View Full Version : Demon Headmaster strikes again!!

red hand
08-04-2010, 08:17 PM
I visited Covspank,the Demon Headmaster on Saturday, at his study south of Edinburgh.
As I stood nervously outside his study, dressed in my schoolboy attire,
I hesitantly knocked on his door, well aware of his fearsome reputation, but confident that I could cope with what was in store for me, for me being late that morning.
He bellowed:" Get in here, now, BOY!" The tone of his voice immediately changed my confident mood into a somewhat more humble demeanour.
I was lectured about by lack of puncuality & informed that as detention had not taught me a lesson for this offence in the past, I was about to have my bottom spanked while O.T.K.
As i was wearing my grey corduroy shorts, I had no real concerns as I thought that these would afford sufficient protection against, what lay ahead. I was VERY wrong! I never knew a hand spanking on a well protected bottom, could be so severe, as his hand decended on my bottom with such velocity, I actually thought at times an implement of some description was guilty of inflicting such damage. As my ordeal ended, I had a new found mixture of fear and respect for him and promised myself and the headmaster that i was going to stay out of trouble in future, as I had no wish to be in receipt of any other punisment from him.
Indeed, I was warned in no uncertain terms, that any further infringements of school rules, would result in the protection afforded by my school shorts not being available on the next occasion.
I thought to myself- no way do I wish to be over his knee with my trousers down.
However, I had failed miserably with an English essay, completing only 25% of what I was supposed to do.
When my English teacher told me, I now had to visit the Headmaster, to be dealt with for this abject failure, oh how I wished that I had taken the time and effort to complete my essay in full.
"HENDERSON, get in here NOW," he roared.
As I meekly entered his study, I was well aware of my fate, as I had been WELL warned!!
The inevitable lecture followed, which only increased my concerns of what lay ahead.
On concluding his rhetoric, the instuction came which i had been waiting for:
As I lowered my shorts slowly trying to delay the process, I was quickly ushered into position and the protection of my underpants, only offered protection to my pride rather than my hide!! Against the torrent of whacks that were firmly and rapidly applied to my bottom.
As further blows connected with my poor bottom I thought if I said SORRY SIR that this may persuade him to reduce the severity or perhaps bring this punishment to an end.
But this only seemed to make him more determined than ever to inflict even more damage, if anything this pathetic attempt of an apology only increased my sentence.
When my ordeal was finally over, and as I struggled to pull my shorts up and regain my composure, while anxious to rub my wounded flesh, I probably wisely decided against this.
"LEARNED YOUR LESSON BOY?" he bawled."YES SIR" I replied somewhat sheepishly.
From that day, my behaviour improved, my school work improved as I did not wish to make another journey to that study. I was determined to prove that I could avoid further punishment and I was quite proud of myself, the way I had responded to the treatment prescribed by the Head.
My new found optimisn, was however short lived. The head prefect accosted me between classes and took great delight in informing me that I was to attend the Headmaster at 3.30pm that Friday afternoon.
I had no reason to suspect what lay ahead, as I had committed no offence that would normally be associated with being sent there. Indeed my ego had convinced me that perhaps the Head was about to congratulate me on my improved behaviour and academic skills, so as i strode confidently towards the study, looking forward to the potential plaudits and the week-end off school, nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.
"HENDERSON, INTO MY STUDY NOW," he commanded, my new found confidence drained from me in an instant, but I had done nothing wrong, or so I thought.
Then my heart sank, as the real reason for the trip was revealed to me. My locker had been searched that morning.
"HENDERSON, you naughty boy, some contraband has been found in your locker!" My face reddened immediately.
"Cigarettes and ALCOHOL, are these things that should be found in your locker boy?" he shreiked, like an old fashioned drill sargeant.
"NO SIR," I responded, wishing I was on another planet.
"You know the school rules regarding smoking?" was the next question submitted to me.
"Do you know the normal punishment for smoking ,you insolent, disobedient little boy?"
"Well boy, what is that punishment?" he enquired
"12 with the leather paddle," I responded.
"And how will that punishment be administered BOY?" was his next question.
"On my bare bottom SIR" I answered, in full knowledge that this would be an extremely unlikely outcome for my offences.
"Do YOU think that is a sufficient sentence for such an ourageous offence as this?"
"NO sir," I concurred.
"ALCOHOL in MY SCHOOL is prohibited" he retorted
"But SIR it was only mild sha!!!"
My attempted defence that this was only a very mild tin of shandy with 1% max alcohol content, was stopped dead in its tracks.
"YOU ARE TO BE EXPELLED BOY with your parents informed in writing," he replied.
"OH PLEASE SIR not expulsion, my parents will be furious," I pleaded.
" I have no choice BOY my hands are tied, under school rules the maximum punishment permitted is 12 on the bare bottom."
"BUT SIR i am willing to accept more if the threat of expulsion is lifted."
"YOU DESERVE MUCH MORE, but I cannot break the school rules which are set in stone regarding the maximum punishment," he informed me.
I thought to myself, if I am expelled, when I go home I will get much more than 12 so I must try an negotiate a solution.
SIR , if i take my 12 just now, I could come back on Monday for a further 12.
"BOY, do you honestly think that 24 strokes is a sufficient punishment for such offences?" was his next question
My opening gambit had failed .
"Perhaps not SIR but I am willing to take another batch of 12 the following day."
"NO BOY still not enough for this type of unprecedended crime."
Last chance saloon for me I thought.
"SIR perhaps if i am willing to take 12 every afternoon next week, then you will agree not to expel me?"
"You are willing to be punished every day for a week boy?"
"How many days in a week boy?" was his next submission, with all the skills of an experienced negotiator.
"In a school week 5 days SIR"
"How many days in a week BOY?"
"7 days SIR."
"Well how good is your arithmetic BOY? What are 7 times 12?"
"84 SIR?"
"So you are willing to accept a total of 84 on the bare bottom?"
"Well boy, get off home & report to me at 3.30pm on Monday afternoon for the first batch of 12."
At least I had escaped the wrath of my parents, and Monday seemed a long way off, so I could enjoy my week end or could I? I could not put aside the fact that my poor bottom was in for a good spanking.
Soon it was back to school on Monday, concentration was difficult, knowing what lay ahead in the afternoon, clock watching every minute until it was time to make the dreaded walk to the study
"WHY ARE YOU HERE BOY?" he asked, knowing full well his intent.
"SIR I am here to receive my first 12 of 84 as agreed on Friday afternoon."
"12 it is BOY" he confirmed as he produced 2 leather implements.
He allowed me the privilege of choosing which of these was to be delivered across my bare bottom. I chose the one I considered to be the lesser of the 2 evils as both looked particuarly lethal.
"TROUSERS & PANTS DOWN BOY" was the next instruction
as i obliged and bent over gripping hard on the legs of the chair.
"COUNT EACH STROKE BOY and as each stroke lands you must say thank-you SIR please may i have another, except on last last stoke when thank-you SIR will suffice."
As this leather paddle connected with my defenceless bottom
ONE THANK-YOU SIR please may i have another?
TWO THANK-YOU SIR please may i have another
This continued until
TWELVE thank you SIR
As I rose quickly and dressed myself I knew there was much more to follow in the ensuing days.
YES SIR thank you SIR
So every day at 3.30pm my ordeal continued, on the fourth visit half way through i almost wished i had opted for expulsion, but thought i have come this far so to stop now be expelled and still have to face the consequences with my parents was not the best solution and forced myself to continue.
The seventh and final installment came and, the by now familiar ritual was about to be concluded.
HENDERSON why are you here?
to receive my seventh and final punishment SIR
my final 12 on the bare bottom SIR
So my ordeal drew to a close
My final humiliation was to repeat as instucted
Thank you SIR for teaching my bare bottom a lesson that it richly deserved.
So, if there are other genuine school type role play enthusiasts looking for harsh traditional discipline, then they should contact THE DEMON HEADMASTER, who will be happy to adminster the type of punishment tailor made for each individual errant schoolboy.
Did I learn my lesson?
Yes, but I can't wait to get the opportunity to do it all again, on his next trip to Scotland,
when hopefully there will be several boys standing outside his study, awaiting their punishment