View Full Version : I suppose its quite simple

06-09-2011, 03:04 PM
Bear with me, I'm insanely anxious about talking about this sort of thing- largely due to the fact I know how judged/shunned I'd be amongst family and peers if they found out about this 'need' of mine, and as I don't currently live alone I don't have as much freedom to express it as I would like.

I suppose my fantasy is quite simply as opposed to others, though there is one unusual part I suppose, and that'd be what name I'd like to be called; Connor. It's a boys name, yes, and that's probably the strangest thing- maybe it's because I don't necessarily feel comfortable as a girl (despite the name of this account, but I didn't want to be misleading!), combined with the fact I think injecting role play into the scenario would make me feel less awkward about being spanked by, lets face it; a stranger.

The scene in itself I have no preference on, though a mentor/student or guardian/ward would probably fit in best.

I'd like to be able to wear jeans or other trousers, and be taken over the knee- spanked first over my jeans, and then underwear, then bare. I certainly don't want to be caned! But a hairbrush would be fine (I think!) I don't know my limits yet so perhaps a safe word would be our best bet. I'd like to go home with a red and sore bottom, but preferably no welts or obvious marks that will last a long time- just in case I get seen! Unlikely, but as previously mentioned; I'm a closet spankee ;)

06-09-2011, 03:20 PM
Although that said I also wouldn't mind being called by my usual name, Eve XD

This is just a fantasy of mine

06-09-2011, 10:37 PM
Dear Connor,

I would love to correspond with you so that you might be gently and carefully introduced to trying out whatever spanking fantasies you have.

I have a fair amount (from both ends) of experience of spanking would be happy to discuss this with you if wish.

I hope to hear from you.
Kind regards,

07-09-2011, 08:11 PM
No longer required, lost the confidence
Apologies x.x