View Full Version : Headmaster, School knickers and a good grope

10-08-2010, 02:23 PM
Hopefully I'm allowed several fantasies, and I have quite a few. I've some experience in the past so some aspects have occured, some are still waiting to occur....

Visiting an older headmaster and having to change into gym knickers, PE top, knee socks and plympsols. (All genuine school items) To be then treated initally as a very naughty schoolgirl, with the ritual of the lecture, the position facing the wall, uniform inspection, knicker inspection, positioned over the knee, a warmup spanking, back up against the wall, back over the knee again, knickers down this time, again back against the wall with knickers arounf my knees.... sounds familar? Yes up to a point, then the headmaster sits in a chair, with me standing beside him, hands on head of course, while he lectures me abount my behavour, all the time wile he squeezes and feels my knickers. He tells me that I can avoid further punishment if I want to become one of his special girls, I soon find myself on my knees being taught a very new lesson.

I will continue if people wish.


26-08-2010, 10:53 PM
If you manage to get a piccy of old TDH in his school knickers send me a copy and I'll post it all over the internet .Anonymously of course.

27-08-2010, 03:44 PM
Please do; it was just getting entertaining...

17-11-2010, 11:32 PM
I'm splitting my sides, or as Fruitcake would say- LMAO!! I'm afraid that you'll never find a picture of TDH thus attired - I'm just not that sort of Headmaster!!

Fruitcake indeed! Now a triple-layered chocolate cake with jam and buttercream....*drool!*

Er...what sort of Headmaster are you then, Sir? (Apart from being a demonic one...)

Cherry x

18-11-2010, 11:56 PM
The sort who objects to inquisitive nosey parkers; the sort who believes that Bottoms should know their place; the sort who knows how to remedy both failings with a firm application of the cane!!!

Touche'! Looks like you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning! You could have remedied these failings when I lived in Coventry; I really can't see you doing that now I'm living in London! :D

Cherry x

19-11-2010, 12:54 AM
There you go again, Cherry; assuming that every comment that I make refers to you!! You asked me what sort of Headmaster I am; I replied; I did not mention you by name, or refer to you in any way. If you should choose to infer from my comments that I was doing so, that is more of an indication of your self-obsessed nature, than it is of the manner in which I got out of bed!
The Demon Headmaster

Fair enough, Sir. Great comeback - gotta give credit where credit's due, but if you were not talking to me, it makes me wonder who you were referring to! (Nosey parker tendencies! Heh!) Talking to oneself is supposed to be a sign of madness and if that indeed is the case, perhaps it's time to wheel out Loopy's nurse and get you fitted up for one of those nice white jackets with straps and buckles....

Cherry xx

19-11-2010, 02:24 AM
If it will provide me with some respite from your incessant jibberish, then please do!!

Weird way to spell gibberish...

I wouldn't be so unkind as to do that - it's not in my nature! I will happily give you respite by leaving you in peace...

...for a while! :p

Sleep well, Sir.

Cherry x

22-11-2010, 08:15 PM
I quite agree- but I wasn't referring to gibberish, I was referring to jibberish! Please don't tell me that you don't know the difference!! You should do- you speak both!!

I must confess Sir, I don't! I thought it was an alternative spelling like gaol/jail. Once again you highlight my ignorance in neon letters...*sigh*