View Full Version : Sports Shop Saga Chapter 6 (contains gay sex)

06-07-2010, 02:18 AM
OK, folks, you've asked for it!

Chapter 6 – Love …..and Jealousy (Ian)

Shame-facedly, I left Dave and Derek and hurried back to the flat.
I dreaded to find what state Luke was in. I looked at my watch – it was only around 9pm so I hadn’t left him for much more than an hour and the central heating was on so he shouldn’t be too cold.

I entered the flat quietly and went straight to the bedroom, unsure of what I was going to say to Luke.

There he was, still spread-eagled, naked on the bed, fast asleep. Three livid stripes on his beautiful bottom staring at me, angrily and accusingly.

"Oh, my poor darling, what have I done to you?" I thought.

Gently, tenderly, I untied his wrists and ankles. I fetched some cream and started to soothe some into the wheals on his buttocks. I couldn’t resist working some into his pretty puckered hole. Luke thrust his pelvis into the bed and gave out a low moan.
Quickly, I stripped off and, naked, laid down beside him taking him in my arms.
Luke, now fully awake started sobbing on my shoulder.
"Hush, babe," I whispered, "everything’s going to be OK".

As his sobbing subsided, Luke said, "I’m so sorry".
"You have nothing to be sorry about," I told him. "I’m the one who should be sorry for treating you so badly. I shouldn’t have called you those names and I certainly shouldn’t have caned you. In fact, I think you ought to cane me."

"I couldn’t!" Luke protested.

"Please…it would make me feel better", I insisted as I retrieved the cane, handed it to him and led on the bed as he had done.

Luke reluctantly gave me three very light taps on my bum.

I turned over and opened my arms to him, "Come here, my love."

With a beatific smile, Luke came to me.
"I was just so angry when you told me about you and Zak", I explained "and I couldn’t understand why. It wasn’t till I met some old friends in the pub and they made me see that I do love you and that is why I lost it. You have been so honest with me that I must be honest too." So I told him what I had done with Martin. I also explained how I had been afraid of a commitment but had realised how empty my life would be without him.

Luke listened with wonder and amazement. Then, for the very first time, we made love.


And so, winter turned to spring and Luke and I were very happy together. Of course, being a teenager, he was quite often cheeky, lazy or generally mischievous. So he often got his bottom smacked.

But, to give him his due, he did knuckle down to his studies (I made sure of that.) It was, after all, his last year at school and I promised him that, if he got good grades, I would finance him through a business course and give him a permanent job.

Believe it or not, he even took me home to meet his mother. What a lovely lady! Luke had told her about us and she had accepted it very well. Luke said she had told him that she had known for ages that he was gay - probably even before he knew it himself. I think she thought of me as a second son.

One evening, after I had given Luke a sound spanking, I forget what for, and we had made love, he was lying with his head on my shoulder.
"Ian," he said, tentatively, "I don’t like saying this but I am having some problems with Jason."
"Yeah, he keeps making nasty, snide comments and calling me names."
"Boss’s pet, and Boss’s pussy boy. I don’t like snitching but it really is getting miserable. I think he’s jealous of our relationship and the amount of overtime you are giving me."
"I see. Well, I have noticed his attitude change over the past few months. I will speak to him and sort something out. With Charlie and his missus due to retire soon, the last thing I want is you two falling out."
"Oh, thank you my darling," he replied as kissed me deeply and threw his long leg over me and mounted my rampant-again pole.

The next time Jason was working mid-week, I called him into my office.

I guess I’d better tell you a little about Jason. You’ll remember that he is a footballer (soccer player), amateur of course.
Like most footballers his upper body is quite slim but he has a wondrous muscular bottom and strong thighs – not that I have ever seen his bottom in the flesh, so to speak.

Jason is quite a bit shorter than Luke and, in contrast, has lustrous black hair, which he keeps short. However, like Luke he has clear blue eyes, which are quite unusual with dark hair. I never really fancied him, like I did Luke, but he is a good-looking lad. He has always been a bit cocky and arrogant but, since Luke and I have been seeing each other on a regular basis, he has got rather surly.

"Right, young man, what’s going on?" I started.

"What do you mean?"

"You know! You have been a right miserable, surly bastard these past couple of months. What’s the matter?"


"Yes you do. You got problems at home?"


I was getting nowhere fast and beginning to get angry.

"Jason, you’ve always been cocky and arrogant but at least you were cheerful. You’ve changed. Come on, spit it out."

"OK, if you insist. It’s Luke!"


"Well, since you two got together - I’m not thick, I know what’s going on – Luke’s been throwing his weight around. Telling me what to do and telling me off as if he owned the place. And he’s getting a lot more overtime than me. I’ve been here longer than him and know a lot more about the business. It ain’t fair."

"Right!" I said, "you and Luke will stay behind on Saturday and the three of us will get this sorted."

As I sent him off to do some work, I wondered how I could handle this situation. Much as I loved Luke, I couldn’t really favour him. Then I thought of a cunning plan to get a bit of fun out of this.
I was looking forward to Saturday.

I chuckled to myself on Saturday. It was obvious that both boys were being studiously polite to each other, knowing I was watching them.
I had only told Luke that we were going to sort things out after closing so neither knew what to expect.

After closing, and the shutters were safely down, I told the boys to clear a large area of the shop floor.

Then I lined them up and started to lecture them.
"You both have been behaving like spoilt brats over the past few weeks AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT," I bellowed.
Both looked thoroughly abashed as they stared at their feet.

"The business has been doing well but the only reason for that is that we give good service to our customers. We cannot hope to compete with the big boys on price so it has to be our service that makes them keep coming back. But customers soon pick up on atmosphere and if you two can’t get along then I will have no alternative but to let you go." (I didn’t really mean that, of course.)
Shock, horror on both young faces.

"Look, I’ve got big plans for this business and both of you feature in them. But not if you can’t work together. I’ve had enough of Charlie carping over the years and I can’t wait to see the back of him. I’m not going through it with you two. UNDERSTAND ME?"

"Yes, sir", they both muttered. It was the first time Jason had ever called me ‘Sir’.
I told them to go to opposite sides of the shop and stand facing the displays so they couldn’t see what I was doing.
Then I went to get a wrestling mat (we are a sports shop!) and rolled it out on the floor.

"Turn round and come to opposite sides of the mat", I commanded.
It was a treat to see the look on both their faces as realisation dawned.
I had to suppress a smile.
"Take off your trainers………….now your tops."
Slowly, watching each other like hawks, they obeyed.
Two bare-chested boys, one tall and fair, the other shorter and dark, faced each other across the mat like a pair of fighting cocks.
Jason’s chest had a line of fine dark hairs down from between his abs to his belly button and disappearing into his pants. A few straggly black hairs grew around his big brown nipples.
Both were wearing tracksuit bottoms.
"Now your trackies", I ordered.
"But I’m going commando", protested Jason.
Luke looked smug.
"No, I won’t!" said Jason, looking petulant.
I picked up a table tennis bat that I had conveniently placed earlier and went over to him and gave him a tremendous WHACK across those meaty buttocks standing out like a shelf just below the waistband of his trackies.

"Then you can get dressed and walk out of the door. But don’t bother coming back next week." I knew he wouldn’t.

Luke, of course, was loving this and had taken his bottoms off and was standing there with an enormous bulge in the front of his white CKs.

"OK then, you pervs", Jason muttered as he undid the drawstring and pushed the bottoms down over those magnificent firm, round, smooth, melon-like orbs. His thighs were typical footballer’s, well muscled with dark hairs which stopped short of his bum.

As he bent down to remove them, his buttocks presented an ideal target and I let him have another WHACK, this time on bare flesh.
"You don’t use language like that in MY shop", as his hands flew to his stinging butt.
As he stood, I realised that his thick, cut cock was at half-mast standing out from his thick black bush.

Luke’s smirk soon disappeared when I told him "To be fair, you had better take your CKs off too" but he obeyed and was clearly turned on by the whole scene.

"Right! Wrestle and no punching or grabbing each other’s goolies!" I ordered.

Slowly, the two naked lads circled each other, both looking for an opening, neither wanting to be the first to make a move.

"Get on with it!" I ordered.

Finally they locked arms – Luke had an advantage with his longer reach.
They not so much wrestled as waltzed around each other.

Eventually, Jason twisted Luke and, putting his leg out, wrestled him to the floor. Luke fell face down on his hands and knees and, in a flash, Jason was on top of him.
As Luke struggled to get out from under, Jason started humping him, his cock sliding up and down Luke’s ass crack.
Jason’s buttocks, in the air, were clenching and relaxing as he pumped, obviously trying to get into Luke’s bum hole. I stepped in and gave Jason two enormous whacks with the table tennis bat, one on each cheek.
"Stop that!"
Jason rolled off Luke, his cock now fully erect.
Before he could recover, Luke was on top of him, his knees astride Jason’s thighs, their pricks rubbing together.
Luke pinned Jason’s shoulders to the floor, declaiming "I win!"

Then he bent forward, cute butt in the air, and planted a huge kiss on Jason’s luscious lips. Jason opened his mouth and gratefully accepted Luke’s probing tongue.

I let them enjoy the moment before saying, "Right, you two, break it up" before placing two hard thwacks on Luke’s bottom.

"Right, stand up."
To my surprise, they stood side by side and held hands.
"Now, understand this, you are both equal in this shop and I am the boss. You are both going to be spanked for all this silliness over the past couple of months and it is going to stop. OK?"

"Yes, Sir!" they replied in unison.

 To be continued......