View Full Version : My Experiences... (Long read, popcorn avisory)

16-01-2012, 12:54 AM
Are you cynical? I think I am.

<begin disclaimer>I would like to say first that I'm not naming any particular site, (I reckon they're all the same) nor do I wish to be critical about the content of this site, (which is rather excellent) its forum or its members, who are actual people. <end disclaimer>

As someone who has surfed the net since the days of bbs boards, I think I've read of just about every scam going that the internet can provide. I wish to share with you my current experiences.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin.

Having recently lost my pretty (female) spankee who has upped sticks and gone to Australia, (Ooooh, that last pat on the bum at the airport! *sniff*) I decided to step out into the world to find myself another.

Local bars turn out to be disappointing, to say the least. Guess I've lost a little of my charm, over the years; maybe I've post a little hair, too. Well, rather a lot, really. All right then, all of it. I'm bald, ok? It's too loud in there anyway. So? What to do?

Internet dating? Yeah, let's have some of that.

So, here we go registering my interest, and looking for someone nearby. I was absolutely stunned at the number of available young women apparently desperate for sex, and screaming out for blokes on internet dating sites. Incredible! But, how to contact them?

Well now, there's the rub. One has to pay to get their numbers. After all, these women have paid to be members, haven't they? Soooo... Alright, let's see which site offers the best deal, with the best lookers on there.

AHA! Found one where you get a “free message”, just one, mind, and it uses up a credit. You get one free go, then you have to pay a tenner to get seven more credits. That's £1.42 each. Buggar that, but let's just hit with the free one and pull her over into my free messenger thingy.

So, troll through literally hundreds of girls within a 50 mile radius of me and pick one that looks reasonable, and wants what I've got. Let's look for the amateur phone shot, with the longer profile message that isn't full of text-speak. Bit older, too. Send message, asking her to join yahoo! and email me.

Yay! She responds via site: (Eight minutes!) Hi, I'm xxx, age xx, I want to... and so on...(Same as profile I'm looking at)

Then.. “Have you any more pixs of yourself?”

Well, at least it wasn't “Can you fill me, big boy?” with an emoticon wink.

Now, if that was a real, genuine person on the other end, wouldn't they just email me or come on the chat thing? If she really was a girl desperate to meet someone, she'd be on the chat ASAP, wouldn't she? Well, I would if it were free, rather than having an agent charging me £1.42 per message.

So, that looks a bit of a dubious one. But, they can't ALL be accounts made up by the Admin of the site to bump up the numbers of female members they have? Or can they?

After reading literally hundreds of different “profiles”, I have concluded that the vast majority are totally bogus.

In the first place, I don't think that there are that many women aged between 30 and 50 who are without partners in existence. Where are they? They're not in pubs and clubs around and about, and they're certainly not shopping in the high street or Tesco.

Look at the numbers. My area (15 mile radius) has a population of 150,000. If (say) 1 in 100 of that population subscribe to an internet dating site, how many of those 1500 people are women aged between 30 and 50 with a porn actress body? 5? 10? Not according to the pay dating sites, there's hundreds, all different, on a multitude of sites.

So I have to conclude, therefore, that all of the pay sites must be running a scam.

We all know, of course, that those 0900 numbers advertised on telly with the size 8 models imploring you to call them are scams, because we all envisage that the bird you end up talking to is some 20-stone minger working in a call centre from a script; it's been lampooned enough in comedy sketches; that's really how it is, isn't it? So I must conclude that the pay-for internet dating sites use similar methods to extract money from us. You message some fictional email box at £1.41 a pop or £20 a month recurring and Admin strings you along with excuses as to why she can't cam or meet you next friday.

Being the tightwad that I am, I therefore decided to have a go on the “free sites” too, where one can leave a personal ad and hopefully have to wade through thousands of replies, maybe hitting on a real good looking woman somewhere in amongst them.

So, using the same profile as for the pay-sites, I joined up on a “swingers” site, as well as advertising with a few personal ads.

Astoundingly, the free site doesn't have 14 pages of porn-star look-alikes within 50 miles of me who are all busting to get their pants off! What are these guys doing? Can't they run a website?

Plus, they don't email you within moments of you joining! Don't you find that really spooky? I did – I was sat there tapping “refresh” for ages.

On one site, you can see who views your profile. I've been a “member” for a month now, and have had 9 profile views, 7 of them from blokes sending cock pictures. I think my chances are getting rather slim.

Anyway, I've tried a few adverts. Now, I'm looking for a bottom; so I advertise for one. Can't be THAT hard, can it?

I find that I'm competing with many, many others who are looking for the same: a woman who enjoys a spanking. Where are they all?

I lastly come to what I call the “stringers”. I replied to one advert where a woman was looking for someone to “deal with her”, and was quite excited when I got an email in reply, asking what I would like to do. She even offered to join on yahoo chat. So, I sent a nice email detailing that I wanted to do this and that and so on, (whatever was in her advert, I put that I wanted to do that) and said that I would be interested in contacting her properly.

Yay! She joins chat!

So it's hello and so on, where are you, are you really a bloke and that, do you want a pic of me?

I go yeah, and then this photo arrives with a name, address and phone number on it.

She goes “Oops, didn't mean to send you that, please delete it”

Well, I'm half hooked here, as the girl in the photo was a looker!

More pics follow, chatting, she's some sort of model who doesn't get any from her boyfriend and what do you want to do with me and so on?

Then it clicked with me... I just did a google search on the name of one of the pics and found that she's using pics of a small-time model from Essex, who has a website... So, another scam, then?

I think so, but then I wonder where the money is to be made from pulling my plonker by having me email what I want to do to her, and she replying that's what she wants? Who's making a few bob here, and how?

So, couple of days later, inquisitive, I contact her again on the chat, and get the same script! Comes straight in with the “oops” picture, and the same model pics! So, she's binned. But where's the profit? What is the point in stinging someone along, exchanging emails and dirty chat when you know that a meeting-up is as likely as an asteroid strike?

Then it did come to me that these “stringers” may well entice the unwary to a meet a hundred miles away, then leap out of the shadows and mug you for your car. Typical “honey trap” scam. So, even if they do come on chat, IMO it pays to be very careful about what you give away about yourself in early contact. I think I'll be insisting on cam contact in future, although again, very carefully.

Now, I know that I've been registered here two minutes. But I do have a few questions:

Do people who advertise actually get replies from genuine respondents?

Do people actually meet others (I'm not talking about the professionals, sorry, but paying for it is not my bag) as a result of an ad?

Or should I stop wasting my time?

What do you think?

Anyone who says “Well of course we all knew that” is but a mere smartarse.

16-01-2012, 05:03 PM
What of it?

16-01-2012, 05:40 PM
Hi Jaydee, I think you echo many of us with your experience. I'm sure most of us have been there, done that etc.
Sometimes you may get a Real Live Lady, although mostly I think it's the females laughing at us poor deluded blokes.
Some day the penny will drop with these females and they'll realise that there are actually some real live decent guys out there.
I'm not holding my breath though.