View Full Version : Group punishment.

05-09-2010, 05:08 PM
Not an adult school roleplay but:
You've been naughty which you've confessed by e-mail. Now you've been given an appointment. You arrive and you have to report to receptionist. Then you have to go into a waiting room or maybe just stand in the corridor. There are other paople there aswell, male, female, just in normal everyday clothes, all a bit nervous and apprehensive. Maybe there's a list posted on the wall somewhere with everybody's name and offence on it.

And then it starts. The receptionist calls out somone's name. They stand up sheepishly and are ushered to the ofice. Then a few minutes later the next one. Eventually it will be your turn.

05-09-2010, 06:36 PM
I like this fantasy alot Paul. ESpecially the idea of it being everyday people in normal clothes. I like the thought of males and females being split into opposite rooms being able to hear each others punishments. Men punish the boys, ladies punish the girls.......have you ever thought of punishing multiple lads in 1 session demon headmaster?

24-10-2010, 03:05 AM
I've done more than thought about it- I've done it!! Next session- Saturday October 9th at 12 noon - just south of Edinburgh.
The Demon Headmaster

Eek! Just as well I'm in London.... *hides under bed*

24-10-2010, 12:53 PM
After all that lasagne that you ate, during a recent "punishment", do you think that you'll still be able to hide under the bed? Whoever heard of a punishment called "six of the best lasagnes"?!!

It would be a punishment if the one being punished hated lasagne, Sir. :D

24-10-2010, 01:05 PM
I suppose that would depend on who had made the lasagne! You could tarmac a "B" road with mine! Delia on the other hand....

Oh 'eck - if it had been you that had made it, then it really would have been a punishment ordeal! Plus, involving Evil Delia is just plain sadistic. The Spanish Inquisition would have been well proud of you....

"Delia! Fetch my home-made lasagne!!" *whimpers*

Cherry x

24-10-2010, 01:24 PM
Yes- I could certainly cure you of your love of lasagne! Did I ever tell you that my real name is Torquemada?!

Torque-what?! :confused:

I didn't realise that liking lasagne was an affliction, Sir.

Cherry x

24-10-2010, 01:30 PM
Just looked it up - that explains everything....including why there are large wooden stakes and kindling in your back garden. I know November 5th is coming up but I was thinking: "that's a bloody weird bonfire!"

Cherry x

24-10-2010, 01:36 PM
The chief inquisitor during the Spanish Inquisition! Dear me- what an education - or lack of it!

I agree, Sir. I went to a very poor comprehensive school and have been trying to make amends since. Plus is was a Catholic school and, of course, they're gonna be a bit biased and gloss over/omit the atrocities commited in its name!

Cherry x

18-03-2011, 05:20 PM
Sounds good to me - would like to be one of a group of chaps reporting for a good, severe thrashing, maybe a slippering first, then a caning - each naughty chap to be caned in front of the others, first on trousers, then trousers down on underpants, then lastly pants down on bare! And no let off