View Full Version : new term

31-08-2010, 01:50 AM
:rolleyes:Dressed in my crisp new uniform ;grey shorts ,black socks,white shirt and school tie,shoes polished to perfection,I find myself inexplicably called to account myself before the headmaster....He warns me that my behaviour last year was intolerable , my imperinence beyond endurance,in fact the only reason he had allowed me to return to the school was "an understanding" reached with my mentors that I should be subject to the strictest regime of discipline.I was then presented with a list of regulations,rules that I would be expected to follow to the letter ;infractions meant immediate punishments and the constant threat of expulsion would ever hang over me.The implicit warning was that I should not again gain entry to so prestigous an establishment and must be grateful for the priviledge.So having had his say he had me lean over the bookcase by the window and swished me a dozen cracks across the backside with a light rattan before ushering me off,slightly tearful,vowing to try my hardest this term.

01-09-2010, 12:10 AM
No wonder your behaviour was so out of control last year! With such a pathetic attempt at punishing you - 12 strokes with a light rattan cane-I'm surprised that you didn't leave his office with a smile on your face! A real Headmaster would have had the tears flowing down your face long before he'd started to cane you!!

The Demon Headmaster

Would they be tears of laughter caused by the legedary TDH semce of humour ?

01-09-2010, 02:39 AM
As a persistent offender no doubt I warrant a more severe punishment .

01-09-2010, 02:46 PM
Quite Right.
I have just seen on the news that Manchester and the North West are some of the worst areas for binge drinking.
Clearly, there are many buttocks of both genders that urgently require the attention of the cane!

On that, we are both agreed! Your problem is finding someone firm enough to administer it!

10-09-2010, 12:00 AM
Binge drinking , hangovers,cold showers and a good slippering,hands strapped six times each,then sat at a desk writing lines of the meaty sort,that you can really gnash your teeth upon,knowing all along that at the appointed time the rod awaits...

10-09-2010, 12:24 AM
On that, we are both agreed! Your problem is finding someone firm enough to administer it!
I admit you are probably the best in the country at what you do and that I wasted the opportunity that you presented to me with my fascetious attitude .Wave your magic wand , sir,your summons remains the masters touch!

11-09-2010, 04:24 PM
The best??? Come on and take me on Covspank.I've spanked them all.Boys,girls old and young WHO ARE YOU??? Talk to me about my gramma!! I AM THE BEST with all due respect.

12-09-2010, 03:42 AM
Ah a cretin with respect is better than no cretin at all...

13-09-2010, 03:06 PM
as usual your insight is astounding, perhaps you should reconsider your stance on analysis..or at least veterinary practice!

26-09-2010, 02:20 PM
Oh blimey, it's handbags at dawn again! Welcome to Bitchfests-R-Us and Cov, as usual, is right in the middle of it!

Right, that's my cheekiness out of my system. It's been a while since I've logged on as my laptop has been out of action. Hope you are keeping well, Sir. :)

Kind Regards

Cherry x

08-10-2010, 05:20 AM
Greetings & Salutations Cov & Cherry - and a few others - including newbies too I see.

Well, new to me anyway.

Just thought I would pop in and say hi.

Discussions of new term eh? Hmm, that used to instil dread into me when I was younger. Not from any fear of corporal punishment - it had all but died out even then - but just the dreadful drudge of a six day week (yes Saturdays too, bastards). That and playing games in the sleet, wearing navy blue shorts with no undergarments. I remember the first day I experienced that fresh new hell. I was singularly unimpressed.

Actually I was a bit hard to please I suppose as endless marching in the CCF on Friday afternoons didn't float my boat much either - until I was transferred to hovercraft section - enormous fun.

I'm waffling - but it's late and my mind has just gone for tea and biscuits and left my fingers typing unsupervised. Sorry about that, I'll remonstrate with it upon its return.

Sort of back on topic, with "terms" and - by extension - schools, I read recently that the school which Kipling attended (United Service College in Devon) used to use the cane - but on the upper back and not the arse. I know it wouldn't work for most folks, but that would have been my dream school. "Rewarded for being naughty with a striped back" how fab would that be.

Anyway, I mustn't ramble (at least not more than I have already indulged myself in), so will potter off - just spotted the time too - and catch you good folks soon.


Hugs or what you will


I knew that it was too much to hope for- that your absence was only temporary and not permanent! I should have made the most of the silence! Please don't tell me that your laptop is repaired!

17-10-2010, 06:31 PM
I knew that it was too much to hope for- that your absence was only temporary and not permanent! I should have made the most of the silence! Please don't tell me that your laptop is repaired!

Yes! You should have! Plus, you mean to say you haven't missed me? Are you mad?! :D

You will be relieved to hear that my laptop is still knackered - I have found a temporary means of logging on....heh heh heh!

Cherry x

17-10-2010, 06:35 PM
Greetings & Salutations Cov & Cherry - and a few others - including newbies too I see.

Hi Guymark - nice to see a friendly face around here for a change! *Pokes toungue out at Covspank*

*Runs off laughing* :D:D:D

23-10-2010, 11:05 PM
I see that your spelling hasn't improved during your absence - it's your TONGUE that you are sticking out! As you run away,let's hope that you don't trip over the foot that I am sticking out! In answer to your questions - No, I haven't and No, I'm not!!!


Aw Sir, that was a typo!! Whereas I do apologise for such a careless error, may I point out that we all can't be as perfect as you! :)

I do hope you are sitting down as I am pleased to inform you that my lappy is fixed! Heh heh heh!!

Cherry x

24-10-2010, 12:12 AM
"May I point out that we can't all be as perfect as you...". Yes, of course you can - but for who's benefit? Mine? Not necessary, as I already know!! I should really change my name to Mary Poppins!!
However, just when you think that things can't get worse-Spending Review; Government Cuts; Mass Unemployment - you have to announce that your laptop is repaired!! Where's the gin?!

That's the Tories for ya! *Hands Cov a double G&T* Life ain't that bad...cheer up, Mary! Spoonful of sugar and all that! :D

Cherry x

24-10-2010, 12:38 AM
I've heard of this ploy of waiting until something awful happens before making an announcement, in the hope that it will get buried. I've got to hand it to the ConDems - making their announcements in the week you choose to tell us that you laptop is repaired has worked for me! Forget the tonic - just make it a double G!! At the moment I'm just trying to think of my favourite things - or is that another film??

That's The Sound of Music I believe, Sir...*hands Cov the whole bottle of gin.*

As you can see, I've already made a "habit" of winding you up but I know that you will have "nun" of it....*giggles*

Cherry x

25-10-2010, 03:47 AM
I'll drink to that! *clinks glasses*


Cherry x