View Full Version : Seek girl 18-30 or boy 18-22 to spank

24-03-2011, 03:00 PM
As the head spanker has posted a message suggesting that there really are genuine young females (and males) looking at this site who want spanked if only we ask for what we want, I thought I would give it one last go.
I am based in Edinburgh, where I can host a young bottom, either for a quick visit or if you would prefer to stay over that is also on offer. I have many years of spanking experience and I will satisfy most fantasies either for an experienced spankee or to introduce an unsure beginner to the pleasures of our activity.
So email me today and lets arrange to play.

29-07-2011, 07:48 PM
As the head spanker has posted a message suggesting that there really are genuine young females (and males) looking at this site who want spanked if only we ask for what we want, I thought I would give it one last go.
I am based in Edinburgh, where I can host a young bottom, either for a quick visit or if you would prefer to stay over that is also on offer. I have many years of spanking experience and I will satisfy most fantasies either for an experienced spankee or to introduce an unsure beginner to the pleasures of our activity.
So email me today and lets arrange to play.

I don't think you will find any ladies that young that will be brave enough to come out and play. Women do not tend to come "out of the spanking closet" until their forties at least! This is due to divorce or the death of their spouse and the kids growing up and leaving home - then wifey suddenly remembers that she has a life and feelings as well. Cue sites like this....

I'm 32 and that makes me a spring chicken by comparison! :)

Cherry x

31-07-2011, 09:21 AM
Well Cherry, thank you for your message but I think you have proved my point. It has taken 3 months for your reply to arrive an NO other younger spankees have answered.

I asked for what I wanted as recommended by the Moderator of the site and no replies were forthcoming. The last posting of any age or type in the Edinburgh/Glasgow section was over a month ago. If one searches through the members lists there are dozens of entries who have not been active for literally years.

Apart from a handful of respondents who randomly piggyback on any thread simply to score points off each other, THIS SITE IS DEAD.

Very disappointedly,

01-08-2011, 10:26 PM
If you approach it with an ounce of intelligence, with your brain switched on and your dick in your trousers you would realise that women are very unlikely to respond to your postings.

If what we've seen thus far is all you have to offer this site then you may leave with the blessing of one and all.

Ask not what this site can do for you but what you may do for this site - many things will flow from that simple twist of attitude.

I wish you well wherever you wish to go but if that's your best I fear it will be a lonely vigil.

I will delete your account upon request.


02-08-2011, 01:02 AM
Hi Scottawse

Don't give up so easily. Yes there are one or two on the site who think they are gods gift to it but all you have to do is ignore them. I have had the odd frank exchange of views with a certain member but I still regard the site as being one of the best. Hang in there.


Well Cherry, thank you for your message but I think you have proved my point. It has taken 3 months for your reply to arrive an NO other younger spankees have answered.

I asked for what I wanted as recommended by the Moderator of the site and no replies were forthcoming. The last posting of any age or type in the Edinburgh/Glasgow section was over a month ago. If one searches through the members lists there are dozens of entries who have not been active for literally years.

Apart from a handful of respondents who randomly piggyback on any thread simply to score points off each other, THIS SITE IS DEAD.

Very disappointedly,

02-08-2011, 09:58 AM
Thank you Bluebell for your positive comments.

How unusual to receive a message from the site moderator who has failed to reply to previous contacts.

The vitriolic response ('turn your brain on' and 'keep your dick in your trousers') smacks of desparation and is most unhelpful.

I have participated in this site for over 3 years. I have answered ads and contacted people. I have met two spankees. I have arranged to meet several more who have failed to show. I have exchanged emails with others who simply went silent when an actual meet was suggested.

Looking back through my posts, I have warned other members of hoax emails from spoof administators, I have suggested improvements to the site including a spring clean of the members list, none of which have brought any constructive response from Algonania (or Algolagnia as on the recent message).

I have always stated exactly what age or type of spankee I would like to meet in order not to waste anyone's time.

However, if the moderator of the site is so negative it is hardly surprising that it is stagnating. What is the moderator doing to attract new members and weeding out the idiots like Westender?

This post will probably be 'edited' out.

03-08-2011, 07:06 PM
If you'd like my response to be toned down then I will happily do so.

May I suggest that, in your posts you try concentrating on what you have to offer and not what you want then you may get further. Women, and especially young women (as Cherry suggests) are watching, waiting, listening in a very cautious, sometimes nervous fashion - I'm not talking about the barbies of this world but the person you're trying to attract is not going to respond to your postings.

Cherry says it best - get involved, post lots - I'm a fine one to talk as i get little time but I pay for the site administer it and do an awful job I know but that's because I'm not a techie, not making any money out of it and merely trying to offer a service. Please use it to the best of your ability, promoting the greatest ambitions not the lowest common denominator.

I get hundreds of messages and can only respond to the most urgent - children at home all summer long.

I wish you well and hope you take the time and trouble to get the most out of the site.

08-08-2011, 11:25 AM
"Cherry says it best...." LOL - not a sentence one will hear said very often! Especially by TDH..... :) Anyway, thank you Algonania for your kind words. (See, I can be polite and respectful...)

Being a bit more serious for a minute, Algo is right about the best way to get some hands-on spanking action; relax, have a laugh and post lots. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to clear out my in-box because I've been inundated with male Tops propositioning me. They very often start their messages with "I've read your posts in the online forum; you look like fun so do you fancy meeting up?" That kind of thing. If they write in semi-literate textspeak, I do not bother replying. I like to be thrashed by someone who is at least interlectually equal to me; if they're thick as pigshit, there's no mental connection or spark and the mental aspect is very important to me. If they're like, dead clever and educated (innit?) then that's even better! I just can't be arsed to make the extra effort in trying to decipher the text. If they can't be bothered to write properly, then I can't be bothered either. (Obvious mild dyslexia and minor grammatical errors permitting - I'm not a complete grammar nazi.)

Anyhoo, that's what I'm trying to say - make the effort. (That was the reason for my literacy rant as it just illustrates a "can't-be-arsed" attitude; I wasn't having a pop at you.)Also, you describe Westey as an "idiot." Granted, he's a fool but he's certainly not an idiot. He gets plenty of action whereas, it would seem, you do not. He's certainly not the idiot from where I'm standing...

Cherry x

08-08-2011, 06:55 PM
Westender sent me the following delightful message:
"I have seen the posting you have placed here and it's no wonder nobody has responded to you. You cant take advice and all you can do is rubbish the site. Cherry told you to get involved and you did nothing.
And then you have a pop at me and we have never exchanged mails ever.
I hope your next shite is a hedgehog and that your wheels turn square and you rattle to death.

My reply:
"thank you for your message.
You have only reinforced my opinion that you are rude and inarticulate. No site needs a contributer like you, in fact you are more likely to drive new members away than encourage them.
When I read your purile outpourings I am ashamed to be from Scotland too.
If contributors like Westender who disgust me are acceptable to the other members of this site then I would ask Algonia to remove my profile.
I have made successful spanking contacts through three other sites so I have no problems communicating with genuine spankees.
Good luck to sincere fellow travellers.

08-08-2011, 08:17 PM
Come on Westy, that is out of order. Why do certain people on this site go out of their way to discourage other members from giving their point of view. Surely we should be encouraging members to say what they think. Why alliance yourself with neanderthal brain from Coventry who thrives on making a fool of everyone else on this site who tries to contribute. And by the way Cov, from feedback I have been given from poeple visiting you, you are the biggest fanny of the lot.


Dont listen to them Scottawse you are right. You are a complete dick and you should go somewhere else.

09-08-2011, 10:02 AM
I just believe in freedom of speech provided it is not personally insulting and as far as Barbie is concerned, she will give me grief anyway. I might as well give her a reason for giving me the grief.


Bluebell, bless you.
Scottawse has been on here for ages moaning about this and that. He has made no positive contribution and even Aggy man told him where to go.
Now I dont mind anyone having a pop at me just as long as they know I will be right back at them. Even you have some humour sometimes. How does he expect to form any relationship here by doing little. Anyway, anymore bleeting from you and I will tell Barbie and you know what she will do to you.

09-08-2011, 12:56 PM
No problem with that Westy but you should do it in a nice Glasgow manner.


I do too, but I am not going to sit back and let him have a pop at me for no reason.