View Full Version : Deja Demon!

03-06-2010, 11:47 PM
.............well, actually, its not deja vu, it feels like I've been here before cos I have, actually, standing to attention in the Demon Headmaster's study,
awaiting my fate, only this time I'm wearing my PE kit, shorts and a T-shirt, and, God help me, no underpants, cos we're not allowed to wear 'em for PE, just my luck,
The summons came just as I was about to leave the changing room, and when the Head says jump! you don't argue, you just ask 'how high?'
My brain was racing, trying to figure what it was all about, more importantly, what was about to happen, as if I didn't know! Bound to be a spanking, the only
question was, how much? Or rather, how hard! No way to get out of it, I knew that, simply a matter of damage limitation, so to speak, well, I could be a crafty sod lol
See if I could play the old boy at his own game, and fool him into taking it easy on me, haha!
'Look at me when I'm speaking to you, boy!' his stentorian command cut into my woolgathering like a knife through butter.
'And stand up straight while you're about it, can't be doing with this slouching!'
'Well, you again, can't say I'm surprised, you've really done it this time!'
'But Sir, Sir', I pretended to quaver 'please Sir, I haven't done anything wrong, Sir'
'Oh no, boy', he practically bellowed, 'then what do you make of this then?'
He was brandishing what appeared to be a letter, a note, and my heart sank, cos I knew what it was, a note from my class teacher, she'd been threatening me with it for ages,
and now she'd finally sent it, a note detailing in all the gory details all the mischief I'd been up to in class (and out of it) for the past few weeks, blast! there was no easy way
out of this, what to do, what to do................I summoned up my most innocent face, and replied : 'Don't know Sir, never seen it before, can't be anything to do with me'
'Stuff and nonsense!' rapped the head, 'Don't play the innocent with me boy, I've known boys like you all my days, you only understand one thing, and that's the rod! Come here m'laddo'
Heck! I shuffled towards him, dragging my feet as much as I could, but as soon as I got within range, his hand shot out, seized me by the ear, and dragged me over his knees.
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! His hand beat a tattoo on my bottom, I struggled and squirmed, with the odd cry of pain here and there, all part of The Plan, you see, let him think he was hurting me,
maybe he'd stop..............................as if!
'Can't kid a kidder, boy', he almost chuckled, intensifying his efforts, he was almost getting through to me, with his hand only, didn't bode well for what was inevitably about to come, I began to
resign myself to a right royal thrashing, and, sure enough, just then, the handspanking stopped.
'Don't see why I should hurt my hand on your worthless backside, boy, when I have 'friends' here who can help me'
By no mean effort of contortion, I twisted my neck round enough just in time to see him produce, as if by magic, a long wicked looking brush - a bathbrush? I don't believe it! - but then I did, as he
began to belabour my bottom with that very implement.
Stroke after stroke after stroke, laid on my burning bottom, now I was squirming and squealing, struggling for all I was worth, much good it was doing me, please Sir! I begged him, to no avail.
Then it stopped. Ever the optimist, I made to get up, his left hand pushed my face back down to the carpet, his right I felt on the waistband of my shorts, 'No Sir! No!' I pleaded, some hope!
Whoosh! Shorts down below the knees and it was bare bottom time, the brush rose and fell with depressing regularity.................................THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! My bum was on fire,
positively aflame, it really was sore! I was howling, begging and pleading, legs kicking and bottom bucking, it went on and on, I had to bite my lip to fight back the tears!
Then it was over.........................'On your feet boy, face that wall, hands on your head!'
So humiliating, standing there, shorts now curled about my ankles, T-shirt halfway up my back, my bruised and battered bottom bared before his gaze.
'I've a good mind to phone your parents, get them here to see how bad you've been'
He wouldn't! Oh yes, he would!
'No Sir, please don't Sir, I'll behave from now on, honest, I will.'
'Yes boy, say anything you will, to get out of further punishment, but I'm not finished with you yet, I won't phone your folks - this time! - but that bottom of yours needs a further seeing to,
don't you agree?'
Well, caught between a rock and a hard place, wasn't I? If I argued, he might send for my Dad, then there'd be fireworks, catch 22 it was, a thrashing either way, but I knew which I preferred,
take my lumps here and now, get it over with, so I mumbled 'Yes Sir' and he positively yelled 'Can't hear you boy!' so I was forced to respond loudly 'YES SIR!' and next thing I knew he'd
grabbed me by the ear, dragged me to his desk and made me kneel on a chair he'd positioned there............................................. .'Bend right over boy, that's it, lie on the desk, face right down'
Ye Gods! I was 'assuming the position' and no mistake, my bare bottom was now pointing toward the ceiling, so vulnerable, so exposed, I have no doubt an almost perfect target, and The Demon
Headmaster was not a man to let such an opportunity go to waste!
He had the note in his hand, 'Let's see', he said 'playing truant, reprehensible, boy! six with my belt for that..........smoking in school, totally abhorrent, a dozen with my new wooden paddle, I think..........
no homework done for a fortnight, well, you'll feel my plimsole for that, lad.......................fighting in the school dinner hall, how dare you boy! I have just the thing for that, a wooden spoon, how apt,
make the punishment fit the crime, I always say'
My bare buttocks were absolutely quivering, whether in anticipation or dread, I hardly knew, he wouldn't, he absolutely couldn't.....................but who was I kidding? Not for nothing was he known as the
Demon Headmaster, at that moment in time I knew my number was up.
He wasn't finished, not quite.................'Disrupting classes, and cheeking teachers? A taste of the crop, I think! Well boy, we better get started, after all, you have classes to attend, don't want teachers sending
you here for another spanking, do we?' He almost seemed to snigger, rotten old sod lol
SMACK! 'Get that bottom UP! Boy!' his hand across my naked nates, and I complied - what else could I do? He took me by the ear, lifted my head from the desk, and slid the offending note under
my nose................'Just so's you know why you're being punished lad', and so it began...................................
Halfway through, and if it wasn't me sobbing in the room, it must have been some invisible schoolboy from some forgotten age, my backside was on fire, generating enough heat, I'm sure, to heat the school gym,
that devil of a Head wasn't even out of breath, the more he spanked me, the more he seemed to energise, CRACK! CRACK! twice from his hand 'Get that bottom UP! boy, get it UP!'
Wearily I galvanised my carcass, pushing, pushing, my bare, vulnerable and exposed arse towards the ceiling, how much more to come?
And finally, belted, paddled, plimsolled, wooden spooned! Cropped! All over, I think, more dead than alive, how long for my backside to recover? Just get me out of here, that was my main
thought...................................and then.............and then, I lifted my weary head, and saw him move toward a cupboard, open the door, and bring out - unbelievable - a cane! a cane, ye Gods!
He swished it through the air, the sound sending a shiver up and down my spine.
'This is for special boys' he said, 'boys like you, who never learn, so get that bottom UP!' His absolute mantra, get that bottom up, I was sick hearing it, but, resignedly, I obeyed, after all
things couldn't get any worse, could they?
'Six of the best, my boy, to finish things off, a reminder of your place, lad'
Stroke one, aaargh! unbelievable, I couldn't take any more, but two, three, four, the pain was mind-blowing, five, right across my bare bottom, I nearly passed out, and the final stroke? Well,
exactly on the underhang, right on the crease of my buttocks, I yowled! Is there such a word? Don't know, but it describes just how I felt lol
'On your feet boy' I struggled up 'Pull up your shorts' I did so, but there was no relief in that, I was in actual PAIN! and I couldn't hide' it lol
'Two things boy', said the Head 'First, from now on you bring your homework to me, if it isn't done, you get spanked, that simple...........................second, next time I get a note like that,
from a teacher, I will deal with you like I've just done, but at Assembly, in front of the whole school, do you UNDERSTAND?'
I could only nod mutely, it was taking all my will power not to burst out blubbering, damned if I would give The Demon Headmaster the satisfaction, but one thing I now knew for certain,
in the annals of the all time spankers, he now ranked the highest!
So I scuttled from his study, clutching my well toasted buns, and vowing to myself, 'NEVER EVER AGAIN'

04-06-2010, 12:26 AM
Wow, man! That's quite a hiding you suffered! The day that the Demon Headmaster goes easy on anyone will be the day that Satan ice-skates to work!

Cherry x

04-06-2010, 12:32 AM
all grist to the Mill, my dear Cherry, lie back and enjoy it lol

04-06-2010, 01:21 AM
all grist to the Mill, my dear Cherry, lie back and enjoy it lol

All grist to the mill? Never heard that expression before...Are you able to sit down yet? Heh!

Cherry x

04-06-2010, 06:07 PM
You are a bad man Cov. Anyway, Cherry, theres a few lesson's you need to learn.

Me? You're the one that needs to learn about Greengrocer's Apostrophe! Let me guess, these "lessons" involve copious doses of pain and humiliation, yeah? How predictable...

Cherry x

04-06-2010, 06:18 PM
Cherry, you are being too harsh with Westey- don't forget, that he does live in Glasgow, and that English is his second language!!


Oh, of course - how could I be so foolish? One mustn't mock the afflicted!

12-06-2010, 03:25 PM
There's nothing of the coalition about me, Westey! In fact, there's nothing of democracy about me. You do as you're told - or else!!


*Nods grimly in agreement*

I have to agree with Covspank there, Westy - that was more of an uneasy alliance! This fragile truce will soon be torn asunder as soon as I step a nano-metre out of line!!!

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 08:03 PM
They certainly won't be needing shorts and pants! I quite agree about Anarchistic Masochist- far too big for her boots. Not sure that a tawse is up to the task however.


I dread to think what you've got in mind! What the heck have I done this time? Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 08:47 PM
Well, you know what happened to him?! You can rest assured, however, that your demise will not be nearly so quick!

Demise?! It almost sounds like you're plotting my assassination! :eek:

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 09:16 PM
Don't go putting ideas into my head!*an evil grin passes across his face*

I don't need to put any ideas into your head - you've got plenty of diabolical schemes of your own!!!

Cherry x

14-06-2010, 11:05 PM
How very dare you! You'll be hearing from my solicitors!

Oh, I dare! *chuckles evilly* So far, you've willed me to choke on popcorn and ham sandwiches; wanted to roast me with garlic and goodness knows what else! You're hardly a paragon of goodness and benevolence, are you?!?!

J'accuse Covspank! :D (You're not the only one that can use foreign words and phrases!)

Cherry x

P.S. Crikey, this ice is getting thin! :eek: