View Full Version : Do you hide who you are???

30-03-2011, 09:11 PM
Hmmm. Well all my family and friends know what I do ,but why do so many feel the need to hide who they truly are ?
Why hide the person inside who has the need to discipline others(yes you sadists) or be the masochist who needs disciplined ?
Are you doing something wrong or immoral ?
Are you not secure enough in yourself to stand up and be proud ?
I show my face but so many don't ,why don't they ?
Are you all ashamed of who you are and what you are ?

* stands back and waits for rocks to be thrown *

30-03-2011, 09:59 PM
Hi Miss

I was never earmarked for the diplomatic core and it would appear that the same applies to you. Are you sure this is the line you want to go along. If you throw a pebble into the water it is going to make ripples. Ach well peace is only an interlude between wars. With you all the way Miss.

30-03-2011, 10:17 PM
Oh i'm very diplomatic ..but why do people feel the need to hide their tru selves from people ...I just don't get it !

BTW my broom was lovely ..*a certain boy had a sore ass* hahahhaha

31-03-2011, 09:50 AM
I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed but do keep very quiet as I don't want my children bullied and teased at school or to have to confront such issues as their fathers' predilections at such a young and tender age. That's probably the case for many spankers and spankees; that and work colleagues, unwanted publicity etc.

31-03-2011, 12:25 PM
As I have got older any shame that I may have had has diminished. That being said I don't feel the need to inform others of my interests or preferences. It's private to a point. This website allows one to hide behind an alias and yet communicate with like minded individuals.

31-03-2011, 12:39 PM
I can understand peoples need and desire to be discreet .I was just throwing this in the mix to see what people had to say on the subject .

When i'm out and about without makeup and wearing jeans, t-shirt and a pair of docs I honestly don't think most people would recognise me in the street .

31-03-2011, 01:22 PM
My family don't know that I like my bottom spanked and I'm not too sure how they would react so I keep it a secret, but I have never covered my face in any of my photos that have been on the web and I use my real name
you certainty know how to smack a bare bottom :)
I wished I lived closer to you

01-04-2011, 12:08 PM
Thankyou RichardA , nice to see someone who appreciates what I do and you joining in .
Algonania and billsie ,I understand why people wish to keep things away from their friends /family as some people can be a bit cruel if they find something out that's personal and use it against you .

I must say, I did expect a bit more input on the subject . Possibly more so from all the Tops who all seem to be a bit quiet :eek:

01-04-2011, 12:40 PM
I was hoping for the ripple to turn into a tidal wave hahhah

Caribou 2
01-04-2011, 10:59 PM
I'm an intensely private and shy person by nature. My family and some of my friends know I'm 'gay' but they certainly don't know anything about my corporal punishment interests (and neither do I want them to). I'm not interested in what they do in private and I'm sure they're not interested in what I do either.

02-04-2011, 12:54 PM
I suppose I have always been a bit different and believe that in being an 'openbook ' people are less likely to point the finger and usually if a subject comes up, I don't hide my interest in it .
I have found over the years there are actually more interested and want to know more or even be on the receiving end of my hand.I donot tell what I have done to whom or give any personal information but usually people endup finding certain subjects quite fascinating and some have informed me that in their life at some point they have dabbled in certain areas. It certainly is an icebreaker and can lead to many an amusing conversation .

02-04-2011, 01:34 PM
Never mind you did try. You can always take your frustration out on someones rear end when the hols are over.


03-04-2011, 11:36 PM
I prefer to be discrete just because of my work. Doing what i do and having this masochist thing seems slightly perverse to most i think, well at least those who don't know about it. I can honestly say that outwith the folks i've met on here i only have one friend in the real world who knows what i do and the only reason i trust her is because she's also 'kinky' so to speak and she's trusted me with stuff she's done too.

You can take your frustrations out on my rear after the hols if you like Aunty - pesky things these holidays


red hand
05-04-2011, 02:04 AM
i really do admire those who can be completely open about these matters.
however i prefer not to disclose publicly.
i work (part time) in community centre where many children attend.
i require a advanced disclosure (scotland) to work there.
can you imagine the kind of publicity this would generate if i this was public knowledge.
i have family ,including grandchildren so think it,s best to keep these things totally private

22-05-2011, 07:00 PM
Absolutely, I mean, ultimately, what goes on between people behind closed doors is their business, and nobody elses. I could never get into the pub scenario, wheres blokes insist on harping on about what they did with their wives or girlfriends the previous night, I mean, whats that all about, surely what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom with your partner isn't a topic for conversation. I think it does depend on the person, most people dont feel the need to advertise their sexual preferences, likes and dislikes, and thats pretty much the kind of bloke I am, but, there are those who for some reason think that everybody wants to know theres, guess it takes all sorts.