View Full Version : Doris the Dragon Goes to Devon

07-03-2010, 03:12 PM
I was told to post this account of my recent visit to the Demon Headmaster.

I had posted a profile on spankingcontacts explaining that I was often in need of discipline. A quick response was from the Demon Headmaster who explained that my profile had been brought to his attention and that this should seriously worry me as he only dealt with the most serious cases. I was anxious as I read his message; however, I read on and found out that he was based in Coventry, some distance from my home in the West Country. So I reckoned that I could pursue this cyber correspondence as a bit of fun without ever having to suffer the consequences. He wanted details of my CP experiences. I replied with a long e-mail explaining my school experiences of being caned. He asked about my more recent experiences and so I followed with a lengthy e-mail telling him of the various mistresses and masters I had visited and the various canings that I had received. He now had quite a file on me. I found our correspondence quite exhilarating but I realised that there was not a real threat to me as he lived so far away.

His next message explained that he often travelled and set up “his study” in a hotel to deal with wayward people. Still I was fairly safe, I thought, as I was a long way from Coventry. In his following e-mail he asked for a list of offences and I replied giving him details of three offences which needed to be dealt with. His next message stated that the three offences warranted a severe caning which would be non negotiable. He asked if I was prepared to go through with it as he would not want to travel that distance to find that I did not turn up. I was now quite worried but replied that I would definitely report to him for the punishment due.

His next message shocked me. “I want you to look out for a suitable hotel close to where you live so that I can set up a study and deal with you.” We discussed possible dates.

I was not too happy about visiting a hotel to receive punishment. Although I had previously done this in London I thought that the West Country hotels were likely to be smaller and more personal, and so it was more likely that we would attract attention. I had a brilliant thought and got on to the internet to look at cottages for hire for a couple of days. I managed to find what appeared to be an ideal little cottage deep in the country miles from anywhere. I sent a message to the Demon Headmaster. He thought it an excellent idea and I noticed on the internet that the particular cottage that I had recommended had been booked for a Friday and Saturday in two weeks time, one of the dates we had discussed. I was sure that it was his booking and so now I was very worried. Suddenly I realised the predicament that I had got myself into.

The day arrived and having dressed in a suit as the Master had required I drove slowly down the leafy lanes to find the cottage. I was ten minutes early so drove past to return at the correct time. I was very nervous mentally going through the usual machinations; why was I here? I parked up and rang the door bell. The Master invited me in and I entered a small, airy but well decorated and comfortable sitting room. There were wide windows giving splendid views of the surrounding countryside. He sat on the sofa. I took a seat on a chair and we made polite conversation. After about five minutes he got down to business, explaining that I was here for a caning. I visited the bathroom and when I returned he was drawing the curtains to prevent any unexpected prying eyes. He sat again on the sofa and I was told to stand in front of him. For the offences which I had previously confessed to him he said that I was to receive two batches of six strokes over my underpants and for the final offence I was to receive 12 strokes on my bare bottom. As I took off my jacket and trousers he recovered a cane which had been lying under the cushions of the sofa. I was glad to see that it was not a long cane. It was also quite thick. Good, I thought, that should not be too painful. I was directed to kneel on a hard dining chair which had its back to the dining table. I was required to lean over the back of the chair which was higher than the table and stretch out on the table.

I was now in position with my bottom well raised. He pushed my shirt up out of the way. He then gave me the first stroke. It was much harder than I expected sending a pain right through my buttocks. The second stroke landed and I was again surprised at how painful it was. Shortly, the first six had been given and I was allowed to stand. I walked around the room rubbing my buttocks not sure whether I would be able to take the next six. He had obviously made up for the thick short cane with a strong forearm. Shortly I got back into position to take the next six. These were also exceedingly painful and when I got up I realised that I would be unable to take any more. I told the Master. I then got dressed and left. I was somewhat ashamed of myself but had had enough by the time I capitulated. However I did feel somewhat guilty.

The Headmaster had travelled from Coventry, taken a cottage for a couple of days and all I had managed to contribute was to take 12 strokes over my pants. Nothing to be proud of.

Perhaps I ought to agree a further visit to take the 12 strokes on the bare bottom plus any extra for not going through with the contract and being slow in posting this. I wonder?

14-03-2010, 10:52 PM
The Demon Headmaster must have been disappointed with his trip to Devon - what a wimp & what an ungrateful person - he may have on occasion whacked me harder that I wanted but at least I have taken it . The Headmaster having taken the time & expense of travelling there & you walked out well !!! You then seems to request a revisit. unbelievable !! I think though what really pissed me of is I really love Devon & Cornwell & would have gladly had a red bottom for the weekend to have been in one of those beautiful isolated Devon cottages.

19-03-2010, 09:11 PM
You little wimp.Should have got 40 on your bare bum !:)

21-03-2010, 04:16 PM
as the Demon Headmaster clearly states that he only deals with the most serious cases and that you were warned you were going to recieve a servere caning (yes,surprise!surprise! it can give you a sore bottom).it does seem strange that you called it a day after only 12 strokes knowing that Sir had travelled half way across the country to give you want you wanted! i hope you really did feel ashamed!

20-05-2010, 10:02 PM
I was on the receiving end of a particularly severe punishment once and I cried out the safe word in order to call an end to it. I immediately regretted it. Now, no matter how hard it is or no matter how much it hurts, I will always endevour to see it through to the bitter end, because I know that I would hate myself afterwards. I also feel a guilty about letting the Top down as well.