View Full Version : Cherry's in trouble....

06-10-2011, 09:43 PM
...big time!! Visiting Chiefwhip tomorrow and it seems that I am really in for it. Perhaps I shouldn't have got totally wankered on cocktails and then spent all Saturday throwing up and laying in bed....

Cherry x

10-10-2011, 12:36 AM
OH, NOOOOOO!!!!! She's back!! Just as I was getting used to the peace and quiet. I should have known that it couldn't last. Too good to be true! So unladylike and uncouth as well! Ugh! Where's the Gin bottle?!!!

I've drained it - I'm too much of a pleb to be able to afford Bombay Sapphire, so I nicked yours instead.....

Seriously though, I did feel really bad about what I did. I'm banned from cocktails! My Dom punished me by going vanilla on me! I reckon it was only that I was twitching (CP withdrawal!) like a smack junkie that he tied me up to calm me down!

The following evening, I did receive a rather hard caning though. I lay naked on his bed (save for my hold up stockings) with pillows under my hips while he lashed me with a dragon cane. I certainly won't be getting plastered and puking up again....

A somewhat subdued Cherry. x

10-10-2011, 08:16 PM
Hi Cherry

I feel for you, I know what it is like when you feel your bum is on fire. I get my regular leathering from Barbie and the word mercy does not appear to be in her volcabulary. The only positive thing I can concentrate on at this time is that the birching season is over because once the sap dries up birches are useless. What I now fear is going into her study on a freezing morning when your hands are cold and getting six of the belt because my school tie isn't straight or something. Hang in there.

All the best


12-10-2011, 02:12 PM
The peace is shattered. It has been so nice on the forum with people being friendly towards each other. Now it is back to the trenches and keeping the head down. Nice to hear from you Westy, I think.


Yes Bluebell the birching season is over but the bitching season has just begun.
Right you lot, Westy has just been released from prison and is back to upset everyone so stand back.

The wife told me last night that I was childish and immature and that I should grow up. She wants to sit down and discuss it like adults for 3 hours.
Like that is going to happen in the middle of conker season.


12-10-2011, 04:22 PM
I don't have a problem with you Westy but sometimes you cause a general melee that can involve others.


When have I never been receptive to you Bluebell?

13-10-2011, 03:42 PM
OH, NOOOOOO!!!!! She's back!! Just as I was getting used to the peace and quiet. I should have known that it couldn't last. Too good to be true! So unladylike and uncouth as well! Ugh! Where's the Gin bottle?!!!

I've drank that too - I've acquired a taste for gin....

Seriously Sir, yes it was unladylike and uncouth and I do still feel really bad about it even though the incident was a fortnight ago. I'm not allowed to go anywhere near cocktails now!

Nice to "see" you again, Sir. Hope you're well.

Cherry x

13-10-2011, 03:44 PM
Hi Cherry

I feel for you, I know what it is like when you feel your bum is on fire. I get my regular leathering from Barbie and the word mercy does not appear to be in her volcabulary. The only positive thing I can concentrate on at this time is that the birching season is over because once the sap dries up birches are useless. What I now fear is going into her study on a freezing morning when your hands are cold and getting six of the belt because my school tie isn't straight or something. Hang in there.

All the best


Hiya Bluebell

I've not been ignoring you - I've tried to reply but my hand-held device doesn't seem to like this thread. It keeps timing out.

I'm fine... I did get caned rather hard though!

Cherry x

13-10-2011, 03:47 PM
I Dont know what you mean. And what's a melee

A melee' is a bit like a rumpus or a hoo-ha. It's a creature out of the Roald Dahl books I think - could be related to a Wangdoodle or a Snozwangler....not entirely sure. Ask Cov; he seems to be an expert on everything else! :D

Cherry x

13-10-2011, 03:53 PM
I don't have a problem with you Westy but sometimes you cause a general melee that can involve others.


Westey causes a minor apocolypse just by walking into a room. Chaos and anarchy is imprinted in his DNA. That's why we get on so well I think! The last time Westey and I had a chat online, I gave birth to snakes and started speaking in tongues shortly afterwards...people like me are susceptible to that sort of thing. I was born a red-head and I'm left handed and to top it all off, I'm female! Devil's Child or what?? That's why I need regular thrashings to keep me on the path of righteousness, but between you and me, I reckon the local parish priest is a bit of a perv......

Cherry x

14-10-2011, 12:25 PM
I tell you what westy , I think you should let me speak to your Mrs and I'll tell her to give you a very harsh OTK spanking by hand and hairbrush to stop you being so childish :D Then maybe she'll let you out to go find some conkers to play with !

I was through your neck of the woods last Sunday and Monday, never seen you out and about skulking round the place though :p


Yes Bluebell the birching season is over but the bitching season has just begun.
Right you lot, Westy has just been released from prison and is back to upset everyone so stand back.

The wife told me last night that I was childish and immature and that I should grow up. She wants to sit down and discuss it like adults for 3 hours.
Like that is going to happen in the middle of conker season.


14-10-2011, 04:58 PM
I am surprised they let you in and how did you get out of Fife? I thought there was a big wall around it keeping you all in.

Ohhhhh I have my ways and means plus the weegies LOVE me :D Ofcourse we all know that you can't get into Fife ...more's the pity :rolleyes:

I'll be back through next month, so westy mind and hide :p

21-10-2011, 08:13 PM
Now Westy

What is the crap that you are talking about. As you will see I have offered a peace meeting with Colonel Blimp but he seems to have disappeared. I do feel that insults thown at ladies that are honest about the work that they do is below the belt. Perhaps Colonel Blimp has an alterior Motive.
Keep posting Westy


Well it's been a busy old week on here for some. Hey, all that crap and Westy was not involved. That's incredible. I have been offering advice to Gaddafi this week on where to hide and I told him not to go into those drains but did he listen? Did he hell.
He's only gone and got himself shot in the head. Bet that hurt and an askit wont solve it. It's the same when I told Saddam not to go near trap doors.
Nobody listens to Westy. You lot should sit up and take heid of the Westy knowledge. Have a great weekend everyone

21-10-2011, 08:36 PM
What are you talking about now?! "Melee"(sorry about lack of accents) is the feminine past participle of the French verb "meler"- to mix. It is generally used to refer to a situation where opposites are put together. It is a strategy in battle- think Battle of Trafalgar. It is also I believe used as a gaming strategy, where they refer to "melee weapons" and " melee spheres". I don't recall a Roald Dahl creature of that name. I am glad to see that you are acknowledging my expertise on a whole range of topics, Cherry - although your phrase "seems to be" should correctly be replaced by "is"!!!

I tend to use an apostrophe as an accent, 'cos an accent looks like a drunken apostrophe and I prefer my apostrophes to be sober, seeing as I've gotten myself in a lot of trouble getting rat-arsed recently.

And yes, I should have said "is" instead of "seems to be"; but there's no need to be so "tense".... ha ha!

Cherry x

21-10-2011, 09:03 PM
Don't worry Cherry. I never passed higher english then why would a Scot want to do so. The auld Heidie in Fife loves to have spelling tests which would cause grief in a Solicitors office. But she really is a nice teacher and I do like to give her a nice apple in the form of vino blanco which does tend to put a smile on her face when she is belting your bare backside.


I tend to use an apostrophe as an accent, 'cos an accent looks like a drunken apostrophe and I prefer my apostrophes to be sober, seeing as I've gotten myself in a lot of trouble getting rat-arsed recently.

And yes, I should have said "is" instead of "seems to be"; but there's no need to be so "tense".... ha ha!

Cherry x

22-10-2011, 07:08 PM
Well Westy do you remember what I said about you appearing and a melee starting up. Only it wasn't a melee, it nearly turned into WW3. You have this fantastic knack of lighting the firework then standing back to see where it goes off. You then disappear into the trench when the shells start exploding all around. Show yourself man.


Yes Bluebell the birching season is over but the bitching season has just begun.
Right you lot, Westy has just been released from prison and is back to upset everyone so stand back.

The wife told me last night that I was childish and immature and that I should grow up. She wants to sit down and discuss it like adults for 3 hours.
Like that is going to happen in the middle of conker season.


25-10-2011, 10:29 AM
That's fine by me Westy, you stick with your pal, you probably deserve each other anyway.

All the best


Bluebell, I do not want to have any communication with you whatsoever. I would appreciate it if you would just completely ignore me on this site. I will not contact you or communicate with you in any way from now on. There is absolutely no need to respond to this message as it is as clear as day.

25-10-2011, 12:26 PM
Including you Westy that will add up to three fannies then.:)


You are a Fanny

25-10-2011, 02:22 PM
Including you Westy that will add up to three fannies then.:)


3 fannies? who's the third?

Cherry x

25-10-2011, 02:51 PM
Well Cherry according to Westy I am one and Westy is definitely one do I really have to tell you who the third is and I will give you a clue it isn't Barbie.


3 fannies? who's the third?

Cherry x

25-10-2011, 04:07 PM
You know Westy, I had nothing against you but I can see from your last post that you have the same ignorant, arrogant sewer type of mind as your friend that has to use foul language to try and get his point across. Calling me names doesn't bother me one bit and as you obviously wish I would go away, I feel exactly the same about you. At least when you are having a go at me you are giving other members peace.


Just him Cherry. They have the Falkirk Wheel and the Falkirk Fanny.
Having said that fannys are useful thing's not to be fucked around with.
He is trying to drag Cov back into this but we all wish he would just go and stick his face where he normally puts it.

25-10-2011, 06:42 PM
Temper temper Westy, I will go away as soon as you shut your foul mouth up.


Look just dont say anything to me. Go away, fuck off. Dont you get it. I dont want to talk to you EVER. Now for the last time go away you grotty little man.

26-10-2011, 11:52 AM
Apart from making a mark on the page(or screen), I can see no virtue in using an apostrophe in place of an accent. If you look at the apostrophe in front of "cos", it is a vertical mark; there are four accents in French and none of them are a vertical mark; the apostrophe is either in front of the letter or behind it- none of the accents in French take that position, although some in Spanish do. Your ploy, therefore, would seem to be a complete waste of time! Perhaps it explains why your attempts at French, on this forum, have been so disastrous!( Which reminds me, you are still a piece of homework outstanding!)

I prefer to live in the present, rather than the subjunctive- so much more satisfying!

Hello Sir :)

I am aware that accents are wonky (my French accent is perpendicular if I'm being honest...) and that apostrophes are upright, hence the drunk/sober analogy - particularly appropriate when one considers my recent cocktail quaffing shenanigans! As for the homework...*guilty, sheepish grin*... it has proved to be rather tricky but I will try again: is it "J'ai mal au derrierre?" I dunno....let's face it, I can barely speak and write English! What chance have I got with a foreign language?? Could you please put me out of my misery, Sir? Once I'm told something, it does sink in, especially after writing it out a couple of hundred times.....*whimpers*

Also, what does "subjunctive" mean? :confused:

Cherry x

26-10-2011, 08:58 PM
Hi Cherry

Don't worry about it, all languages to me with the exception of Scots is foreign. I am sitting here with a well tanned bum after Barbie's enthusiastic approach to learning the English language. She loves picking difficult words out the dictionary and expects me to spell them. I do enjoy a small tipple myself as does Barbie but don't tell her I told you that.

Take care


Hello Sir :)

I am aware that accents are wonky (my French accent is perpendicular if I'm being honest...) and that apostrophes are upright, hence the drunk/sober analogy - particularly appropriate when one considers my recent cocktail quaffing shenanigans! As for the homework...*guilty, sheepish grin*... it has proved to be rather tricky but I will try again: is it "J'ai mal au derrierre?" I dunno....let's face it, I can barely speak and write English! What chance have I got with a foreign language?? Could you please put me out of my misery, Sir? Once I'm told something, it does sink in, especially after writing it out a couple of hundred times.....*whimpers*

Also, what does "subjunctive" mean? :confused:

Cherry x

26-10-2011, 11:54 PM
You two need to take a frickin pill.

I need something....I added a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon of baking powder to a birthday cake I was making. It erupted everywhere like Vesuvius. I'm rather upset by my own stupidity if I'm being totally honest. FFS!!! :/

27-10-2011, 11:46 AM
Hi Cherry

Don't worry about it, all languages to me with the exception of Scots is foreign. I am sitting here with a well tanned bum after Barbie's enthusiastic approach to learning the English language. She loves picking difficult words out the dictionary and expects me to spell them. I do enjoy a small tipple myself as does Barbie but don't tell her I told you that.

Take care


You secret's safe with me. :)

Could do with a good beating myself in all seriousness. There's two sorts in my mind: erotic spankings and full-on punishment. I'm craving the latter! Whether that is due to me feeling particularly masochistic or just down to unresolved guilt, I'm not sure. I'm sure other members of the forum can think of plenty of reasons to give me a thrashing!

Cherry x:)x

27-10-2011, 07:47 PM

You are needing to take a little holiday north of the border. Barbies weapons of bum destruction are waiting and her arsenal gets larger by the moment. She is a bit miffed at the moment because one of her favourite natural instruments, the birch is not in season. I can still guarantee that by the time you leave Barbies lair you will be able to fry your breakfast on your hot backside. She does have a soft heart, the only problem is finding it.

Take care, all the best


You secret's safe with me. :)

Could do with a good beating myself in all seriousness. There's two sorts in my mind: erotic spankings and full-on punishment. I'm craving the latter! Whether that is due to me feeling particularly masochistic or just down to unresolved guilt, I'm not sure. I'm sure other members of the forum can think of plenty of reasons to give me a thrashing!

Cherry x:)x

29-10-2011, 11:54 AM
BB you will find my heart under a mountain in the far far North encased in a solid block of ice hahhaha :D