View Full Version : Post-spanking side effects...

24-10-2010, 10:42 PM
This is a topic that has not really been discussed - the effects of the build up and general anticipation are well documented, as well as what it feels like when you're draped over someone's knee or bent over a desk...but what about afterwards?

I've heard that some Tops sometimes feel guilty afterwards and they can feel depressed; with bottoms, I've also heard that they can also get teary-eyed and emotional - that's not from the pain from a good spanking!

With me, I get so spaced out that it is nigh on impossible to string a sentance together or perform simple tasks such as making a cup of tea; I'm literally beaten senseless! If I have not been beaten for a while, I can become irritable and restless.

Anyone else experienced anything similar? All feedback is welcome, whether the effects are positive or negative.

Cherry x

25-10-2010, 12:48 AM
Strangely, I usually feel good after giving a spanking - Knowing both parties have had an enjoyable experience. I always try to guage the level required and never feel guilty as the spankee can always use the safe word and I am always thanked after giving a spanking.

25-10-2010, 12:54 PM
This is a topic that has not really been discussed - the effects of the build up and general anticipation are well documented, as well as what it feels like when you're draped over someone's knee or bent over a desk...but what about afterwards?

I've heard that some Tops sometimes feel guilty afterwards and they can feel depressed; with bottoms, I've also heard that they can also get teary-eyed and emotional - that's not from the pain from a good spanking!

With me, I get so spaced out that it is nigh on impossible to string a sentance together or perform simple tasks such as making a cup of tea; I'm literally beaten senseless! If I have not been beaten for a while, I can become irritable and restless.

Anyone else experienced anything similar? All feedback is welcome, whether the effects are positive or negative.

Cherry x

I have had a few tops feel guilty after they have given me a good hard spanking. Sometimes i have been bleeding as they have miss jugded or they have caught a spot on my bum. Sometimes i've asked them to go harder after i'm warmed up.
I do get a bit craby if i have not been spanked for a week or so.yes having a session can at sometimes be very emtional for both.

26-10-2010, 04:08 PM
The first time I had a straight guy take a paddling I was working down my allotment garden when he turned up, I had arranged to meet him there so it wasn't much of a problem and my shed wasn't over looked so punishment play was very private.

I had this guy naked and with hands tied together at the end of my greenhouse to the rear of the garden after a few strokes of his paddle he asked me to gag him and then use a garden cane across his arse with each stroke getting harder.

Tho when I came to making his dream ****** come true there was no way I could tell if he'd had enough as he couldn't speak and make a movement to show this, after 30 hard strokes I had hit a spot or mark on his arse cheak that had started to blead.

It wasn't until a little after his 40 something stroke he caught my eye and asked if I could split the end of the garden cane and start again and not to stop until after 100 stokes reguardless.

I felt guilty after giving him the 102 stokes and sending him away with a blood soaked arse and rather red needless to say we met up again.

I aint someone who likes to give it rough but when I do I get carryed away

11-02-2011, 02:57 AM
I find the build up to a spanking, the drive to the meeting place study etc the nerves and self doubt followed by a euphoric high that last a fair length of time.
its like a drug I guess but I have no come down.... and no regrets

stan the man
11-02-2011, 03:56 PM
As an adult the first three years of receiving cp consisted of visiting professionals, and although I had many sessions which I enjoyed and I made genuine real life friendships with 2 of the woman, I invariably felt empty, guilty and unfulfilled afterwards. It wasn't real.
It was only when I meet my first girlfriend who administered cp as part of our relationship that I actually felt that the desire had been fulfilled. It was a dream come true to be in a relationship with someone who really understood my need and she got as much from it as I did. In my own experience spanking as part of sex was easier to develop in a relationship compared to disciplinary cp, and as much as I thoroughly enjoy the first, the later is what truly fullfills my needs. It has been a couple of years now since I have taken or given a spanking and I REALLY miss it in my life. I live in hope of finding another partner who shares my interest but I am not holding my breath.
I have only twice administered disciplinary cp to a friend and I found it difficult, I was only able to do it because I love my friend and knew 100% that she wanted it.

12-02-2011, 02:54 PM
I find it's my stubborness that gets me. I never want to give up and admit defeat (i don't think that's the right word but you know what i mean) so i always end up with a much worse looking bum than i normally would. It's part of the thing for me though and if i manage to hang on and go past my threshold afterwards i feel really good.

Like Stan (brilliant post by the way :) as its so honest) i would love to find a lady who can appreciate my need for taking cp in a relationship. I've only met maybe two females who were really good at giving it. They were both on the sadistic scale which works for me, though one was better at getting inside my head which is a big part of it also. They both said that they felt good when they got to punish me. There was never any guilt because i want to take hard spankings with after effects and they want to give them.

I guess it's different for everyone whether you're dom or sub or switch. I also think that part of the doms job is to try and test your limits so i always enjoyed a bit of play around the safety word. For instance one of the girls i mention always used to make me take another sixstrokes after i say the word. Obviously though this requires a good knowledge of each other and a certain amount of trust.

Yours aye