I enjoy myself. You ought to try it, it might make you a more interesting person. As for the pub The One Hundred and Ten used to be on New Road, near the harbour. It's the road that runs from Ayr to Prestwick. It closed under that name and then re-opened as The Auld Hoose, which closed some three or four years ago. It has been empty since then. I looked at it this morning. I don't know the derivation of the name - neither do my parents, my aunts, an uncle, my grandparents, and even a local tour guide( Donald Kay). I would refute your claim that anyone from Ayr would know the answer. I'll tell you what - you provide us with proof to back your claim. At a guess, I would suggest it might have something to do with a group of local Covenanters who were either captured or died in a local battle. I think that there were about that number of them.
I'll pass on the drink, thank you. I never touch gin- can't stand the stuff. I've also seen the problems that have ensued with your relationships with other young girls and don't really wish to go down that road. If thinking that I don't come from Ayr makes you happy, then please go ahead.

31-01-2012, 04:51 PM
Well Cove you got the first part right but as it is all on google I am not surprised. I can understand your relations not knowing the answer to the second part since they probably live hundreds of miles away. The pub was extremely well known in Ayr and so was the reason for it being called what it was. I should know I lived in Prestwick. As usual I am quickly becoming bored with your stupid interference. The forum was getting along fine without you and it would probably suit us all fine if you just faded quietly back to nowhere. If Evenolder is interested in the second part of the answer he can pm me.


I wasn't aware that I was doing a test under timed conditions. I do have a life - I eat, I sleep, I study, I go out, I enjoy myself. You ought to try it, it might make you a more interesting person. As for the pub The One Hundred and Ten used to be on New Road, near the harbour. It's the road that runs from Ayr to Prestwick. It closed under that name and then re-opened as The Auld Hoose, which closed some three or four years ago. It has been empty since then. I looked at it this morning. I don't know the derivation of the name - neither do my parents, my aunts, an uncle, my grandparents, and even a local tour guide( Donald Kay). I would refute your claim that anyone from Ayr would know the answer. I'll tell you what - you provide us with proof to back your claim. At a guess, I would suggest it might have something to do with a group of local Covenanters who were either captured or died in a local battle. I think that there were about that number of them.
I'll pass on the drink, thank you. I never touch gin- can't stand the stuff. I've also seen the problems that have ensued with your relationships with other young girls and don't really wish to go down that road. If thinking that I don't come from Ayr makes you happy, then please go ahead.

31-01-2012, 05:06 PM
It's obviously not all on Google. Evenolder told us that he'd Googled it and all he came up with was a restaurant in Glasgow! As I said, I don't care what you think. The pub was so well-known, that not even Sheena in the Local History Dept of the Library knew the orgin of the name. You live in a complete fantasy world - you're obviously feeling persecuted by this Cove- perhaps you should seek help. You can write what you like now - I don't intend to reply any further.

31-01-2012, 05:23 PM
I googled it this morning and found most of the answer. The second part of the answer was on the old sign that hung outside the pub for years. For fifty or sixty years it was frequented by workers from a certain local establishment. It's old name dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. If your librarian was local then she didn't look very far. The fact that you don't intend to reply - Fantastic:D


It's obviously not all on Google. Evenolder told us that he'd Googled it and all he came up with was a restaurant in Glasgow! As I said, I don't care what you think. The pub was so well-known, that not even Sheena in the Local History Dept of the Library knew the orgin of the name. You live in a complete fantasy world - you're obviously feeling persecuted by this Cove- perhaps you should seek help. You can write what you like now - I don't intend to reply any further.

31-01-2012, 05:40 PM
What a teller of tall stories you are, Bluebell. I've just looked on Google - nothing at all. The librarian did an extensive search and even got the receptionists to ask customers if they knew the origin of the name. Nobody did - in fact nobody had even heard of the pub. You provide us all with the link to this fictitious site on Google. I'm sure that everybody can't wait to learn more.

31-01-2012, 06:10 PM
For the benifit of other members, google '110 pub' Its all there. Do you really expect us to believe that a librarian did an extensive search on your behalf. Pull the other one Cove. Everyone on this forum can see through your not very well executed disguise. Your problem is the way you write thing on the computer. As I have said before the words you write are not the words of a 23 year old. Believe me it is so obvious.


What a teller of tall stories you are, Bluebell. I've just looked on Google - nothing at all. The librarian did an extensive search and even got the receptionists to ask customers if they knew the origin of the name. Nobody did - in fact nobody had even heard of the pub. You provide us all with the link to this fictitious site on Google. I'm sure that everybody can't wait to learn more.

31-01-2012, 07:55 PM
I don't know what version of Google you are using Bluebell, but I've just done as you've instructed and nothing. There's a 110 bar in New Street, but that exists now. It doesn't give any information whatsoever about the 110 pub that became The Auld Hoose. I'm not pulling anything- are you sure that you're the one not pulling everyone's legs? After all, it's very strange that having asked at least 30 people today myself ( and the librarians asked more) nobody knew anything about the 110 pub. You assured us that anybody from Ayr would know. Seems that you're wrong- again. I'd love you to tell me what the words of a 23 year old are like. Are you surprised that a 23 year old is able to hold her own in an argument with you. Or are you just peeved that you've been rejected by another young girl. History has a funny way of repeating itself doesn't it. I think that you should go easy on the vino blanco tonight - after all, you couldn't even get the numbers in the right order last night. As I said earlier, you believe what you want, if it makes you happy.

31-01-2012, 08:25 PM
You know Cov, when you dig the hole deep enough you should throw away the spade. Dont tell me that when you found the post code you didn't have a look at google earth and go and have a street view of it, it is not rocket science. I was born in Ayrshire, My secondary school was Prestwick High now academy. I worked in Ayr for years, I know the place backwards. I used to meet my Grandfather in the 110 two or three times a week. I bet you wouldn't even know what industrial building was at one time on the other side of the street. Perhaps your friendly librarian would find that out for you. However I know you are just dying to find out why the pub was called the 110. I am bored with this now and I am going to tell you. Have a look along the road in the Prestwick direction and you will see a railway bridge. To the East of the railway bridge are engine sheds. These were Ayr engine sheds and at one time belonged to the Glasgow and South Western Railway. There was a well known GSWR locomotive that ran on the Ayr - Glasgow run that was shedded at Ayr. You have got it now the engine number was 110. The 110 Bar was a favourite haunt of Ayr loco drivers and firemen for years and that is how it got it's name. It used to have a sign hanging from the door with a picture of the loco on it. To say that no-one in Ayr knows why it was called the 110 is talking a load of rubbish. Now if anyone other than Cov thinks I made that up please let me know and I will tell them the name of the book that will be in the AYR library which will furnish the information. Now let it rest.


I don't know what version of Google you are using Bluebell, but I've just done as you've instructed and nothing. There's a 110 bar in New Street, but that exists now. It doesn't give any information whatsoever about the 110 pub that became The Auld Hoose. I'm not pulling anything- are you sure that you're the one not pulling everyone's legs? After all, it's very strange that having asked at least 30 people today myself ( and the librarians asked more) nobody knew anything about the 110 pub. You assured us that anybody from Ayr would know. Seems that you're wrong- again. I'd love you to tell me what the words of a 23 year old are like. Are you surprised that a 23 year old is able to hold her own in an argument with you. Or are you just peeved that you've been rejected by another young girl. History has a funny way of repeating itself doesn't it. I think that you should go easy on the vino blanco tonight - after all, you couldn't even get the numbers in the right order last night. As I said earlier, you believe what you want, if it makes you happy.

31-01-2012, 08:47 PM
The only hole that I should like to be digging is a BB73 sized hole. What did I find the postcode of? The old 110 pub was surely pre-postcode- a bit like you in that respect. If I'm having a look along the road in the Prestwick direction are you conceding that I'm in Ayr to be able to do that? I didn't say that nobody in Ayr knew the background to the name of the pub; I said that the people that I asked today didn't, and that includes a librarian in the local history department and a gentleman that does tours of historical Ayr. On a serious note, I should like the title of the book and the name of the author. I notice that I've now become Cov - is that in addition to being Cove or instead of?xx

01-02-2012, 12:17 AM
Hi Maggiemay and Bluebell, well I never ! I step out of the room to adjust my dress(now I do not mean I am wearing a dress, not that I have anything against cross dressers):). The problem is Maggiemay that there was a chap on this site(who is now banned) who was prone to abusing any one who dared to post about anything, he tended to jump into conversations and deride people who where just exchanging a bit of harmless banter, he would pour derision on their spelling and their use of language, , poor composition,full stops in the wrong place, incorrect use of the comma, their to him witless humour and trivial conversation, but worse if you dared to reply and tell him to bog off he would then deride the town /area you lived ,your social class and repeatedly inform you how much better educated he was than you. You are an intelligent young lady Maggie so I would presume you can see where this is going, your composition
of postings is similar to a chap who used the name covespank (he came from Coventry) . Now I think its quite possible that some of us (note I used the plural)
have been putting two and two together and getting getting getting a bigger number:D Personally I think its nice to see some one else posting so how about we have a go at not falling out:rolleyes:

01-02-2012, 07:16 AM
Hi once again Maggiemay, I have to confess I am disappointed I log in this morning (wedsday) and find you can not be bothered to answer my last night (tuesday)
posting,Well really,!! And there was me thinking you were hanging on my every word and instead I find you waste your time eating,sleeping,studying, and even going out!!! and enjoying yourself!!!! ME,ME,Me, no thought for any one else;):o:o:eek:

01-02-2012, 09:21 AM
Some of us need our beauty sleep, Evenolder. Probably things are too far gone for you to worry about such matters. Am I right? Sagging in all the wrong places? I just cannot win with you boys - You are complaining that I'm not replying to you and BB73 is complaining that I am replying to him. What is a girl to do?

01-02-2012, 07:42 PM
Well Evenolder where were we before the paddlesteamer Maggiemay in charge of Captain Birdseye steamed in and disturbed our thoughts. I think you were hoping that Barbie might look to take a pleasant little vacation somewhere in your area so that she could demonstrate her tawses, canes and various other impliments of torture. I know she likes a bit of heat weather wise and I know your area does benifit from a little more sunshine than up here in the frozen north. She does have a broomstick but I am not sure if it has passed its MOT. If you can attract her down there for a few days it will allow my backside to heal up completely before my next visit to the wilds of Fife.


Hi once again Maggiemay, I have to confess I am disappointed I log in this morning (wedsday) and find you can not be bothered to answer my last night (tuesday)
posting,Well really,!! And there was me thinking you were hanging on my every word and instead I find you waste your time eating,sleeping,studying, and even going out!!! and enjoying yourself!!!! ME,ME,Me, no thought for any one else;):o:o:eek:

01-02-2012, 08:25 PM
Hi Bluebell, Well maggiemay seems to be a bit upset with you!!! I do not think she realize`s how rude she was about Barbedwire and that you were only defending her, (Barbedwirethat is) I think that the assumption that maggiemay could be cove is probably not correct as he would have been far more unpleasant . I did post a couple of messages, one very late outlining the problem ie very similar composition and then one quite early complaining with my usual attempt at humour at maggiemays failure to reply:) Our attempts at witty banter are far to low brow for those in higher education;) I would of course be very pleased to see/welcome Barbedwire down here but as you may have noticed there is a marked reluctance from any one down here to post. As for the state of your backside, well you went into Barbedwires lair so you can expect no sympathy from this quarter

01-02-2012, 08:46 PM
Oh wee maggiemay - I think you may well have been sniffing whatever and taking too much wacky baccy yourself ! Actually I don't ever recall any 20ish year old calling it wacky baccy (yes ,I know a hell of alot of young people - I was even one myself once ) they tend to call it a smoke, toke or similar. So are you saying I do these types of things, hmmm, that would be casting aspersions little girl .
Maybe you students can afford to do these types of things but some of us grownups can't ,more's the pity eh !

I would love to know where I said that anyone had "pleaded " as you say ,to have me stay in Scotland ? I do recall saying I had requests for me to visit some different areas but definitley did NOT say anyone PLEADED !

Next time when you say something make sure it is correct and don't go putting words into peoples mouths .

About BB - he's a gentle soul and offered to buy you a G&T or whatever tipple takes your fancy , he even offered to let you punish him and you put him down as if he had some kind of strange thing about younger girls ...hmmmm

Then we have evenolder - an old man in a mac with a penchant for younger girls also - the poor lad doesn't own one,although someone might offer him one .

You say you are a Ph.D student , does that make you better than anyone else on here ? I don't think so ,unless ofcourse it's in your own head ! Maybe you are giving yourself delusions of grandeur ,well you know something, it's a big bad world out there ,one day you might actually have to live in it - shock ,gasp , horror .

As for some thinking you are cov ,well i'm sure you have read his forum posts to see where this is coming from .

I suppose if I was to say next time i'm in Glasgow I could meet you for a drink and you could put the rumours about who you are to rest ,although that may turn me into some strange middleaged female with a penchant for young girls also hahahahahahhahahah

Have a nice day :cool:

I think that you've been sniffing too much of something else, Barbedwire. I don't know who you think I am, but I'm certainly nothing other than what I claim to be. I'm a 23 year old Ph.D student at Glasgow University; home in Ayr although I live in Glasgow during the week; name is not Maggiemay, but then presumably yours isn't Barbedwire. As for your suggestion that people have pleaded with you to stay in Scotland, pull the other one, it plays a tune. Is that bratty enough for you? Upstart indeed - I'd go easy on the wacky-backy if I were you. It's giving you delusions of grandeur.

02-02-2012, 08:00 PM
Hi Maggiemay , Well I am some what surprised to learn you need so much beauty sleep I had rather assumed from your postings that you were as near perfect as it is possible to be:):);) I of course as you have correctly assumed am suffering from the ravage`s of time :mad: ,and as for not being able to win, well you might like to review some of your postings, as a general rule of thumb some gently mickey taking mixed with a bit of what passes for humour around here does not go amiss . Some of the posts are replied to and some are not, if you review my posting you will find the majority of my slightly mischievous observations are studiously
ignored!! I would have to observe you were very rude to and about Barbedwire and her place of abode, possibly I might remind you that Fife is a kingdom where as Ayr is just another dormitory town :eek::)

02-02-2012, 08:19 PM
Well Barbie, that little oration quietened us all down. It was like the headmistress walking into the class when the teacher had gone out for a fag to calm her nerves and finding the class throwing paper aeroplanes at each other. You have a tremendous knack of driving your point home. My only worry is that like a destroyer chasing a U-Boat you have driven him under the surface where unfortunately he will sulk only to surface at some future point to cause merryhell again. Maggiemay has probably completed his last cruise and god knows what disguise Cov will appear in in the future. Batman, Robin, Godzilla, the mind boggles.


Oh wee maggiemay - I think you may well have been sniffing whatever and taking too much wacky baccy yourself ! Actually I don't ever recall any 20ish year old calling it wacky baccy (yes ,I know a hell of alot of young people - I was even one myself once ) they tend to call it a smoke, toke or similar. So are you saying I do these types of things, hmmm, that would be casting aspersions little girl .
Maybe you students can afford to do these types of things but some of us grownups can't ,more's the pity eh !

I would love to know where I said that anyone had "pleaded " as you say ,to have me stay in Scotland ? I do recall saying I had requests for me to visit some different areas but definitley did NOT say anyone PLEADED !

Next time when you say something make sure it is correct and don't go putting words into peoples mouths .

About BB - he's a gentle soul and offered to buy you a G&T or whatever tipple takes your fancy , he even offered to let you punish him and you put him down as if he had some kind of strange thing about younger girls ...hmmmm

Then we have evenolder - an old man in a mac with a penchant for younger girls also - the poor lad doesn't own one,although someone might offer him one .

You say you are a Ph.D student , does that make you better than anyone else on here ? I don't think so ,unless ofcourse it's in your own head ! Maybe you are giving yourself delusions of grandeur ,well you know something, it's a big bad world out there ,one day you might actually have to live in it - shock ,gasp , horror .

As for some thinking you are cov ,well i'm sure you have read his forum posts to see where this is coming from .

I suppose if I was to say next time i'm in Glasgow I could meet you for a drink and you could put the rumours about who you are to rest ,although that may turn me into some strange middleaged female with a penchant for young girls also hahahahahahhahahah

Have a nice day :cool:

02-02-2012, 11:26 PM
Quietened us down? Sent us off to sleep more like! I can see why you and Barbedwire get on so well, BB; you both like the sound of your own voices. Destroyer??? Tug Boat Annie more like!!! I'm going nowhere BB; just completed my maiden voyage! As for he and him, BB, do change the record- I'm 100% she and her. I'm beginning to think that BB stands for bloody boring!

03-02-2012, 10:11 AM
Now Cov, you know you're Cov. I know you are Cov. Everbody else knows you are Cov so why don't you just come out with it and let us know that nasty old Cov is back or is it just coincidence that Maggiemay joined the forum about a day after the original Cov was banned. To be honest I couldn't care less about you being back but there are others you have upset who do and I can understand why.


Quietened us down? Sent us off to sleep more like! I can see why you and Barbedwire get on so well, BB; you both like the sound of your own voices. Destroyer??? Tug Boat Annie more like!!! I'm going nowhere BB; just completed my maiden voyage! As for he and him, BB, do change the record- I'm 100% she and her. I'm beginning to think that BB stands for bloody boring!

03-02-2012, 11:28 AM
Now BB, you know you are BB. I know you are BB. Everybody else knows you are BB so why don't you just come out and admit that you are BB - Bloody Boring! To be honest I couldn't care less that you are bloody boring but there are others who find your tedium mind-numbing and I can understand why. As for the other - 100% pure coincidence.

03-02-2012, 08:56 PM
Well is this not fun!! even Westender has joined in and managed to post with out any gratuitous insults and even odder with a touch of humour:D
(well I laughed):D:D Come on then Maggiemay lets have your tuppenance halfpenny worth ,I await with baited breath:rolleyes: and when are you going to answer some or any of my posts. I have by the way received not one offer of a dirty mac:mad::(:D but that is not an excuse to put your school girl uniform away:D:D

04-02-2012, 01:12 AM
Hi Evenolder

Don't rise to the bait. Cov is an attention seeker who cannot stand being ignored. Westy knows exactly who The paddlesteamer Maggiemay is and is doing his best to defend his friend. You will have noticed that Barbie has gone quiet. That is because she knows how to ignore the riff raff on the forum who go out of their way to ridicule everyone else. Take my advice and ignore all that Colonel Blimp as he is known up here posts. He really is a sad person.


Well is this not fun!! even Westender has joined in and managed to post with out any gratuitous insults and even odder with a touch of humour:D
(well I laughed):D:D Come on then Maggiemay lets have your tuppenance halfpenny worth ,I await with baited breath:rolleyes: and when are you going to answer some or any of my posts. I have by the way received not one offer of a dirty mac:mad::(:D but that is not an excuse to put your school girl uniform away:D:D

04-02-2012, 10:05 AM
Hi Bluebell, I do take your point,however If no one post (and there are precious few that do) then they also win on the basis that if they are not allowed to post they are going to make the site intolerable for those who wish to post in a legitimate and acceptable manner . I may not have had the benefit of an enhanced
education but I believe should you peruse my postings you should come to the conclusion that I am perfectly capable of formulating an answer to any posting.
I have to admit that I quite enjoyed some of covespanks postings , he is articulate and erudite and often very humorous but unfortunately seemingly incapable
of not adopting a hectoring, unpleasant attitude to any one who has the audacity to post disagreeing with his point of view, perhaps in the persona of Maggiemay he has decided to eschew his usual venom and introduce a measure of equanimity to his postings

04-02-2012, 10:17 AM
Hi Evenolder

You have a good point, the trouble is you get into a no win situation whare you start giving back as good as you get. That's what happened to me in the earlier posts you picked up. At one point I was almost on the verge of packing the forum in. It is a pity some members have to be destructive instead of being constructive. I suppose it takes all types.


Hi Bluebell, I do take your point,however If no one post (and there are precious few that do) then they also win on the basis that if they are not allowed to post they are going to make the site intolerable for those who wish to post in a legitimate and acceptable manner . I may not have had the benefit of an enhanced
education but I believe should you peruse my postings you should come to the conclusion that I am perfectly capable of formulating an answer to any posting.
I have to admit that I quite enjoyed some of covespanks postings , he is articulate and erudite and often very humorous but unfortunately seemingly incapable
of not adopting a hectoring, unpleasant attitude to any one who has the audacity to post disagreeing with his point of view, perhaps in the persona of Maggiemay he has decided to eschew his usual venom and introduce a measure of equanimity to his postings

04-02-2012, 10:28 AM
Hi again Bluebell , I quite enjoyed the little spat regarding the former public house the "110" and as usual the most obvious answer was not offered,I would have thought this would have been widely known in the local community, one can not expect a mere librarian to have much knowledge on anything, they are just jumped up clerks usually with their heads so far up there own arse that they need an extension on their toothbrush to clean their teeth:) The assumption that because some one is surrounded by knowledge that they are knowledgeable is both farcical and fanciful ;);):p

04-02-2012, 10:34 AM
Hi Bluebell but that has to be the point if you give back as good or better than you get (1) it can be quite entertaining, (2) it shows them that you are not going to go away . They will give in as all bullys always run away when confronted.

You have a good point, the trouble is you get into a no win situation whare you start giving back as good as you get. That's what happened to me in the earlier posts you picked up. At one point I was almost on the verge of packing the forum in. It is a pity some members have to be destructive instead of being constructive. I suppose it takes all types.


04-02-2012, 10:44 AM
Bluebell ,to continue the ongoing discussion ie( is Maggiemay actually covespank in disguise) well I think Maggiemay is quite acceptable as opposed to covespank
who is quite detestable but feel she should make overtures to Barbwire as some of her (maggie) postings are not really acceptable

04-02-2012, 11:18 AM
Hi Maggiemay, Well as you can see I have taken over this page for today:o;) you must be up by now so untwist your knickers or scratch your balls and give me/us the benefit of your highly educated brain:p As you should have worked by now I am easily amused:mad::)

04-02-2012, 12:39 PM
Hi Evenolder

I think the fact that Maggiemay joined the forum about a day after Cov was banned, does not speak like a 23 year old girl and tries to rubbish Barbie and myself with similar but not too obnoxious quotes is evidence enough for me. Too many coincidences.


Bluebell ,to continue the ongoing discussion ie( is Maggiemay actually covespank in disguise) well I think Maggiemay is quite acceptable as opposed to covespank
who is quite detestable but feel she should make overtures to Barbwire as some of her (maggie) postings are not really acceptable

04-02-2012, 01:03 PM
iously ignored[QUOTE=Bluebell73;17123]Hi Evenolder

I think the fact that Maggiemay joined the forum about a day after Cov was banned, does not speak like a 23 year old girl and tries to rubbish Barbie and myself with similar but not too obnoxious quotes is evidence enough for me. Too many coincidences.

Hi again Bluebell, I like to keep an open mind and anyway as I said in my last post I am easily amused!! and I am not slow to note that my some times oblique
questions are studiously ignored. ,he/she is well aware that I am not about to go away

04-02-2012, 01:44 PM
Hi Barbedwire now here is a post to get away from the recent postings . My local paper has a prominent feature on a Scottish lad who has managed to escape his humble croft in Fife and has been welcomed in the Great metropolis of Brighton, King Creosote aka Kenny Anderson.
theargus.co.uk/theguideshould take you to the article

04-02-2012, 08:31 PM
OMG! This thread is like an episode of Last of the Summer Wine. Can't you just envisage the pair of them? Compo( Evenolder) and Nora Batty(BB73) parked either side of a garden fence blethering away about nothing. I'm hoping for either a power cut or that somebody strangles Nora with her tights!

04-02-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi maggiemay,well at last you have surfaced ,you students get up later and later, how is the weather in Coventry?

04-02-2012, 10:08 PM
Hi the group , is any one in touch with the inhabitants of our northern colony?I am given to understand that some sort of sporting endeavour is taking place on a patch of land called murryfield, this I am informed involves a number of fine southern lads and some assorted locals, what news I beg pray inform me:p;)

04-02-2012, 10:11 PM
You know Cov what I would enjoy immensly would be for someone to attach a lead to your willy and one to your rear end with fairy lights in between and switch on the power making sure that it was on youtube so that we could all have a laugh at your distress. Why don't you just do as suggested previously and bog off.


OMG! This thread is like an episode of Last of the Summer Wine. Can't you just envisage the pair of them? Compo( Evenolder) and Nora Batty(BB73) parked either side of a garden fence blethering away about nothing. I'm hoping for either a power cut or that somebody strangles Nora with her tights!

04-02-2012, 10:31 PM
Hi Eveno;der

Must say congratulations to the victors although it sticks in the craw. In the words of Fu Man Chu. We shall return.

All the best


Hi the group , is any one in touch with the inhabitants of our northern colony?I am given to understand that some sort of sporting endeavour is taking place on a patch of land called murryfield, this I am informed involves a number of fine southern lads and some assorted locals, what news I beg pray inform me:p;)

04-02-2012, 10:52 PM
Hi Maggie

Next week I will be doing a wee visit to my home town of Ayr. How about you and I meeting up in the pub of your choice where we can discuss the problems of the day. I would look forward to meeting a nice 23 year old lassie and if all was ok you can show me your expertise at using a lochgelly belt. There you go now, there is me demonstrating the fine upstanding person that I am. I leave it all down to you. Are you willing to take up the challenge.


OMG! This thread is like an episode of Last of the Summer Wine. Can't you just envisage the pair of them? Compo( Evenolder) and Nora Batty(BB73) parked either side of a garden fence blethering away about nothing. I'm hoping for either a power cut or that somebody strangles Nora with her tights!

04-02-2012, 10:55 PM
Hi again Bluebell , I am afraid I was unable to watch but understand that the score did not reflect the game and that it was a close contest, did you see the game? You really must refrain from wishing ill on your cross dressing friend:rolleyes::D from Coventry it must be very tiring commuting between Ayr /Glasgow and Coventry and surely you do not really expect him/her to dress as if he was attending a party in Brighton;):D

04-02-2012, 10:58 PM
I would suggest meeting at "110" as maggiemay has now been informed of its former location

04-02-2012, 11:03 PM
It was a close game. We made one mistake you took advantage of it as you should do. I have no problem with that. Interesting to see if the paddlesteamer can find a pub in Ayr we can have a nice chat.


Hi again Bluebell , I am afraid I was unable to watch but understand that the score did not reflect the game and that it was a close contest, did you see the game? You really must refrain from wishing ill on your cross dressing friend:rolleyes::D from Coventry it must be very tiring commuting between Ayr /Glasgow and Coventry and surely you do not really expect him/her to dress as if he was attending a party in Brighton;):D

04-02-2012, 11:14 PM
I would suggest that your chances of obtaining a straight answer are some what remote

04-02-2012, 11:29 PM
I know that, but I feel I have to offer him the opportunity to prove him/her the chance show the members his/her authenticity. He really is a sad person and to be honest I think he requires medical help.


I would suggest that your chances of obtaining a straight answer are some what remote

04-02-2012, 11:45 PM
well if you believe that you are drunker than I think I am;)

05-02-2012, 12:26 AM
You know Cov what I would enjoy immensly would be for someone to attach a lead to your willy and one to your rear end with fairy lights in between and switch on the power making sure that it was on youtube so that we could all have a laugh at your distress. Why don't you just do as suggested previously and bog off.


Well BB, now we know what you and Barbedwire get up to in Fife. Fairy lights - bet you do!!

05-02-2012, 12:33 AM
[QUOTE=Bluebell73;17133]Hi Maggie

Next week I will be doing a wee visit to my home town of Ayr. How about you and I meeting up in the pub of your choice where we can discuss the problems of the day. I would look forward to meeting a nice 23 year old lassie and if all was ok you can show me your expertise at using a lochgelly belt. There you go now, there is me demonstrating the fine upstanding person that I am. I leave it all down to you. Are you willing to take up the challenge.

BB73 [Quote]

Discuss the problems of the day - there you go again BB - it's all about you isn't it? Self-obsessed as ever. I've already told you, that given your reputation with young girls, I'll pass on the meeting thank you. Stick to Compo - you and he are so much more suited to each other. I'm sure if you ask him nicely he'll wear his dirty old mac.

05-02-2012, 12:37 AM
I would suggest that your chances of obtaining a straight answer are some what remote

Straight answer? BB doesn't do "straight". What's that quote about a 7 bob note my grandpa used to say?

05-02-2012, 12:50 AM
Hi maggiemay,well at last you have surfaced ,you students get up later and later, how is the weather in Coventry?

Told you before Evenolder, that unlike you and BB my life does not revolve around sitting on this site all day blethering over the back fence. Some of us have a life. I'd imagine that the weather in Coventry is much the same as elsewhere - cold with ice and snow. But if you're really interested, I'm sure that the Weather forecast will provide you with all that you wish to know. Planning a visit? Don't forget to go prepared - at your age you can't be too careful.

05-02-2012, 01:19 AM
Hi Maggiemay, well four posts in a row and one of them answered a question , but it also posed a question! My dictionary of Scottish vocabulary does not mention the word blethering, it is apparently widely used in the midlands ,now Coventry that is in the midlands!!. A little anti social are you not ? why not pop along and meet Bluebell, how long can it take to get to the former site of the "110" after all you now know where it is located and I am sure he will be very polite. I would consider coming along myself if you would agree to wearing your school girl uniform, I am afraid I would have to dress fairly conventionally as I have not yet been able to locate a dirty old mac:p

05-02-2012, 09:01 AM
That's the English for you- even trying to hijack a good old Scottish word and claim it for themselves.
Let me help you- blether can be either a noun or a verb - you and BB admirably illustrate both.
Noun- a person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on. " That wee yin o'yours is an awfy blether gettin"
Verb -to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk; to bullshit with friends!-"Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither"

I'd stick your tongue in if I were you; in this cold weather it might drop off - a bit like something else if rumour is to be believed!!

05-02-2012, 10:13 AM
Good morning Maggiemay, nice to see you are back to posting with a bit of humour, nice composition as well,I do not know if this is for the good of all though
as if you keep this up you will soon be a fully fledged in the art of witless banter;)

05-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Maggiemay ,I have just seen the weather forecast, please do not come out in your short school girls skirt just to please me, you may well freeze your balls of

05-02-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi once again Barbedwire , I am afraid the link I provided to the article is not quite correct ( theargus.co.uk/theguide ) a big write up!

05-02-2012, 11:12 AM
Maggiemay , I am afraid your well intentional advice has reached myself to late and that we now have no choice than other to keep our relationship platonic,
I can however still poke my tongue out:p

05-02-2012, 12:58 PM
Morning all you happy daft people .
Looks like this thread has more ups ,downs and roundabouts than anything !

I think maggiemay needs plenty of beauty sleep(ofcourse maybe all the wacky baccy she smokes makes her sleep so much ) ,afterall she fell asleep during my post,pointing out a few wee things she has said .How she stays awake at university to learn anything is beyond me !:rolleyes:

She didn't even answer my thought on a wee drink next time i'm over in Glasgow .
Hope she's not worried that I would spank her in public hahhahaa
Even BB's little challenge hasn't worked to get her to the pub.

Oh well ,it looks like the suspicion will stay for a while yet .

05-02-2012, 01:11 PM
Hi Barbedwire ,did you check the link I sent you

06-02-2012, 11:41 AM
You are a sick person Westy and should seek some medical help. A while ago we agreed not to involve each other in conversation and I would prefer it to stay that way. Like Cov you take great delight in trying to make a fool of people when all you are doing is making a total and utter fool of yourself with your sick unintelligent comments. Why any girl would want to meet up with a mental case like you is beyond comprehension, they wouldn't be safe. What you are jealous of is the fact that Barbie and I are friends and can talk to each other and other members on the forum in a normal way whereas no-one wants to associate with you. Now be a nice person and bog off.


I see you have taken a big brave pill Bluebell. Thats rich from you as Cov cant answer you back. What a weak spineless scumbag you are. Saying that you are in good company now. Evenodder and yourself sound like the perfect couple. I think Barbie has lost her best client as you can now travel down south and have some cock n bum fun with fatboy. Why dont you meet me in a pub in Ayr?

06-02-2012, 12:50 PM
Westy, that is out of order - and I mean both posts; no personal insults, flaming etc - you know the rules and what happens if they are flagrantly ignored.

Desist Westy, desist.

Dont you have a pop at Cov and I will leave you alone. He is not here to defend himself agains scum like you and Even so just dont.

06-02-2012, 04:30 PM
Westy, that is out of order - and I mean both posts; no personal insults, flaming etc - you know the rules and what happens if they are flagrantly ignored.

Desist Westy, desist.

I have been following this post, as a "lurker", and it seems to me there appears to be one rule for one group and another rule for others. How is that Westender's post is "out of order" and yet Bluebell73 appears to get away with murder. (He's not the only one- there are others in his clique who are equally offensive). At least Westender appears to have a backbone and a sense of fairness and decency. Others might well learn from his example.

06-02-2012, 06:07 PM
It's only because Westy has already been banned once and came back on the understanding that it would not happen again.

Others will be moderated appropriately.

Best wishes

I have been following this post, as a "lurker", and it seems to me there appears to be one rule for one group and another rule for others. How is that Westender's post is "out of order" and yet Bluebell73 appears to get away with murder. (He's not the only one- there are others in his clique who are equally offensive). At least Westender appears to have a backbone and a sense of fairness and decency. Others might well learn from his example.

06-02-2012, 07:33 PM
Hi all, could someone tell me what I have done to deserve this. I don't remember committing murder. I am friendly with a very nice lady who calls herself Barbie. Both her and myself have had to suffer unwarrranted insults and abuse from certain members on this forum. One has been banned. I take it the clique that Miss Whiplash is referring to is Barbie and myself. At no time did we go out to ridicule and make fools of other members of the forum unlike others. I did react earlier last year and gave as good as I got. There seems to be some kind of campaign against us. I did notice however that Miss whiplash joined the forum on the 29th November 2011 round about the time that a certain member received the red card. Could Maggiemay and Miss whiplash be related. The plot thickens. Tune in to your favourite forum for further developments


I have been following this post, as a "lurker", and it seems to me there appears to be one rule for one group and another rule for others. How is that Westender's post is "out of order" and yet Bluebell73 appears to get away with murder. (He's not the only one- there are others in his clique who are equally offensive). At least Westender appears to have a backbone and a sense of fairness and decency. Others might well learn from his example.

06-02-2012, 08:17 PM
Miss Whiplash is no more! - I suspect you are right.

best wishes

06-02-2012, 10:24 PM
Hi Barbedwire, Now why are you getting yourself all worked up over a couple of posts from rearender? beerender has a very vivid imagination he has never been near a women and resents your close relationship with Barbedwire. Bestbender as you will observe from the composition of his post is only just above the level of a cretin with absolutely no sense of humour, Jestender with his very limited vocabulary can only resort to crude insults and threats,Pestender should be ignored

07-02-2012, 07:48 PM
Now Evenolder, I know you and I are not getting any younger but I would just like to point out that the ender chappie was having a go at me 'Bluebell73' and not Barbie although he does tend to have a wee snipe at her now and again from long range, He values his life. Barbie has offered him a wee spanking any time he fancies it but I think the white feather thing comes into play. Anyway Barbie has given me some homework to do so I suppose I had better go and have a look at it. She gets quite worked up if she thinks I am enjoying myself too much.

All the Best from Sunny Scotland


Hi Barbedwire, Now why are you getting yourself all worked up over a couple of posts from rearender? beerender has a very vivid imagination he has never been near a women and resents your close relationship with Barbedwire. Bestbender as you will observe from the composition of his post is only just above the level of a cretin with absolutely no sense of humour, Jestender with his very limited vocabulary can only resort to crude insults and threats,Pestender should be ignored

08-02-2012, 10:14 AM
Hi Evenolder, it wasn't me it was BB - what were you tippling on if you mistook his post for me :confused:

I see you have been given a title now as admin, how did that happen ???

Hi Barbedwire, Now why are you getting yourself all worked up over a couple of posts from rearender? beerender has a very vivid imagination he has never been near a women and resents your close relationship with Barbedwire. Bestbender as you will observe from the composition of his post is only just above the level of a cretin with absolutely no sense of humour, Jestender with his very limited vocabulary can only resort to crude insults and threats,Pestender should be ignored

08-02-2012, 11:11 AM
Evenolder has not been given any form of title, is NOT an administrator and it will be removed.


08-02-2012, 11:31 AM
Oh what a shame! Though not quite sure what Evenolder could possibly be administering, it certainly isn't good advice!

08-02-2012, 06:10 PM
Poor old Evenolder. That must have been the shortest-lived promotion ever. Never mind E - welcome back to the ranks of the plebs!

08-02-2012, 07:43 PM
Hi Maggie old girl, I was down in my favourite town of Ayr yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day and I had a long walk from Ayr station down the High Street and along New Road to Newton on Ayr Station. I was hoping to meet up with you but you are obviously a very shy person. I even took a detour down to the harbour where I questioned a few of the harbour workers as to their knowledge of any working girls called Maggiemay. One guy did say that he had a recollection that there might have been a collier ship in a few months ago shipping coal to Belfast called Maggiemay but he couldn't confirm. Never mind Maggie I am down in Ayr a lot and if you fancy a G&T just let me know. My favourite pub is the Black Bull. I am sure you will be able to find it. I just hope it isn't Miss Whiplash that turns up, that would require a bit of explaining.

All the best to you Maggie old girl


Poor old Evenolder. That must have been the shortest-lived promotion ever. Never mind E - welcome back to the ranks of the plebs!

11-02-2012, 01:40 AM
London. I don't know where a woman would go in London but if she couldn't have a splendid time in London, she'd be miserable anywhere. I'll text a friend and see where you might go. Give me until tomorrow. Jim

11-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Steady Gardener old chap, letting Barbie loose among the Londoners could be dangerous, remember she is from Fife.


London. I don't know where a woman would go in London but if she couldn't have a splendid time in London, she'd be miserable anywhere. I'll text a friend and see where you might go. Give me until tomorrow. Jim