View Full Version : Spanking in private, or with witnesses?

20-12-2011, 12:59 PM

How would the experience differ, if your spanking was only seen by your spanker - or instead witnessed by one or more other people?

Personally, having witnesses raises the psycological stakes to a dizzy height!

Tell me what you think...

Graham (switch)

20-12-2011, 02:44 PM
For me it depends who the witness is. If it's my wife witnessing me being punished the the top is often quite aggressive - something to do with knowing I won't want to be shown up in front of her and also following her genuine punishment agenda. If it's someone else then it tends to be more speculative as there's more worry about a 'safe-word' being used (which I have never done).

If the choice is a witness or no then I'd go with, as the gestalt theory seems to have an effect.


20-12-2011, 03:48 PM
Okay from the spankers point of view (me )
I have the opportunity to dish out private punishments and to those in groups . I have often found that whilst there is an embarrasment factor in a group, each individual will push their limits more and find they enjoy being watched, also they get to watch others being punished in the group . I have found though that if they are not 1st in line to be punished they tend to be more hesitant in coming forward as they have just witnessed what they are about to receive . Yes they all enjoy and love it ,some more than others but everyone wins alround . Most of all Me :D

Hope everyone has a spankingly happy christmas and New Year xx

20-12-2011, 04:28 PM
If there are a group doesn't the competative instinct also take over? we have seen a boy a few times and then last weekend with another 2 guys and he took much more punishment and harder with others there. I think its part of the "always more toothpaste in the tube" rule.

23-12-2011, 12:42 PM
I have been spanked a few times (not often enough!) by individuals but once by two ladies. The latter was more intense and enjoyable as they worked together and made various comments as they punished me. It was also the fact that after the warm up by hand on pants I was naked to be bent for the crop. One to one nudity occurs regularly in life but being naked in front of two fully clad women increases the feeling of vulnerability and intensifies the whole experience.


Monty Burns
23-12-2011, 07:18 PM
Many years ago I had a meeting with a couple where he half spanked her then I completed the spanking, then she spanked me.
They were fun spankings rather than punishment or pushing limits.

It was enjoyable but could have been more so, main problem was the husband had no interest in spanking, was just doing it to please his wife and was keen to move on to other activities.

Being watched did add a different vibe both giving and receiving.
Like Pertandy said, nudity added to the experience for me.