View Full Version : my first p.e lesson

24-01-2010, 05:52 AM
it`s september 1979,day three at my new senior school.i`m loving every minute of it but today is speical,last lesson of the day, double p.e.
i`m eleven year`s old and mad keen on football.i`d spent all summer dreaming about playing for the school football team at my new school and today would be my chance to show off my skills or so i thought.
on arriving at the changing room the senior sports master,mr lewis,informed the boys(about 90 in total)that we were to be split into 3 groups football,rugby and gymnasium.to my absolute horror and disgust i got put into the gym group.i found a place to change,sat down rather lost in my own dishearten world.in the background i could hear the sports masters barking out their orders blah!blah! i just wasn`t in the mood to pay attention or listen.now changed, of i trotted to the gym.
i couldn`t have taken more than two or three steps into the gym before i heard,
"you boy!yes you boy!come here now!"
looking to my right i realised it was mr lewis shouting and pointing at me.
"are you deaf boy!or just plain stupid"
i hadn`t the faintest idea what i`d done
"underwear is not to be worn beneath your shorts boy!"
now,looking down at my white cotton shorts i thought,yes he`s right,i could see the outline my green underpants but what have i done wrong?how was i supposed to know!
"30 seconds boy!go change properly NOW!" off i dashed,his voice had rather scared me.
on returning to the gym,now pant-less,i was meet by a strange sight.mr lewis had arranged the boys in a semi-circle around him.
"ah! at last he returns", "stand here boy!","bend over!place your hands on your knee`s!"
a firm guiding hand now gripped my shoulder and bent me forward.i`m starting to panic now,i have an idea what`s going to happen but this can`t be real.my dad`s the only person who can spank me, right?
whilst bent over i catch a glimpse of mr lewis removing one of his plimsoll`s.now i`m shaking with fear.
"let this be a lesson for all those boy`s who don`t pay attention during my class".
WHACK! i cry out, more from surprise than pain.WHACK! left cheek this time,same reaction.it`s then i start to feel a burning sensation rapidly spreading across my bottom.what`s he waiting for? is it over?WHACK!WHACK! right and left cheeks in quick succession.this time it is a cry of pain.i can feel tear`s welling up in my eyes.
"keep those leg`s straight boy!"
with that mr lewis released his grip on my shoulder only for him to grab the waistband of my shorts and up i went.now my bottom`s stuck right up,my toes are just touching the floor.my short`s are no longer covering the bottom third of my butt.WHACK! well that`s it.dignigty just flew out the window.i howled! that plimsoll had landed straight on the bare part of my bottom.WHACK! same part,other cheek,even louder howl.out come the tear`s.
"back in line boy!"
my butt`s on fire,the first few steps are painfully awkward.stood back in line i start trying to rub my burning cheeks.everyone is looking at me but some are also pointing and giggling.i look down,oh no! i swiftly bring my hand`s to cover my groin.i`ve got an erection!
the rest of the gym lesson was just a painful blur.i don`t recommend climbing ropes and vaulting horses with a sore backside.
now it`s one thing to be humiliated and embarrassed if front of 30 boy`s.it`s quite a different thing to have to shower and change in the presence of 90 boy`s.it took only minutes before everyone knew what had happened to me,"bet that`s sore mate?" "you cry baby!" "are you gay!" were the most popular comments i faced.
i went home from school on my own that day,i was still in need of a good cry.had to walk though, found my bike seat to sore to sit on!!
PS:i would like to add that i did indeed go on to play for the school football team! but spent 5 years trying to live that day down.

24-01-2010, 11:11 AM
Nice story....brought back memories of a gym master who used to spank boys with a plimsole kept especially for the purpose. And the sound of that impliment echoing round the gym walls as he delivered a 'three and six' (three on the shorts, six on the bare)....get a stiffy just thinking about it!