View Full Version : Men in relationships who seek sub fem spankees....

03-08-2011, 12:28 PM
Okay i've noticed alot of this going on and men wonder why they get nowhere .
Male profile reads : cannot accommodate seeking (young) female spankee for fun and possible sexual interaction . Now call me anything you want but surely this reads to any female spankee that you are married /living with someone and only looking to spank her for your gratification ('cause your other half doesn't play )and sexual interaction if you feel like a bit on the side and fancy her on some level . The only thing the spankee will get out of it is , waiting on you to have the odd bit of freetime when your significant other is away or you manage to sneek out for an hour or two :eek:
Hence the single female spankee will seek out a man who can accomodate which normally means he's single and the rest will be prospankees ,so men will have to pay for the privelege.

*sits back and waits for a load of men protesting that isn't the case *

03-08-2011, 06:58 PM
Very likely you're, in the main, absolutely right. However, (don't you hate sentences that start with that word?) if the advert isn't worded as you suggest then a lot of interaction can take place prior to a possible meeting. The same man might advertise that whilst his partner doesn't want to know about this side of his life he nevertheless is 'allowed to play away'. If he further left out any comment about sexual contact and concentrated on the aspects he might be able to give a relationship then the whole bundle of roses changes colour completely - and who knows where the pricks may end up (ROSES!)

Personally I never get into too many discussions about can/can't accommodate as, in my experience, where there's a mutual meeting of wills there's generally a solution around the corner; hotel, friends' holiday cottage - I'm taking a week or two in Devon in September/October to finish a book - everything will fall into place if the advert doesn't read as Barbie points out, nothing will happen if it is.

My wife encourages me to play away as she knows I get restless and actually prefers me to be with men as they pose no "long term relationship" type threat of the sort that would worry her and often expect/give harsher punishments. Also I know she gets frustrated that she thinks she can't take enough. I prefer to spank women and be spanked by men although I often challenge her perceptions as I don't concur. Women are often there for some aspect of either long or short term atonement whereas men are so often searching for a plug to fill a hole.

In the many meetings I've had some have resulted in spanking sessions and many have not; they were all worth while. Usually the best ones were those I was expecting to be a complete disaster so I attend all.

Just my tuppence worth (sorry COV 'twopennyworth').

05-08-2011, 10:59 PM
My dear TDH, no need to criticise. Late at night, when the wine's been flowing my consonants take issue with my vowels and my nouns upset my conjunctives and you should see the spelling but that's what three weeks in Italy does to you. Only mad dogs and englishmen... etc etc; and I've been out there for quite a few days now so nothing should surprise you; my brain's been broiled.

As to the book; well that's for editors to tune as I've nearly done my bit and I'm sick to the back teeth with the thing; the halfway point is yet to come and yet I'm nine tenths of the way through. Yuk - wish I'd never taken it on, accepted the money, said 'yes'... should have told them to 'bugger off I'm going POD'.

All the best - back in a couple more weeks - no internet where I'm going next.

Give 'em hell while I'm away.

08-08-2011, 10:06 PM
Westey - Cherry - just take careful note of Algy's last sentence!! I'm not going to take any nonsense from you two whilst he's away! You've both been warned!

Sir, you don't take any nonsense from me when Algy's here! I mean, what on earth do you think this mouse is gonna do when the cat is away? Start a riot? Set a couple of cars on fire? I know I live in London but in regards to the anarchy in Tottenham etc. - not guilty!

Cherry x

08-08-2011, 10:32 PM
I did wonder if you were behind it all! I used to teach near there- thankfully, only for three years. It was bad then!

Was that in the Eighties? I know there was a lot of rioting and trouble back then. I would've been at primary school!

Cherry x

09-08-2011, 01:25 PM
It was in the early eighties. Broadwater Farm was only about 2 miles away- if that. You could have been in my class- now wouldn't that have been lovely?! You'd certainly have known how to spell intellectual if you had been!!

It would have been lovely! (And I mean that sincerely. I'm not being sarky or facetious for once!) The reason being is that I would've been no trouble whatsoever; I had the reading age of an eleven year old at the age of five and I was quite bright. Plus, you will find it hard to believe that I was always polite and never cheeky to teachers. I lived in fear of saying something that could be interpreted as impudent or rude that would result in a painful audience with the Headmaster! So I really watched what I said. These days, of course, it's a different story!

I was, however, totally hopeless at Maths. I still am! Would I've suffered some form of corporal correction at your hands for this ineptitude? I do concede that the mis-spelling of "intellectual" was a rather careless spelling error, rather than as a result of ignorance - sorry about that, Sir...

If you ever needed to use CP, what were the typical offences? Did getting bad grades warrant it? Did girls get caned/slippered/spanked as well?

Hope I'm not being too much of a nosy parker, Sir. I'm just genuinely interested. :)

Cherry x

04-09-2011, 07:30 PM
Okay i've noticed alot of this going on and men wonder why they get nowhere .
Male profile reads : cannot accommodate seeking (young) female spankee for fun and possible sexual interaction . Now call me anything you want but surely this reads to any female spankee that you are married /living with someone and only looking to spank her for your gratification ('cause your other half doesn't play )and sexual interaction if you feel like a bit on the side and fancy her on some level . The only thing the spankee will get out of it is , waiting on you to have the odd bit of freetime when your significant other is away or you manage to sneek out for an hour or two :eek:
Hence the single female spankee will seek out a man who can accomodate which normally means he's single and the rest will be prospankees ,so men will have to pay for the privelege.

*sits back and waits for a load of men protesting that isn't the case *

Like what you say and after a few days being registered it seems from the wording of many of them, that the last thing some posters consider is the concerns of prospective females. Is this because they are so up their arses about being doms? Your post seems to suggest that a person in my position, married, should not expect any females, single or married themselves, to be interested in me. Why not? Surely there are some married females in the same position, either not getting their need fullfilled by their husbands, or just craving the pleasure of an encounter with a male who they do not have a close emotional or sexual relationship with? Don't tell me there aren't, because I know otherwise. I am willing to offer them a discreet, mutually agreeable encounter with someone who is trustworthy. Going off your post perhaps I should charge.

04-09-2011, 07:36 PM
Having said all that I am not confident that there will be any interest in me. Don't most females want an attractive, slim, fit male with charm, personality and money, plus access at anytime that suits them at his own place. Sadly, life doesn't offer many of those like it doesn't offer what you suggest in your post that men are looking for.

06-09-2011, 11:05 AM
Like what you say and after a few days being registered it seems from the wording of many of them, that the last thing some posters consider is the concerns of prospective females. Is this because they are so up their arses about being doms? Your post seems to suggest that a person in my position, married, should not expect any females, single or married themselves, to be interested in me. Why not? Surely there are some married females in the same position, either not getting their need fullfilled by their husbands, or just craving the pleasure of an encounter with a male who they do not have a close emotional or sexual relationship with? Don't tell me there aren't, because I know otherwise. I am willing to offer them a discreet, mutually agreeable encounter with someone who is trustworthy. Going off your post perhaps I should charge.

Hello and welcome to the boards of insanity hahaha

Well as my post says and suggest , many of the males seek out single fems whilst they themselves are in relationships and have certain expectations.
It would seem that they think a female will offer herself upto just anyone who wants to spank them and not take into consideration what the female needs out of it and most females would prefer a longterm spanking partner ,so if she is single she will most likely try to find a single male who she can communicate with properly on more than a spanking level and not just when he is available .
Anyone( female or male) offering themselves to accept any form of play seeks someone understanding , honest and mostly who will respect them and gain their trust. TRUST is everything !
As for the males who think they are dom just to get a fem ,well ....hmmmm ,let's just say alot of them cannot control themselves and it shows :eek:

Oh and I early missed the last bit , there are actually plenty of men who charge ...... even though they try to hide the fact !

Hope you have some fun on here and take most of the going ons with a pinch of salt .

Barbie .

06-09-2011, 11:15 AM
Having said all that I am not confident that there will be any interest in me. Don't most females want an attractive, slim, fit male with charm, personality and money, plus access at anytime that suits them at his own place. Sadly, life doesn't offer many of those like it doesn't offer what you suggest in your post that men are looking for.

Females seek a man who is understanding and has a brain ,it helps if he is charming but not slimey , slim is not everyones cup of tea and as for what's in his bank account well who cares most of the time !
What most females enjoy is the male who has time for her not just an hour here and there .
As they say , there is someone for everyone , it's finding that person which is the hard part !
Patience is a good thing and eventually you find that certain somone who ticks most of the boxes and enjoy it while you can :D

06-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Thank god for that because slim is not the word I would use to describe myself. Understanding and has a brain, sorry, don't want to boast. Slimey, there may be one or two on here that fit that bill but it is certainly not me. Money in bank account, wish I had. Time for the person who works extremely hard to make me suffer, no problem. Patience waiting on that belt to land on my hands and rear end, what more can I say.

You know you have stirred up the smelly stuff again.


Females seek a man who is understanding and has a brain ,it helps if he is charming but not slimey , slim is not everyones cup of tea and as for what's in his bank account well who cares most of the time !
What most females enjoy is the male who has time for her not just an hour here and there .
As they say , there is someone for everyone , it's finding that person which is the hard part !
Patience is a good thing and eventually you find that certain somone who ticks most of the boxes and enjoy it while you can :D

06-09-2011, 09:25 PM
Evening all, nice to see there is someone on the site after a few days of inaction, or were you all just hard at it?

Pleased to see that some comments seem to confirm my perceptions. I am trying to ease myself into the pursuit rather than shout look at me and wait expectantly for the avalanche, is this what you call patience?

My point about having money gives opportunity and comfort; would prospective female spankees rather meet a partner in a Travellodge room under a false name, or in a nice large detached house, secluded and far enough away from neighbours to have to tone down the action for fear of drawing attention to the activity underway? I have spent the last 15-20 years having to back off to avoid waking the kids, and on another occassion when I heard my neighbour say to her husband through the bedroom wall "what on earth is he doing?" Even worse was that she was my cousin and when I visit them in their new home, she often refers to the excessive noise from the woman next door during what she assumes is sexual activity.

I have a few issues that I would like others to comment on, can I ask you all to consider them as I post them on other threads in the near future?