View Full Version : First time session

28-07-2010, 12:20 AM
I still haven't had my 1st time experience, but when I do i hope it goes something like this..

On arrival at my master's house I am led into a room and asked to sit down. I am then interviewed about why I'm there and given a verbal dressing down about my misdemeanours. My upcoming punishment is only briefly alluded to.

I am told to go to the next room to change and that I will be called when required.

I go to the next room, remove my clothes and put on a pair iof white cotton 'punishment' shorts. I also don a light satin dressing gown left by my master. I sit for what seems an age on a wooden bentwood chair.

Eventually my master bellows the word "Enter!".

I enter the room with some trepidation, not knowing what to expect. I start to shake.

My master orders me to stand in the middle of the room, hands on head while he gives me another verbal dressing down. He then sits down, orders me to remove the gown and present myself across his knees. I comply.

My master then administers a hand spanking, real slowly but surely and increasing in severity with each blow, occasionally stopping to check in my shorts. I try to stifle my cries but only partially manage to succeed.

As quickly as it started, my master stops.

"Stand!" orders the master. I comply.

"Drop your shorts!" comes the order. I hesitate. "Now!" bellows the master. I comply.

The master then orders that I bend over his large desk. I do so slowly and the master carefully secures my wrists to the far most legs on the table. He then spreads my legs and secures my ankles in the same way.

I wait. I notice from the corner of my eye that my master is removing his clothing. I start to wonder what I have let myself in for.

Next, he blindfolds me, something I hand not expected. "Wait" instructs the master and he leaves the room.

After what appears another age I hear the master re-enter the room. I hear swish-swish-swish. I gulp. "Oh sh1t!" I think, "The master must be doing a few practice strokes with the cane!!"

I start to tremble, knowing what is about to happen. before I can think any more "Swish! Crack!" and after a few seconds the most searing pain across my backside. Before I can even cry out another "Swish! Crack!" and I cry out in pain.

"Silence!" yells the master. "You will thank me for every stoke, not bother me with your noise"

I manage to summon up a "thank you, sir" which is rapidly followed by another stroke. Another "thank you" illicits another rapid stroke.

After 12 of the best my master places the cane down and pauses for a few moments to admire his handiwork.

Master then massages my glowing rear for a few moments with some sort of cream. It's cold and briefly serves to lessen any pain. He then proceeds to lubricate me internally with his finger...I know what's coming next but am powerless to stop it...my master then proceeds to give my rear some more 'intimate' attention.

Once finished I am released, I am instructed to get dressed and told to report back in the near future...