View Full Version : Facing My Demons...................

31-03-2010, 12:00 AM
......................or more specifically - The Demon Headmaster! I found myself summoned to his study, so there I was, outside the door, filled with a mixture of dread and anticipation, though why I should be apprehensive I don't know, after all, I was a big boy now, 15 years old and in my third year, and as we all know, big boys don't get spanked, so it was probably only a detention for me, or a hundred lines, big deal, been there done that, I had the t-shirt, for heavens sake, who was this so-called demon headmaster anyway, didn't scare me, that's for sure!
My train of thought was interrupted by a rather severe shout of 'enter!', so in I went, and there he was, sat behind his desk, wearing mortar board and gown, with a very grim expression on his face.............'come here boy!' he ordered, and I slouched before him, trying to look at once bored and not particularly interested, an art I am rather proud of having perfected..............Well! In a trice he was out of his chair and in my face! 'Stand up straight boy!' he bellowed, 'Arms at your sides, look at me when I'm talking to you!' Oh dear, I was taken aback, and before I knew it standing ramrod straight, and paying every attention to his words.
'You've been sent to me as a last resort, boy, it seems your teachers can't control you, smoking and drinking, even gambling, I hear, and talking back, not doing homework, late for class, what do you have to say for yourself?'
'Well S-S-Sir', I stammered, my goodness, I was stammering, what had got into me, was I afraid, no! surely not me, the scourge of the third year teachers! 'Well Sir, I'm trying to mend my ways, I promise you, I've stopped smoking and drinking, never another cigarette or drink will pass these lips.' I was rather chuffed with that quick response, that'd show him, but, to my consternation, he thrust his nose right into my face and bellowed 'Stuff and nonsense boy! I can smell cigarettes off you right now, you've had the sauce to smoke minutes before you've come to my study! Well boy, time you were taught a lesson!'
Then things got much, much worse.......................he seized me by my ear Ouch! it was painful! and half dragged me to a seat by the side of the room, and before I knew it, I was over his knee, bottom in the air, and he was belabouring it assiduously with his hand! Spank! Spank! Spank! Up and down went his hand, beating a tattoo on my buttocks, but it wasn't that bad, I just pretended it was, this might be not so bad after all, how bad could it get anyway?
'On your feet boy!' he commanded, 'and drop those trousers!' Wait a minute, this was a horse of a different colour, very different indeed, so I shot him a look of defiance............mistake! He grabbed me by the ear and shook me the way a terrier might shake a rat, and bellowed : 'Are you defying me boy!' And at that moment I began to get scared.............'Trousers down boy! I better not have to tell you a third time!' And I decided to cut my losses and humour the old boy, my fingers nervously plucking at my belt, seconds later said trousers were adorning my ankles, not that I had much time to contemplate them, for I was swiftly over his knee again, this time only the thin cotton fabric of my underpants protecting me and my bare naked bottom from the ravages of his spanking, and, as my nose nestled against the carpet I saw, to my left, what looked suspiciously like a hairbrush, and to my right I do believe, a bathbrush, oh no! I thought, it can't be! Horace the hairbrush and Bertie the bathbrush, even I, in all my innocence, had heard of these famed instruments of punishment, meanwhile the Head was spanking my bottom with some gusto, as if he were enjoying it, and I? well, I admit, it was beginning to get to me, now my squirming and squwaking was for real!
Then he said : 'Hand me that hairbrush boy' and I quaked, but not so much that I didn't comply, swiftly, no point in making a bad situation worse, is there? So I handed him Horace and then....................well, he proceeded to spank my underpanted bottom with a vigour and a speed that had me wriggling and pleading, to no avail of course, in no time at all, my backside was aflame, oh God! how it hurt, remorseless and merciless! all the tales were true, this guy knew his stuff..............................then it stopped, I lay over his knee, supine, cowed, god-damn hurting! but it was only temporary, he returned the hairbrush to my reluctant hand, 'Bertie the bathbrush boy!' and I, craven fool, gave him it, and then, such pain! He wielded Bertie with astonishing force and masterly skill, right buttock, left buttock, both buttocks together, over and over, Spank! Spank! Spank! I was nearer to tears than ever before in my life, this wasn't a spanking, it was an out and out thrashing, no less! No wonder they call him the Demon Headmaster! Up and down! Up and down! That brush beat my bum black and blue! Just when I thought I might well pass out, it was over, just like that, and slowly, ever so slowly, I climbed back to my feet.
'Go stand facing that wall!' I was told, in a tone that brooked no argument, not that I felt like arguing, no way, and slowly I shuffled over to the said wall, and stood there, hands on head, bottom absolutely burning, oh how I longed to rub it better, but I dared not, I was beginning to learn, you see.
He kept me that way for the longest five minutes of my life, still, he's made his point, lesson learned I think, but then I heard him say : 'Take all your clothes off boy, all of them, save your pants, be quick about it, then come over here to me!'
Well, I ask you, how could I, but I'd had enough of a spanking to know defiance was useless, and so, quick as I could I stripped off, and once more stood in front of my tormentor.
Deja Vue! In a trice I was otk again, and that damned hairbrush was laying into my backside as if its life depended on it! I lost all control, and started yelling, struggling, screaming, kicking my legs and squirming................much good it did me, rather the reverse, for the Headmaster paused, mid-stroke, and said 'Not so cocky now, my lad', and in one swift smooth stroke yanked my briefs down to my knees! Help! Now it was bare bottom, my poor defenceless bare bottom! And he switched to that bloody bathbrush, Bertie, a weighty thing, I can tell you, I must have got about fifty strokes before the spanking stopped, oh such a sweet relief, but my backside was on fire, I could barely stand, I hobbled back to my wall, my pants now firmly about my ankles, and there I stood for minutes while the Head no doubt sat there, admiring his handiwork. Me! naked, with a bright and burning bare! bottom, such utter humiliation, you might think, dear reader, the story ends here, but no, like me, you underestimate the Demon Headmaster, he had a point to prove, and prove it he would, no matter the cost (to my bare bum, as it happens!)
'Take the pants right off, boy, and come over here' I turned, discarding my knickers as I did so, now totally utterly absolutely naked, at my age, how embarrasingly humiliating, and positively scuttled over to his desk, where he had now seated himself, he looked me up and down, a rather frank appraisal, and said :'Nearly finished boy, just one more friend for you to meet, Doris the Dragon', and so saying he produced a fearsome looking cane and waved it in front of my nose, I quailed, but he was made of sterner stuff, 'over my desk boy', and so I bent, my bare bottom stuck in the air, clenching my cheeks for all they were worth, not that that would help in the ordeal to come..........................'twelve of the best for you lad, and after each one you will say, thank you Sir, please may I have another', and so it began, an absolutely comprehensive caning, each stroke burning in to an already battered bare bottom, me clenching my teeth as well as my buttocks, and, I admit, howling like a baby...........................then it was over, and thank the Lord, I was told to get dressed, though even as I moved toward my clothes the Headmaster sped me on my way with a further handful of strokes from Bertie the Bathbrush, how I scurried back to my corner, dressing as quickly as I could lest I receive any further spanks!
And so ended my ordeal, dear reader. I have to say all the rumours and stories about the Demon Headmaster are true! Every one! He is a spanker par excellence, a true exponent of the spanking art, yes, he is strict, but fair too. I cannot deny I deserved what I got, some might say I got off lightly, not me though, it will be a long while before my behaviour is ever as bad again, cos I know, should it be, the Demon Headmaster awaits................and next time might even be worse!
( This is no fantasy or nightmare, dear reader; this is a true account of an encounter that I had in a location just outside Edinburgh. Covspank, the Demon Headmaster, was in Scotland for a few days, staying in an isolated cottage- a perfect setting for dealing with wayward pupils! He told me that he really loved the house- I just know he'll be back!!!!)

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