View Full Version : A lot of talk and no action

15-01-2012, 04:17 PM
Is it just me that thinks so many people talk alot but never actually get around to meeting others ?
Really what's the point ?
Yes, I understand some people are curious and not quite ready to take the step into actually playing but gordon bennett people ,surely you have to dip your toe in the water at some point to see if it's what you really want !

15-01-2012, 04:55 PM
I think the real problem is Fife is a long way from civilization (England that is):o and yes civilization is spelt correct, ( what am I saying the spell check bully is not on here any more) but come to think of it you probably frighten the life out of many of us

15-01-2012, 05:29 PM
Hi Barbie

Surely you mean 'stick your bare bum up in the air and see if it is what you really want'.


Is it just me that thinks so many people talk alot but never actually get around to meeting others ?
Really what's the point ?
Yes, I understand some people are curious and not quite ready to take the step into actually playing but gordon bennett people ,surely you have to dip your toe in the water at some point to see if it's what you really want !

15-01-2012, 08:03 PM
Awwww, me scare people, I am actually quite nice really and even have a sense of humour. I don't pull people up for spelling errors either -well not on here anyway ,just when they come into my class hahha

Maybe some of you English boys should move North to the sunny Kingdom of Fife ,now that could be fun :D

I think the real problem is Fife is a long way from civilization (England that is):o and yes civilization is spelt correct, ( what am I saying the spell check bully is not on here any more) but come to think of it you probably frighten the life out of many of us

17-01-2012, 12:28 AM
The problem with us English boys moving north is we are not sure as yet what your despotic leader is planing to charge for a visa or how much the toll will be at border control , is there any truth in the rumour that the low road will be cheaper than the high road as I understand the high road is quicker

18-01-2012, 10:42 PM
I think that quite a few males are up for a meeting but are not seeking any thing /anyone as challenging as Barbedwire some of us are a lot less experienced than the subs dealt with by missfife !!! Now are there any more mature Ladies in the south east?

19-01-2012, 10:56 AM
The question was really about how many people seem to be all talk and no action .
It's as though they are really interested but in the real world never have any intention of leaving the saftey of behind their pc .
Anyway , I play from very mild for beginners and those who only seek mild punishment /play to very severe.I am adaptable.
I am sure there must be plenty of people about but why do they never meet ???? Hmmmmm

19-01-2012, 11:37 AM
I do think that a lot more people would like to try spanking for thefirst time, but back out at the last minute because they arefrightened as there are so many nutters out there and in the internetyou can be anybody you like from a quite timid person to a ravinglunatic. It took me a while to get my first adult spanking, he was areally nice guy and gave me the spanking I was longing for, but youhave to make that first step, maybe one should meet in a public placefirst go for a drink and a chat and take it from there, if you thinkabout it who in there right mind would bare your bottom to a totalstanger, not unless it's a doctor.

19-01-2012, 12:33 PM
Hi All

It's very much a confidence thing. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to book an appointment with a mistress. There then comes the inbetween stage of having made the appointment and actually going through with it. The dreaded day approaches and you are starting to think 'what the hell am I doing' I am about to let a woman belt my hands and leather and cane my backside. I think to myself 'how sore is it going to be, will I be able to take it' then I try to think back 40 odd years to when I last got the belt at school. I don't sleep the night before and on the morning of my visit I am a nervous wreck. I set off and try to prepare myself for what is to come. I knock on the strange door as if it is my last day on earth. I am surprised when a very pleasant lady greets me and ushers me in. I am very quickly set at ease as she discusses with me how I want to play the session and what my limits are. I have great time. I leave feeling great with a few war wounds and can't wait until the next time.

A good mistress will endeavor to find out what you want from your session, she will set you at ease and respect your limits whist trying to push them a bit. A good mistress does not want to lose her clients. I have only once had the misfortune to visit someone where the above didn't happen. The session didn't get started and it was a complete waste of time. The lady I was visiting was more interested in herself than me. Needless to say I wont be back.


19-01-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi Barbedwire ,I hope you did not feel I was implying any criticism in my previous post!! I was just suggesting that there are probably quite a lot of people who would like a mild/medium spanking but see some of the photos that are posted and run a mile!!!

19-01-2012, 09:05 PM
Actually I do not know why I bothered to post my last post as this site is now quite civilized and members do not waste there time placing every post under scrutiny for the slightest spelling /grammar mistake or possible inference

20-01-2012, 12:20 PM
Westey... Down Boy!

20-01-2012, 12:27 PM

Just leave me out of this, I am bothering nobody and that is the way I wish it to continue. If you are going to have a go at another member then that is up to you but don't involve me.


So why did you bother posting then? You are fast becoming the new pet here look at you go. We might have to get you go faster stripes to get you to Fife quicker. You even talk like Bluebell. Are you sure you two are not twins?

I think you could be sitting in someone elses seat soon. In fact you could even get a bit part in the new carry on movie. being filmed.

Carry on Crawling.......... It's been very entertaining so far Evenodder please keep it up.

20-01-2012, 01:25 PM
Best thing to do Westy is to ignore him. He has been having a probe in several directions. One regarding a certain political leader to see if he could stir up some of the Scottish members. If no one reacts to him, he will probably go away quietly and live happily ever after in his own little world.


20-01-2012, 09:24 PM
If you look at his posts, he is obviously looking for a gentle person to give him a light smack on his bare botty. Unfortunately the Scottish ladies are not good with the light smack. The ones that I know believe that when you present your hands and bum to their tender mercies, expect pain.


20-01-2012, 10:43 PM
I seen the cov arse licker has resurfaced ! go away you little shit

20-01-2012, 11:18 PM
Now Evenolder, I am starting to pick up signs of you being a bit peeved. If that is how you feel then don't go probing, looking for reactions if you cannot accept that members will react to your stupid and ignorant posts. Why can't you just enjoy the forum for what it is and don't go winding members up if you cannot take the flak. Perhaps you should go and book a session with Miss Fife, she is excellent in pointing out her subs stupidity. The problem for you is that you will walk away with a very warm backside and a flea in your ear. If you are nice she might give you a wee hug as you walk out the door.


I seen the cov arse licker has resurfaced ! go away you little shit

21-01-2012, 11:09 AM
Hi Bluebell73, yes i am a little peeved! firstly to address your post It is/was not my intention to insult or disrespect any member on this site, you would seem to think my post are stupid and ignorant!!! I am sorry you feel this way and can only apologize if you feel the tone/content was not to your liking ,I thought my post was interjecting a little humour onto the site .Westender feels its is appropriate to make make personal and insulting remarks against fellow members ??
there are said to be 8,113 members on this site ! I do not see them posting why? the reason why is some (a very few ) think this site is just for them and that any one who has the temerity or the audacity to post on there site must be slagged off

21-01-2012, 12:40 PM
I don't mind anyone having a bit of humour on the site and I do agree it does brighten things up but you appeared to me to be probing in different directions looking for a reaction. To call our First Minister despotic is to certain Scots an insult. I personally am a Scottish Nationalist but have nothing against the English Nation and don't go arround calling English Ministers names. By all means have a joke on the site but if you go about stirring the pool then expect some of the ripples to come back. I have had plenty of experience of it myself.


Hi Bluebell73, yes i am a little peeved! firstly to address your post It is/was not my intention to insult or disrespect any member on this site, you would seem to think my post are stupid and ignorant!!! I am sorry you feel this way and can only apologize if you feel the tone/content was not to your liking ,I thought my post was interjecting a little humour onto the site .Westender feels its is appropriate to make make personal and insulting remarks against fellow members ??
there are said to be 8,113 members on this site ! I do not see them posting why? the reason why is some (a very few ) think this site is just for them and that any one who has the temerity or the audacity to post on there site must be slagged off

21-01-2012, 01:36 PM
OMG. Every time I come on here, there's somebody having a go! If you want a reason why people don't bother, you need look no further than the ends of your own noses. Evenolder, I agree with Bluebell73 - keep your prejudiced and bigoted opinions about the Scots and Scotland to yourself. You seem to have a very thick skin when it comes to dishing it out, but a much thinner skin when it comes to taking it. You can hardly complain when somebody has a go at you, when you are so offensive yourself.

21-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Hi once again Bluebell73, I have for some time read all the postings on this site I would suggest you read the postings by yourself 0n the 1-7-2011!
pot, kettle, black,

21-01-2012, 06:28 PM
Hi maggiemay, I regret that you think I am prejudiced against the Scottish people or nation as this is not the case,My remarks were but an attempt at light humou
in the light of the many adverse (some might say) anti English remarks/statements made recently by your first Minister and as part of a posting in reply to Barbedwire suggesting us English boys should visit Fife, I think you may be taking the remarks slightly out of context.

21-01-2012, 07:47 PM
Hi the group ,I have been reviewing the recent postings ,can we please just stop this thread , its going nowhere and I think one or more have got hold of the wrong end of the stick. I will repeat , it is not my intention or wish to disrespect any other member and if my attempts at humour have been misunderstood
then I can only presume English humour does not translate to the Kingdom of Scotland. Before any one fires off yet another missive most of the negative postings have come from Scotland

22-01-2012, 01:27 AM
Hi Evenolder

You may not mean to be controversial or whatever you want to call it but just look at the final part of your last statement. That in itself is looking for a reaction. I don't mind a bit of banter, in fact I quite enjoy it as long as it is does not cause insult. What happened on July 1st was me reacting to someone having a go at me. I did not generalise, it was strictly between me and another member, it was stupid and the two of us should have been old and sensible enough to ignore each other. All I am saying is having a laugh and a joke is fine but you might find that where you think the joke is funny someone else might not and if criticism appears, you have to accept it.

All the best


22-01-2012, 11:17 AM
Hi evenolder ,
No offence or criticism taken atall .I understand that plenty of people are not looking for the more severe spanking/punishments. I do see people who play on the mild side . Everyone is perfectly wise to play to their own level .As for the photos well ,I think alot of people do enjoy looking at them thinking 'thankgod that's not my ass' hahhaaa

As for the other thing some seem to have taken a wee bit offence to , well I did actually imagine you sitting with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek.

I believe that if you take the low road first and then do a bit of ducking and diving there's a wee middle road that I think the tolls won't be charged on hahahha

If you get caught tyring to sneek over the border tell them you have a free pass into Fife ;)

* The problem with the written word is that it can be misunderstood as no-one can see an expression on the persons face who has written it * We need more emoticons !!!

Barbie x

Hi Barbedwire ,I hope you did not feel I was implying any criticism in my previous post!! I was just suggesting that there are probably quite a lot of people who would like a mild/medium spanking but see some of the photos that are posted and run a mile!!!

22-01-2012, 11:47 AM
Hi Barbie

Are you waving that magic broomstick of yours or have you dissapeared into the future. Your posting shows a time of 11:17 and yet where I am it is now only 10:45.

BB73 :D

22-01-2012, 12:15 PM
Hi Barbedwire, I am pleased to hear that you understood my attempt at humour and that we have got back (by a some what tortuous route) to your
original posting and I take on board your suggestion of the use of emotions.I am still not sure how you envisage getting as southern ( boys) all the way to Fife, we in the so called affluent South are now so hard up some of us are thinking of joining the S.N.P so that we can get every thing paid for!!:eek:( that should invoke a response from Bluebell73:mad:)`I think that there are many particularly in the South who would love to explore/play at spanking , but all the ladies down here think every is one a banker ( I did say Banker);) so only a very few can afford to play

22-01-2012, 12:35 PM
Now Evenolder, you have to learn to wear the kilt the proper way before you can apply to join the SNP. If you wear the kilt correctly with nothing under it, it makes it easier for Barbie to belt your bare backside. Not sure about your argument regarding the southern ladies though. If you do a bit of researching you may find one or two where you don't require a mortgage and don't think all of our ladies up here work to a tight budget. Let us know when you want to apply for a visitor's visa.

Hi Barbedwire, I am pleased to hear that you understood my attempt at humour and that we have got back (by a some what tortuous route) to your
original posting and I take on board your suggestion of the use of emotions.I am still not sure how you envisage getting as southern ( boys) all the way to Fife, we in the so called affluent South are now so hard up some of us are thinking of joining the S.N.P so that we can get every thing paid for!!:eek:( that should invoke a response from Bluebell73:mad:)`I think that there are many particularly in the South who would love to explore/play at spanking , but all the ladies down here think every is one a banker ( I did say Banker);) so only a very few can afford to play

22-01-2012, 12:45 PM
Hi evenolder,
I have heard that down there the ladies do seem to think gents have unlimited cash floating about or maybe they think it can be covered up as expenses as so many top men /women in business tend to do this.
Okay I'll start a new political party for those in the spanking world- what should we call it? All members get free spankings as we will write it off as a necessary expense hahhaha

I suppose there are always munches in public places where no-one actually talks about spanking but they know everyone is into similar , that way it is possible to meet likeminded people .Ofcourse we all know there are never quite enough women be they top or bottom to go round all the guys ,so it's hard work finding someone suitable but it is a start if you're too shy to go to clubs

Don't worry about bluebell, sometimes he takes a wee raj but I always sort him out -poor boy hasn't been to Fife since before christmas and he's getting anxious :D .

Barbie x

22-01-2012, 12:52 PM
Now as I know you BB I believe you said that with a wee smile on your face .
Maybe you could give evenolder a few names of ladies who are reasonable and don't want the full contents of a guys wallet and do it mostly for pure enjoyment and just to fund their small implement collections. As we all know they aren't cheap and there's wear n tear plus the odd breakage plus we need loads of hand cream to keep them nice and soft after all those hand spankings hahhahah:cool:

Oh and BB , I got a nice new broomstick for xmas of a young lady ,it's suitable for all seasons bb !!!! My magic clock says it's 11.51 but the timezone on sight may say otherwise hmmmmmm

Barbie x

Now Evenolder, you have to learn to wear the kilt the proper way before you can apply to join the SNP. If you wear the kilt correctly with nothing under it, it makes it easier for Barbie to belt your bare backside. Not sure about your argument regarding the southern ladies though. If you do a bit of researching you may find one or two where you don't require a mortgage and don't think all of our ladies up here work to a tight budget. Let us know when you want to apply for a visitor's visa.

22-01-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi Bluebell73, am I to understand that I have to take up cross dressing to join the S.N.P.??:) I am fairly open minded and sure with a bit of persuasion I could be talked into this but would like to inquire is there dress allowance!?

Monty Burns
22-01-2012, 01:43 PM
Hi Barbie

Are you waving that magic broomstick of yours or have you dissapeared into the future. Your posting shows a time of 11:17 and yet where I am it is now only 10:45.

BB73 :D

The site was on Summer Time but is now correct.

22-01-2012, 09:37 PM
Me get anxious, you are dammed right and I wonder why.


Hi evenolder,
I have heard that down there the ladies do seem to think gents have unlimited cash floating about or maybe they think it can be covered up as expenses as so many top men /women in business tend to do this.
Okay I'll start a new political party for those in the spanking world- what should we call it? All members get free spankings as we will write it off as a necessary expense hahhaha

I suppose there are always munches in public places where no-one actually talks about spanking but they know everyone is into similar , that way it is possible to meet likeminded people .Ofcourse we all know there are never quite enough women be they top or bottom to go round all the guys ,so it's hard work finding someone suitable but it is a start if you're too shy to go to clubs

Don't worry about bluebell, sometimes he takes a wee raj but I always sort him out -poor boy hasn't been to Fife since before christmas and he's getting anxious :D .

Barbie x

22-01-2012, 09:47 PM
Not at all, all you have to do is learn to do a dance called 'Strip the Willow'. After you have stripped the willow Barbie will use it as a birch to whip you in to shape. Nothing to it, you will be doing the Highland Fling in no time with one arm in the air and your other hand rubbing your tender bot. Barbie is an excellent dance teacher.


Hi Bluebell73, am I to understand that I have to take up cross dressing to join the S.N.P.??:) I am fairly open minded and sure with a bit of persuasion I could be talked into this but would like to inquire is there dress allowance!?

22-01-2012, 10:25 PM
Hi once again Bluebell73, thank you for clearing that point up, please do not think I am showing any reluctance I am not adverse to taking part in any local practice whenever I travel abroad;). You say Miss Barbedwire also gives dancing lessons I would quite like to see her in a tu tu although I have not quite grasped what the stick is for,does she use it to point out foot movement.

22-01-2012, 11:03 PM
Barbie in a tu tu, now that would be something to behold. Now if you ever see Barbie with a stick in her hand of a length in the region of three feet then get your behind into a defensive position so that she cannot use it for target practice. She gets a bit on edge at this time of the year because she is just back from holiday and I sometimes get the impression that holidays cause her a wee bit of stress. She has to use the holiday time for polishing her belts and canes and I would hate to be the first one back in her classroom after the hols have ended. At any other time she is a lovely, caring, understanding and full of humour schoolteacher type of person, just the sort of teacher you came accross when you moved from the gentle handling of the primary school teachers to the dragons you discovered behind the doors of the secondary schools.
I know this will cause me great pain and distress when she next gets her hands on me but hell, enjoy life while you can.


Hi once again Bluebell73, thank you for clearing that point up, please do not think I am showing any reluctance I am not adverse to taking part in any local practice whenever I travel abroad;). You say Miss Barbedwire also gives dancing lessons I would quite like to see her in a tu tu although I have not quite grasped what the stick is for,does she use it to point out foot movement.

22-01-2012, 11:37 PM
Hi once again Bluebell73, you will please forgive my ignorance where is Fife?? Falkirk been through there on my way to Grangemouth but Fife! I had assumed it must be close to you if you visited Barbedwire

22-01-2012, 11:48 PM
Hi Bluebell , found it , its not that far from you, Its a very long way from Newhaven East sussex:mad:

23-01-2012, 10:25 AM
I know you have tongue in cheek again but for heavens sake Evenolder if you ever meet Barbie make sure you geographical knowledge is up to date. Barbie has a knack of finding out what you don't know and using it to her advantage. If you were in Grangemouth her lair lies across the Firth of Forth in the direction of East North East. Fife is actually another kingdom so you would need another visa to get in. You are best hiring a guide to get you in and out safely. There has been many a person gone into Fife and never been seen again.


Hi once again Bluebell73, you will please forgive my ignorance where is Fife?? Falkirk been through there on my way to Grangemouth but Fife! I had assumed it must be close to you if you visited Barbedwire

23-01-2012, 08:45 PM
Hi once again Bluebell73, thank you for invaluable knowledge on the area north of Falkirk my map (quite old) says "here be Dragons":p

23-01-2012, 08:51 PM
Damn and blast it - I thought the last of those maps were destroyed :eek:

Hi once again Bluebell73, thank you for invaluable knowledge on the area north of Falkirk my map (quite old) says "here be Dragons":p

24-01-2012, 07:48 PM
Hi once again, I am once again amazed at how many view a posting yet fail to comment, 8113 members but very little said! come on you must have an opinion
The post was "a lot of talk and no action

24-01-2012, 07:53 PM
Hi Barbedwire , there are a lot of those maps about I got mine from a chap called Alex he is the spokes person for the Spanking Now Please collective and sells said maps only in England;)

24-01-2012, 08:04 PM
I think alot of them have died and possibly gone to spanking heaven ,infact they must have 'cause they can't access their keyboards up there ,they can just look hahahha

Ahhh ,well alex must've stolen them as I ordered them all destroyed. My dragons breath set fire to quite a pile of them :D

24-01-2012, 08:07 PM
I think this Alex has an ulterior motive he is quite often to be found making statements designed to keep the English out of Scotland:confused:

24-01-2012, 10:23 PM
Now Evenolder there is nothing wrong with our Alex. All he wants to do is make the rich English landowners who own all our good fishing and hunting pay higher taxes so that our taxes can be lowered. Then maybe our nice ladies up here will reduce their rates and encourage visitors like you up from the south. You will then get the chance to experience the delights of the lochgelly tawse which is an experience you will never forget, especially if Barbie is on the other end of it.


I think this Alex has an ulterior motive he is quite often to be found making statements designed to keep the English out of Scotland:confused:

24-01-2012, 10:49 PM
Hi Bluebell, do you mean you know Alex from the spanking now please collective? he has been down in the south today probaly selling more of his maps

24-01-2012, 10:54 PM
Do the rich land owners ever visit Scotland or are they part of that elite clique who own things so that some one else can not

24-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Well Evenolder, I don't like pointing the finger too much but there is a huge part of the North West of Scotland that is owned by someone called Westminster Estates. They own some of the finest salmon fishing rivers in the country. Impossible to access fishing unless you are the chairman of a bank. Another huge area to the south of that is owned by the owners of a certain West Of England cider making company. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of good fishing rights owned by well off Scots as well. I would like to see those sort of assets taken into national ownership as it is in Canada and access alowed to all under strict licence.


Do the rich land owners ever visit Scotland or are they part of that elite clique who own things so that some one else can not

25-01-2012, 06:32 AM
Hi again Bluebell, you appear to be advocating that fairness and logic should prevail !! that the land /rivers/woods should be for all to enjoy?
well good luck with that, The very rich are very rich because they are unscrupulous and have very few in any morals the chances of getting them to pay their fair share is some what remote ,there is probably more chance that Barbedwire will pop round my house and put me over her knee :eek:

25-01-2012, 07:59 PM
Hi Evenolder

I live in hope surrounded by my own naivity. The UK is one of the last bastions of the class system where those who have prosper and those that don't pay for them. I should have taken the parental advice that I got in the sixties and emigrated to Canada where the class system is non existent. I didn't and I will now live with the hope that if the Scots vote to go it alone we may adopt a different attitude. Getting back on topic, I see that you are saying there is a chance that Barbie may pop round and put you over her knee. Be careful for what you wish for she has a hand that is harder than a leather paddle. She is still a softy at heart though.

Hi again Bluebell, you appear to be advocating that fairness and logic should prevail !! that the land /rivers/woods should be for all to enjoy?
well good luck with that, The very rich are very rich because they are unscrupulous and have very few in any morals the chances of getting them to pay their fair share is some what remote ,there is probably more chance that Barbedwire will pop round my house and put me over her knee :eek:

25-01-2012, 09:20 PM
Hi Bluebell, you are right you should have emigrated to Canada, almost anywhere except Ontario (they insist on speaking French) and come to think of it they would like independence and they want to have a bigger say in how Canada is run etc etc etc:eek:;):D but as you say no class system. What is actually needed is a revolution such as they had in France and we should dispense with their services. As for Barbie well she is talking of having a holiday in the south!! and her hard hand would probably be enough for me,:p not into canes or any wooden object

26-01-2012, 06:53 PM
Well Evenolder

I was over in Fife today and I thought I would call in at the lair and enquire after Barbies Health. I am delighted to say she was brimming with happiness and joy and eager to show me the effectiveness of a new two tailed strap she has just aquired. She was complaining at first that her right shoulder was a bit stiff and sure enough her first stroke was a bit left of center. She called that one a miss and although I tried to assure her it was a hit she would have none of it. I am delighted to say that her shoulder freed itself up and the effectiveness of her right arm and impliments improved as the day went on. I am just telling you this to let you know that I am still alive and well after the experience although as I write this the palms of my hand are a bit tender as is the nether region. Great fun


27-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Hi once again Bluebell, well I can see where this is going You can not cope with my sense of humour so you have decided to gloat about yet another meeting with barbedwire!!! Have you never heard about queensbury rules?? just because you only live a stones throw from Fife you seem to think you are entitled to regale everybody with practically a blow by blow account of what you insinuate was a protracted meeting!!!! I intend to withdraw my application to join the SNP

28-01-2012, 10:14 AM
Not at all Enenolder, I was just showing you that it is possible to visit Barbie's lair and get out again. I am sure if you ask her nicely she might consider visiting your area and demonstrating her skills with her various impliments af hand and bum torture. It's probably a bit warmer where you come from and Barbie does like a bit of heat. She is also good at raising the temperature as well.


28-01-2012, 03:49 PM
Hi Bluebell, Perhaps I should retract !!! I am of course jealous that you have such easy access to a fine looking Dom .I would probably run a mile if she came any where near me with canes and tawses though as I am not that experienced , I have seen some of those pictures!!!
I hope your arse is sore for days.

28-01-2012, 06:11 PM
Thank you Evenolder for your kind considerations. I can assure you as I type this message that my arse is stiil feeling the effects of Barbie's schoolmistress tecniques regarding a slow learning schoolboy. God help us if she ever achieves her objective in setting up a schoolroom scenario in Scotland where all those brave Scottish schoolboys will report to learn under Barbie's excellent teaching skills.


Hi Bluebell, Perhaps I should retract !!! I am of course jealous that you have such easy access to a fine looking Dom .I would probably run a mile if she came any where near me with canes and tawses though as I am not that experienced , I have seen some of those pictures!!!
I hope your arse is sore for days.