View Full Version : CP for a Careless Cylist

23-03-2010, 01:03 AM
I am riding my bicycle and fail to stop at a stop sign, thus causing a motorist to swerve to avoid hitting me. In the process, he nearly collides with another vehicle. I cycle on until the motorist catches up with me and shouts for me to pull over. I dismount my bike at which time the motorist begins yelling at me for almost causing a serious accident.

I decide the man has good cause to be irate and that I should be punished for my infraction. I notice he is wearing a thick, wide belt and ask that he whip me with it to drive home the seriousness of my wrong. He balks at the idea until I walk over to his car, bend over the right front fender, spread my legs shoulder width, and plead with him to give me the whipping I deserve.

I hear the distinctive sound of the belt being pulled through the loops of his trousers, and before I know it, WHACK!!! The first lick lands squarely on the seat of my tight black cycling shorts. It does not take him long to get over his initial reluctance to whip me, and he delivers several more licks, each one harder than the last. I begin to cry and say I'm sorry, but the whipping contnues. Finally, I tell him that I've learned my lesson. He gives me 5 extra licks for good measure. He orders me to stand at which time I wipe the tears from my face vigorously rub my sore butt. He drives off, and I resume my ride with my freshly whipped butt off the seat the rest of the way.