View Full Version : Time Wasters

20-03-2010, 10:54 AM
Hi this isn't an advert, its me bitching.
I know we have a lot of time wasters on here, and also one person pretending to be many different people.
Here are a few: newjam0180, wwisher, bblake75, bartek, Dec Murray, spankingboy18, rhysjones50. Some of these haven't been on for a while, but the rysjones50 one who hasn't been on a while, is the guy responsible for newjam0180 and probably a few others.
These people will probably come on again with different ID's, but i will expose them. If i get my account deleted then i will just do as they do and come on under another name. So time wasters fuck off.

29-05-2010, 10:47 AM
Tho My personal view I think people who ask for set age limits are close to being time wasters as well, Theres nothing worse than having a load of guys in one area like say "Teesside" all into the male punishment but the top guys only want young slim boys 18 + hence not playing friendly.

No wonder the BDSM scene in the North east is dieing a quick death if all the older guys only want twinks and theose in there mid 30 & 40's have no one other than those who just want sex rather than male punishment.

Think its about time you started using people as a community rather than being picky.

29-05-2010, 06:44 PM
while i don't agree with time wasters (you right there area lot here) i don;t agree with bitching either ... if only people were genuine..... oh well

29-05-2010, 07:55 PM
I'm not a picky person, i prefer to get spanked by older guys, but i prefer to spank younger.
I have had guys who are in their 20s and 30s on here who are time wasters too, not just young ones.
I have met a few genuine and very nice people during my time on the spanking scene, not just on here, but on other sites too.
I just get sick of people who make obvious false profiles, who are just on here to fuck about or have a wank.

30-05-2010, 01:52 AM
I think there are fair points being made here about time wasters - BUT I must say that although people with very specific profiles are perhaps not going to get much interest - so long as they don't then let someone down I reckon it might be a bit unfair to class them as time wasters.

I would far rather have someone not contact me - or tell me I am not in his age range - than for someone to claim "all welcome" and then leave me standing on the train platform as I wasn't quite what he wanted after all.

For sex, I have specific age limits - they are not so set in stone that if I met someone I clicked with it would be an issue - but it is daft for me to say age is not important if the idea of twiddling with someone 20 years my senior is going to be a total turn off. Why do that to myself OR them? I am also a heavy build guy and find other guys my size not overly arousing. It might be shallow - but at least if I say 18-35 slim>medium build, then it lets folks know "my thing" - and if anything helps to AVOID time wasting.

On the other hand, so long as someone is safe, sane and consensual, I have no real age limits (18+ etc etc) when it comes to someone for whipping / caning sessions. Ditto weight, so long as fit enough to throw a powerful stroke, that's good enough for me.

So......as a personal preference, I tend to be far more interested in a profile which is specific and that I happen to fit - eg:-"seeks heavy build guy 35-50" rather than a general "after anything with a pulse, turn up, mess about and go".

Reading posts that folks have written can sometimes give a fair guideline as to the sort of person they are too.

Blue Skies

30-05-2010, 12:42 PM
I was thinking to myself the other night wouldn't it be easyer if everyone just put there role and age rangers they are looking for in there signature so maybe that way people could find someone a tad easyier rather than chatting to someone only to find your not the guy the top wants because your a year over his range ?

Views on this anyone ??

31-05-2010, 12:54 AM
Every time i have advertised i have stated age range, so you can't get clearer than that.A year or so either side shouldn't make that much difference.
I'm just sick of people who contact you, then string you along, then make up some crap excuse not to meet up.
You then never hear from them again, this is because they have had their little wank over what you say you will do to them.
Then you also get older people pretending to be younger, of which have a few similar other profiles, they then waste your time and have their little wank over what you say you will do to them.
In all the time i have been on here i have met only 2 decent people, and one has become a good friend.
Obviously there are loads more decent people, i just wish time wasters would piss off.

31-05-2010, 01:36 AM
You hit the nail on the head there mate sadly too much of this go's on and those who claim they don't do it are lairs - theres too many cyber people on forums like this too busy stealing other peoples pics and trying to pass them off as themselfs while not bothering to turn up at meets because they are'nt who they claim to be.

I'm just sick of people who contact you, then string you along, then make up some crap excuse not to meet up.
You then never hear from them again, this is because they have had their little wank over what you say you will do to them.

31-05-2010, 07:08 PM
Couple of interesting points raised here. There is no doubt that there are many timewasters on here. In fact, sadly, I am yet to meet up with anyone from here despite many, many false starts and reasonably promising discussions ... so, from my perspective this site has still to prove itself.

Have met and still do meet some very genuine guys from similar sites - so I live in hope .. lol

On the timewasting front, well, a few weeks back I was accused of being ageist by an older guy who clearly took offence to my stated preference of a 35yo maximum.

I work on the principle that, by stating this, I am definitely saving everyone involved time and potential disappointment. I can't see how you can be reasonably expected to accept 'all comers' if you know it won't work.

Just my view. And ,on balance, I think I will continue to state the approx age range in any posts I put here or elsewhere.

Have fun everyone!

31-05-2010, 09:35 PM
Hello everyone.

This is indeed, a hot topic! I've read numerous posts about time wasters and I did not realise that the M/m lot were having similar problems. I'm a female sub of the M/f persuasion and a lot of guys have moaned about female subs "wasting their time." I pointed out the women need to be careful because you never know who is on here. (i.e. online) I could be the next Peter Sutcliffe on the prowl for all you know! :)

It would appear that with the M/m spankos that there is a problem with saddoes that just want to have one off the wrist, as it were and are messing people about. Maybe they're a bit scared as well? To take the plunge and do it for real. It does take a lot of courage. Just think, you Tops are looking for someone to surrender to you completely and forfeit all control. You will be in charge of their pleasure and their pain. That takes balls, man. I'm not condoning time wasting - it's frustrating, annoying and unfair. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate and I wish to add a fresh dimention to this debate.

As for the age thing - that is relevant. I, personally, would not like to be spanked by someone inexperienced or younger than me. (A cane in a novice's hand could be very dangerous!) There is no shortage of experienced middle-aged Doms! (Lucky ain't I? :D) Looks are unimportant to me. They do, however, have to be patient, gentle and kind as well as possessing what I call "emotional intelligence." i.e. they have to know how to "click" with me. Can they instantly turn me to jelly with a frown and a sharp word? Can they have me jumping to their commands within seconds? *Goes all wibbly* Anyway, I digress....for the M/m fraternity, I'm guessing that it's a similar thing - an older Top and a young bottom makes sense to me. For older bottoms, it must be tough. It may be worth switching and finding people of like mind of a similar age - then you take it in turns! Oooh! What fun!

Above all, I urge you all: BE HONEST!!! I'm a size eighteen and I always state that. I know that some guys would be put off by that (although it does upset me sometimes, understandably.) They can't help that any more than I can help not being particularly enamoured at the prospect of being thrashed by an 18 year old Dom. The disappointment on both sides just ain't worth it. There is enough bad blood in this world. As a bottom, I cannot be in the habit of telling lies - I'd get the hiding of my life! :D

Kind Regards

Cherry x

02-06-2010, 11:28 AM
yes there are a lot of time wasters im not can accom in fallowfield

02-06-2010, 04:05 PM
Hirmmmmm thats another pet hate of mine with other sites multi users ie one person under loads of different names -

02-06-2010, 09:04 PM
Hirmmmmm thats another pet hate of mine with other sites multi users ie one person under loads of different names -

Why do people do that? What's the point?!

Uncle David
05-06-2010, 02:29 AM
Hello everyone.

Above all, I urge you all: BE HONEST!!! I'm a size eighteen and I always state that. I know that some guys would be put off by that (although it does upset me sometimes, understandably.) They can't help that any more than I can help not being particularly enamoured at the prospect of being thrashed by an 18 year old Dom. The disappointment on both sides just ain't worth it. There is enough bad blood in this world. As a bottom, I cannot be in the habit of telling lies - I'd get the hiding of my life! :D

Kind Regards

Cherry x

I applaud you for those sentiments Cherry and I'm most pleased I'm able to call you a friend.

Although fairly new to this site, I've been a spanker for a long time and know that honesty and resulting trust are imperative.

I now have a heart condition which makes it undesirable for me to spank as hard as I used to - in fact I can't sustain a hard spanking - but I feel morally obliged to be upfront in informing prospective spankees about this and allowing them to decide whether I might help them.

Uncle David

Uncle David
05-06-2010, 02:39 AM
Why do people do that? What's the point?!

Maybe for a similar mysterious reason that I have had men pretending to be women answering adverts placed by me in the past Cherry.

As long as people adhere to honesty, spanking can be fulfilling and indeed therapeutic for both spankers and spankees but, whilst there are immature idiots fooling around, we all need to be alert and careful.

Uncle David

05-06-2010, 03:37 AM
Maybe for a similar mysterious reason that I have had men pretending to be women answering adverts placed by me in the past Cherry.

As long as people adhere to honesty, spanking can be fulfilling and indeed therapeutic for both spankers and spankees but, whilst there are immature idiots fooling around, we all need to be alert and careful.

Uncle David

There are plenty of men who are willing to spank TVs - so why waste an M/f Dom's time? Do they really think that they can fool people into thinking they're women? I dunno... *exasperated sigh*

05-06-2010, 03:43 AM
I applaud you for those sentiments Cherry and I'm most pleased I'm able to call you a friend.

Although fairly new to this site, I've been a spanker for a long time and know that honesty and resulting trust are imperative.

I now have a heart condition which makes it undesirable for me to spank as hard as I used to - in fact I can't sustain a hard spanking - but I feel morally obliged to be upfront in informing prospective spankees about this and allowing them to decide whether I might help them.

Uncle David

Thank you Sir. You're very kind! I hope that my comments has helped people to communicate better and link up - female bottoms were getting a lot of stick for being time wasters, when all we're trying to do is ascertain whether we're communicating with a potential rapist or murderer! (The 'Net can be a dangerous place.) Whereas men seem to be more concerned about whether they're actually conversing with a chick with a dick! Both are scary prospects! *laughs*

Kind Regards

Cherry x

20-06-2010, 09:26 PM
well uncal Dave, you can take me in hand any time ur up my way.