View Full Version : the carpenter

28-01-2010, 09:18 PM
I`ve been in front of the mirror now for 10 minutes,I look up,down, to the sides.I`m tring to find any sign that manhood is about to begin.I might be 6 ft tall but look like a stretched bag of bones.I`m snapped out of my daydream by the sound of mum coming up the stair`s and dive for my bed cover`s.
“you lazy little bugger,it`s mid afternoon and your still in bed! If you don`t find a job soon I`ll put your stuff on the doorstep”
She is right of coarse,it`s a year since I left school and can`t stay in a job for more than a few month`s at a time.oh well it`s Friday afternoon,I head to the pub.
The trick to being served underage is quite simple.join the pub football team! It`s always busy around 5pm-ish,as all the working blokes come in for a hard earned pint.for those that play football the team sheet for tomorrow`s game goes on the notice board and then gather around when terry the manager arrives to discuss tactics.I scan the team sheet,I scan it again.I`m not on it!
“sorry kid! It`s a tough game tomorrow and we need the points.you’re a bit skinny,you get knocked off the ball to easy”
My jaw is hanging open and I`m about to cry for the first time in 4 years.”
“it`s not all bad though kid,got a job lined up for you.mate of mine run`s a building site and needs a young labourer.take the job,it`ll put some beef on you!”
I didn`t stay in the pub and went home in a bit of a huff! Terry the football manager had given the the job details on the back of an envelope.sat morning 10.30, see Charlie.oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained.
“don`t hire kid`s,you`re all work shy little bastards!”
I`m stood in the site managers office opposite a rather fearsome looking man who seems to be taking great delight in giving his comment`s on the youth of today,so it takes me by surprise when,”Monday morning,7am sharp.get a good night`s kip.your feet won`t touch the floor, I promise you”
Believe you me,he wasn`t kidding.I have never worked so hard in my short life but I hate to say it,I`m almost enjoying it.it`s not an overnight success but six month later,I`m eating like a horse and my nightly session in front of the mirror in my bedroom have started to reveal lumps and bumps that actually look like muscle.the only strange thing that’s on my mind is the rather homoerotic nature of the married men I work with.my boyish looks seem to make me rather popular and the butt of crude jokes.on one day when it was warm, I wore shorts and took my shirt off and at break time they all start singing”I feel like chicken tonight!” I don`t get it !! My nick name is” Gillette” which upset`s me.they say I`m” as smooth as a lady-boy” I really don’t get it !!
There`s one guy though I really like” steve the carpenter” it not just the fact he gives me fags,shares his coffee if I don`t have any.there`s just something about him.I hang on every word he say`s and I can`t take my eyes off his tall,broad masculine body.he`s caught me a couple of times looking at him,he smiles and laughs to himself.oh god,I`ve got a teenage crush on a man!
It comes as a devastating blow when one Friday morning steve tell`s me his gang of carpenter`s are on the move to a new site.
“I could do with a hand tomorrow morning,I`m on my own, got a lot of gear and tools to pack up and take to the yard,if your not busy and fancy earning some extra cash”
It wasn`t the money that made me say yes,a morning alone with steve was the only motivation I needed.
I got the feeling that he could have easily done this himself, in less than an hour and a half he say`s ”right that`s it,all done,let`s get off to the yard”.
The van`s a typical work wagon,portable skip.on the seat beside me there`s a couple of girlie mag`s that I push about with my fingers.under the top mag I see the cover of the next one.it appears to be a women dressed as a school girl with a cane in her hand.I raise my eyebrows.
“yeah,my misses used to like a bit of that but since we had the kid`s, no chance!”
I`m flushed with embarrassment,instantly folding my arms,I didn`t know he was watching me.it`s a good half hour drive till we turn into a country track.up ahead I can see a big old gate with some small buildings behind.
“we`ll get this lot put away and then have a brew”.
The yard must be shared with a few other firms,there`s building stuff in every part of the yard.finally steve leads me to a small office like building,inside there`s a kitchenette,a few chairs,table and a woodburner.
“don`t just stand there,get the kettle on,I need a brew”
I set about my task but I`m made to jump out of my skin when from right behind me comes,
“two sugar`s for me!”
He`s inches away from me,I can smell that musty male oduor.I`m shaking like a leaf at this point. I`ve no real idea why I did this but I just leant back into him.instantly his bear like arms capture me.
“I thought so! wait till I tell all the blokes on site you’re a nancy boy”
now i panic! What have I done… “I`m not gay! I`m not gay!” I`m trying to struggle free from his bear hug.his grips as solid as before.
“tell you what kid,you do something for me and I`ll promise to stay silent”
He releases his grip and sit`s down in one of the chair`s.I would have run off at this point but where to,I`m in the middle of nowhere.I start to feel fate has something in store for me.
“what…..what… do you want me to do!”
“I love that boyish butt of your`s,I want it over my knee,NOW! Uncle steve going to give you a spanking!”
I`m laughing not because it`s funny,I think it`s a nervous reaction.there so much going through my mind this instant.I`m so frightened my secret might be let out,the prospect of a spanking seem`s a small price to pay.
“well.. uncle steve`s waiting”
He`s sat there, smiling, tapping his left thigh as I approach him
“lose the jeans and pants boy!”
I`m frozen to the spot.
“you heard me,don`t answer back or you`ll feel my belt as well!”
I`m absolutely scared stiff but then as my jeans and pants come off my dick shoots upwards.
“you dirty little sod!” he say`s as I`m positioned over his left thigh.my hands are touching the floor.butt stuck right up.he`s wrapped his right leg around mine and his left arm is hugging my waist.I`m going nowhere.when I feel his large paw like hand clench my right buttock I go rigid
“I`m really going to enjoy this!” he say`s with a wicked tone to his voice.so it begins.
He`s playful at first,letting his hand bounce of my taut bottom,alternating from one cheek to the other.this is not punishment like school.I`m suddenly aware of the sheer pleasure I`m getting from this,I can`t believe it.every 6 taps or so he massages my bottom, deeply with his paw.I`m not scared any more.my shakings are from joy not fear.
“your enjoying this! aren`t you boy? Let`s step up a gear!”
The next delivery is a firm smack,it echo`s in the room as my head comes up for air.I let out an “ah!!….yeah!” just in time before the next one arrives.I`m breathing rapidly almost panting when he pauses for a rub.my butt`s starting to sting but god it feels good.he doubles up now, two to the right,two to the left.to each smack he get a corresponding “ouch!!” from me.I`m tring to wriggle and writh but his grip`s to strong.my stomach starting to ache as the smacks rain in.my cock`s caught between his thigh and my tummy.I realise I`m goin to cum!…I`m going to cummm!!!
I just couldn`t stop myself,I didn`t want to stop myself. his thigh is wet and warm.
“I`ve got to take the misses shopping wearing these you little sod!”
He`s still got me under his arm as he stand up.SMACK! I howl! SMACK! I howl again.that HURT!!
He set`s me down.my hands are straight to my bottom.it`s only now I realise just how sore I am.
“get yourself dressed,time I took you home”
The trip back was pretty much silent,I don`t think there was really to much to say to each other.I got him to drop me off a couple of street`s away from where I lived.I just wasn`t sure I wanted him to know which house was mine.
“hear you go kid,best of luck to yah!”
He hands me a couple of twenty pound notes from his wallet.off he went.
I look up,down, to the sides,this time I do see the sign`s of manhood.the mirror doesn`t lie.