View Full Version : my first school caning

27-01-2010, 05:30 AM
it`s 1981,spring term at senior school.the third year of my education.i`d been quite a good boy since having my bottom beaten by the sports master in year one.i`d promised i wouldn`t put myself through that experience again! funny how you forget with time.
i`ve grown quite tall now,which does have it`s advantages.who say`s smoking stunt`s your growth! yes,smoking! i`ve finally succumbed to peer pressure and discovered the joy`s of tobacco...hang on,that`s not really true.it`s just that they(teachers,parents)tell you and threaten you not to do it,so i only did it because i was told not to.hey!i`m nearly fourteen!
anyway,yes,being tall.about a mile from school there`s a newsagent called goddard`s run by an elderly couple.mrs goddard as sharp as a razor blade and won`t sell you a box of matches let a lone a packet of cigarettes.mr goddard on the other hand is blind as a bat,so long as he has to look up to you he thinks your old enough, 70 pence get`s you 10 jps black. just got to time it right.
back at school 10 fags go along way.the going rate varies from 10 pence each if your a good mate, up to 20 pence for anybody else.
there`s only three thing`s you have to be weary of,1:eagle eyed teachers,2:those bloody fifth form prefect`s,3:someone grassing. any one of these could result in a trip to see mr riley,the headmaster.
my fate would be sealed by number 3.
i was just enjoying the finer points of german industrial domination of the early 20th century when into the history class came my head of year,mr pearce.he marched straight up to me
"take your coat,bag and follow with me!"
hmm! follow with me!considering he had hold of the back of my shirt collar i got the strange impression i was being led! the path soon became obvious!
"what have i done sir!"
"please sir,i haven`t done anything...honest!!"
the door to the headmaster`s office was already open and then shut with an alarming force.
"right boy,i want your cigarettes NOW!"
"who? me sir! i don`t smoke sir!" that has to rate as the most stupidish reply i could ever have given.mr pearce goes straight for my bag while mr riley rather zealously empties my trouser pockets for me.
now before me on the desk is a pile of coins,one bic lighter and a packet of jps black opened to show two cigarettes remaining.
"mr pearce,the evidence if you please!"
a half smoked cigarette was handed to mr riley and was duly matched with the ones before me on the desk.
"it is beyond belief BOY!,that not only do you have a filthy habit! you also think that you can peddle your wears like some racketeer, then have the absolute cheek to stand here before ME! and LIE!"
and on it went rant after rant, he`s only standing a few inches away from me.i`m sure i`ve now got a centre parting.i glance upwards and can see the arteries in his neck pumping at a furious rate.i`m having real trouble with my legs.i can`t stop them shaking.i know what`s coming!
"rules are made for you to obey! honesty is the making of a man!neither of which you seem to understand boy!you shall be punished!"
i`m positioned about four feet from the desk,my feet are a shoulders width apart.a firm hand guides me forward till i`m bent over.
"get those hands wider boy! grip the desk!"
it`s awkward now,the backs of my thighs are starting to burn,my bottom`s gone rigid,i fell sick to my stomach and i`m shaking all over.i hear movement behind me,a draw`s being opened.then i hear it, swish!swish!,whoosh!! whoosh!! bloody hell! he`s got more than one!
"mr pearce,3 strokes if you please"
there`s a tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack!the first stroke lands just of centre.it takes a second or so to register home.i grit my teeth hard and winch as the strip of fire igniting on my bottom begin`s to develop.there`s a tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack! stroke two`s gone higher and harder.it raises my head as i arch forward and let out a gasp of air.tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack! it`s gone low,i let out a yelp!,followed by oww!! as i feel it absorbing into flesh and muscle.school trouser`s and pant`s offer meek protection.
"thank you, mr pearce"
now, there`s me thinking i was going to be caned by the headmaster,phew!,i`ve gotten off lightly.i`m not even crying.i start to stand up when there`s a roar from behind me
oh crap! now i`m in trouble.from behind i again hear that much deeper whooshing sound.even though i`ve go three stinging stripes across my bottom,i can feel the difference as the headmaster sizes up my bottom for his own delivery.tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop! it knocks me forward with force, almost off my feet as i swallow dive towards the desk letting out a girlish cry as i do so.then the sting eruptes like a solar flare licking across my bottom.i can`t see as my eyes blur with the impending tears.i feel hands on me,i`m being repositioned.tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop!...now i howl out loud, as i`m on my way back towards the desk.my head snaps back, i feel the tears rolling down my cheek`s.my bottom has an involuntary spasm and wiggles from side to side trying to lessen the sting but to no effect. tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop! i can`t cry out at first,i`ve no breath left in me.my bum swings again wildly from side to side.my legs buckle beneath me as i finally release my cry!
"stand up BOY! pull yourself together BOY! you ever come before me again BOY! and i will expell you!DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"
i`m doing my best to stand up but as my bottom rises so does the pain,i manage a spluttering "yes...sir...".
i`m escourted out the door by mr pearce,the thought crosses my mind if i should ask for my money that`s still on the headmaster`s desk but fortunately it remains just that, a thought.i don`t have to go back to class but have to stand in my head of year`s office till the end bell rings.40 minutes of deafening silence.all i want to do is drop my trousers and pants and set about soothing my smouldering cheeks.
when the end bell rings and released to freedom, i head for the nearest toilet block,grab some paper towels, run them under cold water before locking myself in a cubical.i really don`t want to look behind as my pants fall to my ankles, instead i take a gasp of air and apply the towels with both hands.i`m sure i heard a sizzle. the only real effect this has is to send my willey rocketing skyward.i decide i can`t stay here and pull my pants up repositioning the wet paper towels as i do so.i take off my jumper and tie it around my waist.i need to get home before mum and dad are back from work.
my formal inspection takes place in the privacey of my bedroom.it`s still stinging and throbbing a bit but nothing like 2 hours ago.there are 3 distinct red welts with purple lining.the nastiest one is the lower most.that`s got a few solid blocks of red in it.i can make out three thinner strips although these seem to have wrapped themselves further around my bottom and have a redden tip to the mark.i`ve had an erection now for about half an hour and wonder if this will effect me latter in life!

P.S: this was the only time that i was caned at school.i gave up smoking for about a year.in 1982 caning was stopped at my school.mr riley retired at the same time.:o

12-06-2010, 11:52 PM
That's a pretty vivid recollection! I would've been two years of age then!

08-08-2010, 10:33 PM
it`s 1981,spring term at senior school.the third year of my education.i`d been quite a good boy since having my bottom beaten by the sports master in year one.i`d promised i wouldn`t put myself through that experience again! funny how you forget with time.
i`ve grown quite tall now,which does have it`s advantages.who say`s smoking stunt`s your growth! yes,smoking! i`ve finally succumbed to peer pressure and discovered the joy`s of tobacco...hang on,that`s not really true.it`s just that they(teachers,parents)tell you and threaten you not to do it,so i only did it because i was told not to.hey!i`m nearly fourteen!
anyway,yes,being tall.about a mile from school there`s a newsagent called goddard`s run by an elderly couple.mrs goddard as sharp as a razor blade and won`t sell you a box of matches let a lone a packet of cigarettes.mr goddard on the other hand is blind as a bat,so long as he has to look up to you he thinks your old enough, 70 pence get`s you 10 jps black. just got to time it right.
back at school 10 fags go along way.the going rate varies from 10 pence each if your a good mate, up to 20 pence for anybody else.
there`s only three thing`s you have to be weary of,1:eagle eyed teachers,2:those bloody fifth form prefect`s,3:someone grassing. any one of these could result in a trip to see mr riley,the headmaster.
my fate would be sealed by number 3.
i was just enjoying the finer points of german industrial domination of the early 20th century when into the history class came my head of year,mr pearce.he marched straight up to me
"take your coat,bag and follow with me!"
hmm! follow with me!considering he had hold of the back of my shirt collar i got the strange impression i was being led! the path soon became obvious!
"what have i done sir!"
"please sir,i haven`t done anything...honest!!"
the door to the headmaster`s office was already open and then shut with an alarming force.
"right boy,i want your cigarettes NOW!"
"who? me sir! i don`t smoke sir!" that has to rate as the most stupidish reply i could ever have given.mr pearce goes straight for my bag while mr riley rather zealously empties my trouser pockets for me.
now before me on the desk is a pile of coins,one bic lighter and a packet of jps black opened to show two cigarettes remaining.
"mr pearce,the evidence if you please!"
a half smoked cigarette was handed to mr riley and was duly matched with the ones before me on the desk.
"it is beyond belief BOY!,that not only do you have a filthy habit! you also think that you can peddle your wears like some racketeer, then have the absolute cheek to stand here before ME! and LIE!"
and on it went rant after rant, he`s only standing a few inches away from me.i`m sure i`ve now got a centre parting.i glance upwards and can see the arteries in his neck pumping at a furious rate.i`m having real trouble with my legs.i can`t stop them shaking.i know what`s coming!
"rules are made for you to obey! honesty is the making of a man!neither of which you seem to understand boy!you shall be punished!"
i`m positioned about four feet from the desk,my feet are a shoulders width apart.a firm hand guides me forward till i`m bent over.
"get those hands wider boy! grip the desk!"
it`s awkward now,the backs of my thighs are starting to burn,my bottom`s gone rigid,i fell sick to my stomach and i`m shaking all over.i hear movement behind me,a draw`s being opened.then i hear it, swish!swish!,whoosh!! whoosh!! bloody hell! he`s got more than one!
"mr pearce,3 strokes if you please"
there`s a tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack!the first stroke lands just of centre.it takes a second or so to register home.i grit my teeth hard and winch as the strip of fire igniting on my bottom begin`s to develop.there`s a tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack! stroke two`s gone higher and harder.it raises my head as i arch forward and let out a gasp of air.tap tap on my bottom,swish!..crack! it`s gone low,i let out a yelp!,followed by oww!! as i feel it absorbing into flesh and muscle.school trouser`s and pant`s offer meek protection.
"thank you, mr pearce"
now, there`s me thinking i was going to be caned by the headmaster,phew!,i`ve gotten off lightly.i`m not even crying.i start to stand up when there`s a roar from behind me
oh crap! now i`m in trouble.from behind i again hear that much deeper whooshing sound.even though i`ve go three stinging stripes across my bottom,i can feel the difference as the headmaster sizes up my bottom for his own delivery.tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop! it knocks me forward with force, almost off my feet as i swallow dive towards the desk letting out a girlish cry as i do so.then the sting eruptes like a solar flare licking across my bottom.i can`t see as my eyes blur with the impending tears.i feel hands on me,i`m being repositioned.tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop!...now i howl out loud, as i`m on my way back towards the desk.my head snaps back, i feel the tears rolling down my cheek`s.my bottom has an involuntary spasm and wiggles from side to side trying to lessen the sting but to no effect. tap..tap..tap....whoosh! wallop! i can`t cry out at first,i`ve no breath left in me.my bum swings again wildly from side to side.my legs buckle beneath me as i finally release my cry!
"stand up BOY! pull yourself together BOY! you ever come before me again BOY! and i will expell you!DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"
i`m doing my best to stand up but as my bottom rises so does the pain,i manage a spluttering "yes...sir...".
i`m escourted out the door by mr pearce,the thought crosses my mind if i should ask for my money that`s still on the headmaster`s desk but fortunately it remains just that, a thought.i don`t have to go back to class but have to stand in my head of year`s office till the end bell rings.40 minutes of deafening silence.all i want to do is drop my trousers and pants and set about soothing my smouldering cheeks.
when the end bell rings and released to freedom, i head for the nearest toilet block,grab some paper towels, run them under cold water before locking myself in a cubical.i really don`t want to look behind as my pants fall to my ankles, instead i take a gasp of air and apply the towels with both hands.i`m sure i heard a sizzle. the only real effect this has is to send my willey rocketing skyward.i decide i can`t stay here and pull my pants up repositioning the wet paper towels as i do so.i take off my jumper and tie it around my waist.i need to get home before mum and dad are back from work.
my formal inspection takes place in the privacey of my bedroom.it`s still stinging and throbbing a bit but nothing like 2 hours ago.there are 3 distinct red welts with purple lining.the nastiest one is the lower most.that`s got a few solid blocks of red in it.i can make out three thinner strips although these seem to have wrapped themselves further around my bottom and have a redden tip to the mark.i`ve had an erection now for about half an hour and wonder if this will effect me latter in life!

P.S: this was the only time that i was caned at school.i gave up smoking for about a year.in 1982 caning was stopped at my school.mr riley retired at the same time.:o

You deserve six of the best for your atrocious spelling and grammar.