View Full Version : Where are all the female submissives or spankees?

08-06-2010, 12:19 AM
I've just looked at the 'Warwickshire Plus' section and could only find one female submissive and they were a 'commercial' sub - the rest were subby males. So where are all the ladies??

Uncle David
08-06-2010, 01:32 AM
I've just looked at the 'Warwickshire Plus' section and could only find one female submissive and they were a 'commercial' sub - the rest where subby males. So where are all the ladies??

It is true that there's a scarcity of female subs advertising on internet forums but, if you were aware of some of the unsavoury replies those who do advertise are likely to receive, I think you'd understand why most refrain from advertising.

If you genuinely want to find a lady with whom to build a trusting friendship, then my advice to you is to take your time whilst contributing to the forums, exercise more care over your grammar and spelling and then, when you get known as being a sensible and responsible gentleman, you may find that ladies will contact you.

Uncle David

08-06-2010, 01:46 AM
It is true that there's a scarcity of female subs advertising on internet forums but, if you were aware of some of the unsavoury replies those who do advertise are likely to receive, I think you'd understand why most refrain from advertising.

If you genuinely want to find a lady with whom to build a trusting friendship, then my advice to you is to take your time whilst contributing to the forums, exercise more care over your grammar and spelling and then, when you get known as being a sensible and responsible gentleman, you may find that ladies will contact you.

Uncle David

Right on, Uncle David!!! :D:D:D

Cherry x

10-06-2010, 12:09 AM
Yep, and I'm one of them!!!

Cherry x

12-06-2010, 11:56 PM
And I want your bottom.

Ooooh er missus.:D

Well, you can't have it! My bum! Mine! You can't have it! And I won't share! So there! :p:p:p

*blows raspberry and runs away, laughing*

Cherry x

13-06-2010, 06:22 AM
out of sight because female subs should be seen but not hurt



13-06-2010, 10:53 AM
out of sight because female subs should be seen but not hurt



Hurt in the wrong kind of way, you mean? Yes - very true. x

Cherry x

13-06-2010, 11:52 AM
I am still looking for a female submissive or spankee any offers

Well really! How can you say "Yes- very true", when your previous statement indicates that you're not sure what she means? I have to say, on that score, neither am I!!


13-06-2010, 12:04 PM
Well really! How can you say "Yes- very true", when your previous statement indicates that you're not sure what she means? I have to say, on that score, neither am I!!


I've taken her statement to mean that caution needs to be exercised, lest we, as in female subs, fall prey to a dangerous psychopath - if that's what she means, then I agree with her, Sir. Although, if female subs need to be out of sight for their own protection, how can they be seen and not hurt? I can see why you're confused!

Cherry x

13-06-2010, 02:50 PM
I thought "honest" and "True" might of implied clearly that I was making a very tongue in cheek comment...

as in


SIR!! That cane 'urts SIR!!!

14-06-2010, 07:50 PM
I would never expect you to be nice Cov. :p

Enjoy it while it lasts, Westy! He's never nice to me! Consider yourself privileged!

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 08:25 PM
Oh dear! More soggy cocoa! Pass the tissues someone!

Have you been following Delia's bizarre recipes again? Putting onion water in your cocoa? No wonder you've been weeping so much!

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 08:54 PM
Rather than mock, you should be hanging your head in shame! I quote your previous post, to remind you of the source of my distress! I hope you're feeling some remorse! Now- onions poached in cocoa - DELIA!!!

Really? I thought you were being sarcastic. I am sorry Sir. I didn't believe that you were actually weeping into your non-onion-y cocoa on my account! Whoops... *bites lip and hands Cov a tissue*

Cherry x

P.S. Onions poached in cocoa actually sounds rather tasty...

14-06-2010, 09:12 PM
Me- sarcastic?! "Lowest form of wit...". You can keep your hands off the onions poached in cocoa recipe - Delia's already secured the copyright!

What's the point in having cookery programmes and books etc. if you're not allowed to cook what they make?

"Here's a step-by-step guide how to make poach onions in cocoa, but if you try to make it, I WILL SUE YOU AND KICK YOUR ARSE!!!!"

So me, being me, never taking any notice of authority, goes ahead and makes it anyway. After all, how can this ruling be enforced? I've got everything on the go, pans bubbling away nicely, and all of a sudden, some SAS psycho wearing a balaclava crashes in through my window, swinging in on a rope, rugby tackles me and cuffs my hands behind my back. My assailant takes off her mask, and it's none other than an irate Delia: "I f*@!$%! warned you!!!!"

Cue Graham Chapman...

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 09:25 PM
Delia is already thinking up an accompaniment to go with "Roasted Anarchist Masochist". I hear that she's just managed to get hold of one. Thankfully, they are extremely rare, so this could be a culinary one off! Heston is livid that she's beaten him to it!!

Roasted? You're advocating cannibalism now?! Glad that I'm such a rarity! That's almost a complement! What would you do if there was more than one of me? *Chuckles*

C x

14-06-2010, 11:15 PM
Choke!! I've heard its an acquired taste- not dissimilar to tripe- in more ways than one!

Cough it up! See? That's what happens when you wish misfortune onto people! (c.f. choking on popcorn and ham sandwiches.) Karma's like a boomerang - it returns to sender!

Cherry x

18-06-2010, 04:13 PM
And now you're serving it up to us on a daily basis!

*Suddenly acquires a handbag and is about to go "oooooh!" in a high pitch voice again, when the bear from "A Winter's Tale" steams in and grabs it out of my hands, ragging it into a million pieces*

18-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Saved by the bear!

*whines* That was my favourite handbag!!! *folds arms and sulks*

Cherry x

18-06-2010, 05:14 PM
You sound like Lady Bracknell!

Good old Oscar Wilde! My fave quote is "work is the curse of the drinking classes." Brilliant...

Cherry x