View Full Version : question about a site / contacts club

14-12-2010, 12:41 PM
Hi guys and how is everyone?

I've been a bit bored on here recently so i've been trying out new sites to see what action there is else where. It's not great but i did find one interesting place.

St red bottoms is meant to be an authentic school club place down in Norfolk. I joined up for it and answered all their questions so i could join their forum - they even force you to put a photo on there.

My question is this. Has anyone heard or had any experience of this place. I'm wonmdering what the deal is because so far no one has even confirmed any of my emails to them. There only seems to be a few folk on there and they might not be real. I'd be up for going along to one of their sessions but it's miles for me to travel so im not going to get into it if it's not worth it.

The site is stredbottoms.com and if anybody on here is also a member please get in touch so i can find out more.

Yours aye

30-12-2010, 10:36 PM
well as it says new term starts Jan 29th and there are NEW posts in the forum this evening one would say it's def active. but with any school group they are always small and do tend to be mostly men in my experience! But always heaps of fun, I've done loads and love them.

24-01-2011, 01:23 AM
In answer to your question yes the site is real yes the people are real the site has over 100 members the 29th class is fully booked 14 students i male 3 tv 10 female 8 teachers.
Read the testimonials if you think its fake contact all the people who wrote them male and female, we have very good credentials have been on the scene a long time and are well known and respected.
as fas as I know you haven't contacted me privately to ask me any of the questions you asking here.
Thank you to Tara for bringing this post to my attention.

24-01-2011, 01:28 AM
We don't force anyone to join we request all members have a detailed profile and ask that you have a photo of yourself no need to show face, this is to dissuade time wasters, so you choose to join and accept the membership rules or not, don't start moaning about it if you dont like the rules don't join

red hand
24-01-2011, 12:04 PM
does anyone know of another school site for adult boys/girls called little angels? where are they based? as most of these type of events seem to be in london or south coast, i would prefer scotland or newcastle, manchester or any northern venue, any information would be much appreciated

26-01-2011, 06:37 AM
Hello Redhand
There is a Manchester Spanko.s Munch who occasional;y hold school themed parties I started and ran it and the parties for a few years until I handed it over to Peter Rossi who now hosts the munch.
If you want further details mail me direct.

does anyone know of another school site for adult boys/girls called little angels? where are they based? as most of these type of events seem to be in london or south coast, i would prefer scotland or newcastle, manchester or any northern venue, any information would be much appreciated

10-04-2011, 11:05 AM
Master Geoff is real, well known and respected in the Community. I know of others that have been to events he has organised and have enjoyed them.

To answer the query regarding northern based schools there is Westgate old school based in Yorkshire, although it did have a sizeable disruption a little while ago when a local newspaper printed an "exposure" resulting in the attention of the police being attracted.
