View Full Version : CP and arousal

01-12-2011, 02:54 PM
Is it frowned upon to mention the fact that I get so aroused during a session,and before it lol, bescause I really do. For me CP and sex play are inseperable. Works for me evry time but is this view acceotable on this site? Its a genuine question.

01-12-2011, 03:39 PM
It depends on the person your having a session with. Also some do CP for real punishment.

01-12-2011, 06:18 PM
It's no problem at all. For an idea of what's acceptable in sexual terms have a read of some of the entries in the Fantasies forum.

02-12-2011, 03:22 AM
Spanking and CP is a ******, and a ****** is basically something other than normal vanilla sexual stimuli that turns you on. There are people turned on by people crying or farting for heaven's sake! I will make no secret of the fact that spanking makes me horny as hell; I can't bring myself off unless I'm fantasising about deviant, kinky stuff. I'm also addicted to the endorphins and I can get really ratty and depressed if I don't get a whacking at least once a week!

Cherry x

02-12-2011, 01:21 PM
Cherry thanks so much for that. Exactly how feel and glad its not just me. Good for you girl.

02-12-2011, 03:22 PM
Algo - why does the forum blank out the word F3T1$H? - just wondering. :)

Ronboxer - spanking makes people horny; that's the bottom line if you excuse the pun. But it does go a lot deeper than that with me....

I was brought up Catholic, so I was made to feel guilty for merely existing. Guilt is embedded deep in my psyche. The only way to expunge it is to be punished for it, and punishment equaled whackings when I was a kid.

In Catholicism, sex is bad, mm-kay, (especially if you're female! There's only 2 kinds of women to the fucking church: you're either a Madonna or a whore!) so if I can get horny and be punished for it then I don't feel guilty any more because physical chastisement is the cure for my guilt. Then my brain associates guilt with sexual gratification and the two become one of the same. If in a D/s setting I genuinely do something wrong and I get severely beaten for it, it is fantastic and very, very intense. This is because the guilt facilitates deeper submission because my soul really craves for mortification of the flesh. It means I can take a lot more and the Dom can really let loose and enjoy himself!! I get to push myself further and oh my God, the endorphins!! I feel so relaxed and at peace that after a spanking, I could die very happy indeed. The cuddles afterwards also makes the whole experience very worthwhile.

There are three words that my Dom can say to me that hurt more than the severest caning. They are: "I'm very disappointed...." The sadness in his eyes and the tone of his voice rips me to shreds. This is because of a deep-seated need to please and serve. Therefore when I displease someone, it hurts like hell!!

Cherry x

02-12-2011, 03:35 PM
We were being targeted by email spammers and one of the words they were searching out was ****** - don't ask me why I just reacted to advice. The threat's gone now so it's off the no-go list. Shame we have to do these things but if one lets them in they take over.

02-12-2011, 07:12 PM
We were being targeted by email spammers and one of the words they were searching out was ****** - don't ask me why I just reacted to advice. The threat's gone now so it's off the no-go list. Shame we have to do these things but if one lets them in they take over.

Oh, ok. That makes sense! :) Thanks, Algy,

C x

03-12-2011, 01:06 PM
Ronboxer - spanking makes people horny; that's the bottom line if you excuse the pun. But it does go a lot deeper than that with me....

I was brought up Catholic, so I was made to feel guilty for merely existing. Guilt is embedded deep in my psyche. The only way to expunge it is to be punished for it, and punishment equaled whackings when I was a kid.

In Catholicism, sex is bad, mm-kay, (especially if you're female! There's only 2 kinds of women to the fucking church: you're either a Madonna or a whore!) so if I can get horny and be punished for it then I don't feel guilty any more because physical chastisement is the cure for my guilt. Then my brain associates guilt with sexual gratification and the two become one of the same. If in a D/s setting I genuinely do something wrong and I get severely beaten for it, it is fantastic and very, very intense. This is because the guilt facilitates deeper submission because my soul really craves for mortification of the flesh. It means I can take a lot more and the Dom can really let loose and enjoy himself!! I get to push myself further and oh my God, the endorphins!! I feel so relaxed and at peace that after a spanking, I could die very happy indeed. The cuddles afterwards also makes the whole experience very worthwhile.

There are three words that my Dom can say to me that hurt more than the severest caning. They are: "I'm very disappointed...." The sadness in his eyes and the tone of his voice rips me to shreds. This is because of a deep-seated need to please and serve. Therefore when I displease someone, it hurts like hell!!

Cherry x

Hi Cherry
What a very thought provoking response. Parts of it make me wish I was brought up as a left-footer.

I especially agree about the endorphin rush and the calm that follows - it's like a post coital cigarette. The spankers just don't know what they're missing.

05-12-2011, 08:13 AM
Is it frowned upon to mention the fact that I get so aroused during a session,and before it lol, bescause I really do. For me CP and sex play are inseperable. Works for me evry time but is this view acceotable on this site? Its a genuine question.

Your query is a very legitimate one in my view. I also think that spanking is essentially a sexual act. I am more of a spanker than a receiver and I often remain dressed throughout but removing a lads trousers and underpants gives me a thrill and if he has an erection or just a slow lob and dribbles juices this makes my day. What a wonderful thing it is and I certainly derive a great sexual thrill from it. The context of course may influence the sexual aspect...role play and the roles adopted will sometimes have meanings for both players as e.g. reenacting earlier experiences such as a domestic scenes of discipline. Yes of course it is a sexual act and arousal in both participants is very common. How can it not be sexual when one is submissively presenting his naked bottom to the other. I make sure that nthe spankee knows that it is of interest to me and I often deliberately part those delicious cheeks to have a good look or/and run my hand up insde nthe thigh, touching the ball sack and up between his legs into his crack. In other words I deliberately encourage arousal and it never fails. Its fun for both the dominant and the sub.

05-12-2011, 12:44 PM
It never used to be a sexual thing for me, it was just punishment of a wrong doer! It has become very sexual. girls in particular when accross my lap of knee get very wet. Boys I have dealt with also get aroused mostly I think in anticipation. I am always amazed when they stay hard through a beating. I beat very hard indeed!

05-12-2011, 09:06 PM
Many thanks to all who replied to my query.Its most gratiying to know ots not only me who gets turned on while in a session. Made me so damned horny cant wait for the next one.

07-12-2011, 07:32 PM
That's why CP should never be brought back into schools. The thought of teachers obtaining sexual and sadistic gratification out of beating children....talk about Paedo City, Arizona! Oh my God, could you imagine??? Also, having your kid's psycho-sexual development warped in that way, like mine was and I now cannot separate guilt from arousal. I feel guilty if I get aroused and guilt makes me horny..... Because of all the religious and moral bullshit surrounding sex, it is still seen as dirty, disgusting and a necessary evil to facilitate reproduction. Fuck. Right. Off. Sex should be a joyful, carefree, guiltless act, where nudity is not associated with sex. Think Garden of Eden before the forbidden fruit was eaten. Eve took the first bite and us women have been getting the shit ever since. The Church still teaches that women are more impressionable and prone to sin (another horrendous concept. Fuck. Right. Off. Again! As a protest people, find somebody, be it your spouse, partner or a convenient fuck-buddy and really give them one! Just be safe and make sure it's consensual! (Rummages in goody-bag for rope, pinwheel, various spanking implements and a ball-gag....well, you didn't expect me to be vanilla did you??)

07-12-2011, 10:10 PM
Hi Cherry

I apologise for all that went on before. Unlike you I was brought up under the strict Scottish Presbyterian faith where children should be seen but under no circumstances heard. On a Sunday (the Sabbath) I was not allowed to venture out the front door except when I made my weary way in my best suit to the Church for Sunday School. I am not saying it was all bad but I don't for one minute think the almighty wanted us to live our lives like that. The schools I attended had loads of teachers who believed in the above and used their straps to make sure the word of the church was upheld, my Headmaster was what they call in Scotland a Lay Preacher. I now live in a more enlightened era where people make their own choice. I am still a christian, but Catholic, Protestant, for heavens sake we both believe in the same god. I believe he put us here to go out and do the best we can and enjoy ourself while we are doing it.


Algo - why does the forum blank out the word F3T1$H? - just wondering. :)

Ronboxer - spanking makes people horny; that's the bottom line if you excuse the pun. But it does go a lot deeper than that with me....

I was brought up Catholic, so I was made to feel guilty for merely existing. Guilt is embedded deep in my psyche. The only way to expunge it is to be punished for it, and punishment equaled whackings when I was a kid.

In Catholicism, sex is bad, mm-kay, (especially if you're female! There's only 2 kinds of women to the fucking church: you're either a Madonna or a whore!) so if I can get horny and be punished for it then I don't feel guilty any more because physical chastisement is the cure for my guilt. Then my brain associates guilt with sexual gratification and the two become one of the same. If in a D/s setting I genuinely do something wrong and I get severely beaten for it, it is fantastic and very, very intense. This is because the guilt facilitates deeper submission because my soul really craves for mortification of the flesh. It means I can take a lot more and the Dom can really let loose and enjoy himself!! I get to push myself further and oh my God, the endorphins!! I feel so relaxed and at peace that after a spanking, I could die very happy indeed. The cuddles afterwards also makes the whole experience very worthwhile.

There are three words that my Dom can say to me that hurt more than the severest caning. They are: "I'm very disappointed...." The sadness in his eyes and the tone of his voice rips me to shreds. This is because of a deep-seated need to please and serve. Therefore when I displease someone, it hurts like hell!!

Cherry x

08-12-2011, 07:15 PM
Cherry pleasde empty your box.

Done it. :)

08-12-2011, 07:27 PM
Hiya Bluebell

No worries, I'm not the sort of person that holds a grudge; people on here know that I will only show my teeth if I'm very annoyed. :)

I'm not religious at all now - organised religion is divisive, fucks up natural, psychosexual development and demonises and persecutes women. That doesn't mean I'm athiest, as people confuse spirituality with religion. If people spent more time praying for each other instead of preying on each other, the world would be a much better place. Better still, let atheism rule the world - our scientific advancement would be a lot quicker if the Church stopped sticking their nose in and condemning shit they don't understand. I reckon a lot of genetic diseases would've been cured by now but ohhh no, stem cell research isn't allowed, is it?? Also, kiddie-fiddling wouldn't be covered up..... I have a big problem with Christianity as an institution - not the Christian people, as I believe that people should be able to believe in whatever they want, as long as they treat their religion like they would treat their penis; i.e. it's a very nice thing to have, but don't wave it about in public and don't shove it down children's throats!!!

C x

Hi Cherry

I apologise for all that went on before. Unlike you I was brought up under the strict Scottish Presbyterian faith where children should be seen but under no circumstances heard. On a Sunday (the Sabbath) I was not allowed to venture out the front door except when I made my weary way in my best suit to the Church for Sunday School. I am not saying it was all bad but I don't for one minute think the almighty wanted us to live our lives like that. The schools I attended had loads of teachers who believed in the above and used their straps to make sure the word of the church was upheld, my Headmaster was what they call in Scotland a Lay Preacher. I now live in a more enlightened era where people make their own choice. I am still a christian, but Catholic, Protestant, for heavens sake we both believe in the same god. I believe he put us here to go out and do the best we can and enjoy ourself while we are doing it.
