View Full Version : What reasons were you spanked for as a kid?

24-06-2010, 11:53 PM
What offences did you commit as a child that resulted in you being spanked, either at home or at school? Is there anything that sticks in your mind in particular? These are the occassions that I remember:

School: Only one incident - in Year Five (I would've been about eight years old) in class, another classmate wanted to borrow my eraser. I knew if I chucked it across the classroom at him, I would've got my legs slapped (this particular female teacher was big on leg slapping!) so I got out of my seat to give it him. Only trouble was, the teacher was addressing the class at the time and before I knew it, one of my elbows was grabbed so I was pretty much dangling or standing on tippy-toes and five or six meaty slaps were given to the backs of my thighs! I was mortified! Spanking and caning happened to other kids, not me!

Home: I was fourteen and my little brother had got hold of my music cassette tapes (they were copies of my older brother's heavy metal collection that he did for me) and had claimed that they were his. I went mad, we got into an argument and I ended up proper laying into him. He would've been eight. Dad waded in, wrapped one hand around me, pinning my hands to my sides and delivered six, eight...maybe twelve full-bloodied smacks to my clothed backside. I howled at the injustice of it! Then I was pushed roughly on the settee and was told in no uncertain terms that I was to remain there and not say a word, or else I would get more! The sedantry equivalent to corner time!

Used to get a clout on the back of the head by my mum a lot - usually for being cheeky. (Nice to see that nothing's changed, eh?) Laughing too loudly and raucously in a manner unbecoming of a young lady was another one(!) How can laughing warrant a clomp on the back of the head?! Honestly!! Was forever being yelled at for drinking milk, pop or juice straight out of the bottle or carton and not using a cup! I think I was physically chastised in some way for running across a busy road without looking left or right. I would have been about eleven.

That's about all I can remember. Any thoughts? :)

Cherry x

25-06-2010, 02:03 AM
yeah i got it on the bum in school at about 12 years old. i was caught throwing a copy to my cousin and was put standing in front of the class and caned on the trousers. Pretty sore and one to remember and then it was face the board on my tippy toes with hands on the board.


27-06-2010, 01:07 PM
well my dad would punish me for the slitest thing. One time i was messing about in a mates garden. I cut his mam's washing line. I didn't mean to cut it. Any his mam told my dad. My borther came and found me. To tell me dad wanted me. I got home, it was a hot day so i only had my swimmimg tunks on.
I got home well my dad shouted out me. Told me to knee over the sofa. He pulled my tunks down took off his belt. He gave me one hell of a belting. He never held back, that was the norm for me as i was the eldest.

27-06-2010, 01:09 PM
well my dad would punish me for the slitest thing. One time i was messing about in a mates garden. I cut his mam's washing line. I didn't mean to cut it. Any his mam told my dad. My borther came and found me. To tell me dad wanted me. I got home, it was a hot day so i only had my swimmimg tunks on.
I got home well my dad shouted out me. Told me to knee over the sofa. He pulled my tunks down took off his belt. He gave me one hell of a belting. He never held back, that was the norm for me as i was the eldest.

My God...that was harsh! How old were you?

Cherry x

27-06-2010, 01:14 PM
i was 7 years old, my dad started belting me on my bare bum at 6 years old. My last belting from him was at 15 years. I was belted at least once very two weeks. So i didn't do much pe as school. I became go at hiding this from everyone. It became normal for me.

27-06-2010, 01:26 PM
i was 7 years old, my dad started belting me on my bare bum at 6 years old. My last belting from him was at 15 years. I was belted at least once very two weeks. So i didn't do much pe as school. I became go at hiding this from everyone. It became normal for me.

Jesus Christ! That's truly shocking. I find it astonishing that you've embraced CP as an adult, instead of condemning it outright. I actually cried when I read your post - you poor thing!

love and hugs

Cherry x

27-06-2010, 01:35 PM
as a child i had no say, that's way it took me a while to post on this one. As i had an idear that people would react in this way. My partener knows the whole story. spanking for me now is part of who i am i'm an adult i enjoy it. It's more of a male bounding. I do switch and being with other males that enjoy the same thing. most of my spanking mates have been though the same thing.

27-06-2010, 01:43 PM
i'm sorry it effected you that way. Don't cry, it's in the past. I'm still here. My dad is not, he drunk him self to death.

27-06-2010, 04:45 PM
A bit like all the rest, I could not do anything right in my fathers eyes, he watched me like a bloody hawk and I would get hit for the slightest thing, he wasn’t very loving to my sister or my self and he never played with us as children.
I sometimes think that it was not his fault as he grow up in a seaman orphanage this was around 1920 in Liverpool so he was bought up hard and so was I, many a time he would loose his temper and shout out "I’ll murder you", I don’t think he would have done it was more of a threat. I remember I was about 5 years old and I craped my pants and my mother told me to put them in a bucket of water and she would do them later, she forgot, my father saw them and lost his temper, he went to hit me round the head, but my mum stopped him saying "he’s got a good bottom" "that’s for kicking he replied" he grabbed hold of me pulled down my shorts and ripped my underpants off and beat the living day lights out of me only using his hand, but left me shaking in fear, I was too afraid to cry.
As I grow up a leather slipper replaced his hand and not long after a cane was used, I had many beating, now looking back I’m sure I didn’t deserve them it was just his way.
I didn’t grow up a "hard person" or a timid person I think I’m just normal, since leaving school I’ve never got into fights or very abusive to any work mates/friends, the only legacy of my childhood is now I like my bottom spanked, I have asked myself many time WHY maybe I now think it is normal to walk around with a sore bottom all the time.

27-06-2010, 04:58 PM
my dad would be fine with my two borthers. I found out after his father passed away that they wanted to abopt me. That's when the penny droped, that's why my dad did what he did. Well we never got on we did have other fall out but it was him that got hurt, not me.
Maybe like you that's one reason why spanking and other punishment
became normal.

27-06-2010, 09:59 PM
my dad would be fine with my two borthers. I found out after his father passed away that they wanted to abopt me. That's when the penny droped, that's why my dad did what he did. Well we never got on we did have other fall out but it was him that got hurt, not me.
May like you that's one reason why spanking and other punishment
became normal.

Out of all the times I was spanked as the kid, the incident with the cassette tapes is the only punishment that I think, even to this day, was unjustified. Being spanked was something that I was brought up with - it was always there, but it happened very rarely, and when it did, (apart from the aforementioned cassette tape incident) it was wholely deserved. There are things that I've done and that I've got away with, even to this day. They still weigh on my conscience. Other stuff that I've 'fessed up to and have since been spanked and caned for, I've been able to let go and forget about them - it's allowed me to move on. It's wonderfully cathartic. That's why the schoolgirl role play works so well; I'm a child again. It's like I can travel back in time and put wrong things right - I've got a second chance. It's brilliant! :D

Cherry x

27-06-2010, 10:05 PM
i'm sorry it effected you that way. Don't cry, it's in the past. I'm still here. My dad is not, he drunk him self to death.

That's ok - I'm glad I started this thread now. It's given you the means to express yourself and get stuff off your chest. I'm glad your partner looks after you and loves you. I'm a soppy sod - I'll cry at practically anything: weddings, films, Bambi (when the mummy deer is shot dead by a poacher at the start of the film)... I can't help it; it's just the way I am! :D:D


Cherry x x

27-06-2010, 10:08 PM
i've left all want my dad did to me in the past. I do enjoy been taken back to being a naughty school boi. I loved billy bunter, just william. I have a great partener i meet on another spanking sit. At moment i only see him ever 4weeks, but he nows i see other guys for spanking session and sometimes we have a 3way one.

27-06-2010, 10:13 PM
i'm glad you posted this thread. There are many reason why people want to be spanked. We all have different needs.

27-06-2010, 10:29 PM
i've left all want my dad did in the past. I do enjoy been taken back to being a naughty school boi. I loved billy bunter, just william. I have a great partener i meet on another spanking sit. At moment i only see him ever 4weeks, but he nows i see other guys for spanking session and sometimes we have a 3way one.

Happy Days!!! :D:D:D

Can I ask you a question, 'Cub? You're dyslexic, aren't you? I bet you got grief for that when you were at school! It's still very easy to get the gist of what you're saying though. I can usually tell the difference between dyslexia, a typo and lazy-arsed illiteracy.

Big Hugs!

Cherry x

27-06-2010, 10:39 PM
yes i did get alot of stick at school. From when i started school. It was hell at school. I was also very clumsy at school it is part of itas well i have short term memory problems. I have to use diferent coloured paper to read text. like i've said it's just spelling there's more to it.
I have a programme on my laptop that helps me when i'm typing out my art workshops. I only have the inner net on my phone so i do slip up quit a lot, i just laugh it off. That's me, life is to short.

27-06-2010, 11:15 PM
so i was punished alot at school. I mainly got hand spanked on my bum by the teachers. Mainly for bad grades, spelling tests, messy work books, etc. I was not a naughty boi at school. Like i said in one post one teach picked me out as his whiping boi. He would punish me as an example to the other kids.
I was bitter in my late teens and lashed out at others, but i had alot of anger inside of me. Now producing art has helped me work out my past.

28-06-2010, 12:08 AM
yes i did get alot of stick at school. From when i started school. It was hell at school. I was also very clumsy at school it is part of itas well i have short term memory problems. I have to use diferent coloured paper to read text. like i've said it's just spelling there's more to it.
I have a programme on my laptop that helps me when i'm typing out my art workshops. I only have the inner net on my phone so i do slip up quit a lot, i just laugh it off. That's me, life is to short.

My partner is dyslexic - he hates text on red paper as he finds it difficult to read. I also know there's many types of dyslexia; the more severe forms of it involving short term memory problems and a lack of co-ordination. When I do Powerpoint presentations, I do yellow text on a blue background, as that's supposed to be the easiest to read. (I've got a teaching certificate that allows me to teach people over the age of 16 in a Further Education setting.) When I was at University, both my flatmates were also dyslexic. It's surprisingly common!

Cherry x

28-06-2010, 08:44 AM
i use yellow paper, i do ues different coloured plastic sheets too. I was finally assesed and uni. I got help with my essays and computer to help me. Many of my family are the same mainly on my mam's side. At school they told me i was slow and backward, that's way i was punished so much.

28-06-2010, 10:04 AM
thankyou sir,
Alot of my school friends i've talked to me have said to me "that i've done so well in my life." i have my granddad to thank for that as he always helped me. He was more like a dad to me. The time i spend with him was the best.

15-07-2010, 06:56 PM
Interesting posts here guys, nice one.

Im sure i've posted this somewhere before but i got spanked by a neighbour at the age of 13 for the crime of riding my bike along a walkway between her two fields. In my defence it was a public path and there were no rules about not riding your bike along it. Unfortunately i was going quite fast and i did spook some of her horses.

To this day i think i was treated unfairly. Not only did she herself break the law by driving her car (a landrover) up a walkway, not to mention the fact that she grabbed me off my bike, pulled my trousers and pants down right there in the open but she also used a riding crop on my bottom so hard i had marks for a few days afterwards. I'd like to see her try something like that nowadays lol.

At the same time i now appreciate more how she must have felt. Horses can be pretty spooky and they can hurt themselves if they bolt in small fields. Still i think she could probably have handled things a bit better.

15-07-2010, 07:04 PM
yes i see what you mean. I've been talking to my partener about my dad. As i have never been to his grave. I never got to tell my dad how i felt about him. I'm going to his grave when he comes up.

11-08-2010, 10:02 PM
well i went to my dad's grave with my partener. I'm glad i went now i can close that part of my past. We went to my partener's i had a great week with him you can see the pics of the spanking i got. Mmmmm :D