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18-05-2007, 12:30 PM
Into the woods



I’d been driving for sometime and needed a rest stop , the area I was driving through was dense woodland but up ahead I could see a layby and immediately decided to pull over for a much earned rest .
There was a few cars parked but no one was in them , so I assumed the occupants had gone off camping or the like ‘little did I know what was to come’!
After a cup of tea from my trusty flask I thought I had better water the trees before continuing my drive , it was a clear but dark night as I wandered into the woods, what a relief and after doing up my fly I became alert to a distant noise......
Now I must admit I am a little bit of a scardy cat but my curiosity got the better of me and I headed INTO THE WOODS following the sound as best I could , as I walked the sound seemed stranger and stranger and my urge to find out what it was grew.
The woods seemed to grow thicker and eventually up ahead of me I could just make out an old derelict building , as I crept nearer I the sound was now like a murmur NO a chant , I hid in the bushes looking down into the building and was both frilled and apprehensive at what I saw .
A group of twelve to thirteen people dressed in black robes all male chanting and moving around mysteriously , I held my breath and watched in awe , to the centre and in front of the gathering was a man , naked and who seemed to be in a trance like state, he was bound at the feet his arms were raised and tied to a over hanging branch or beam.
A figure in what seemed a more elaborate gown approached the naked man and gave him a drink or potion my mind was thinking all sorts , after a short time they released him and took him to a bench like object of which he was tied over arse upper most then it began they took it in turns to use what looked like wide leather belts across his buttocks the crack was loud the arse quivered and gradually turned redder and redder the gowned gathering seemed more excited and feverish in their deployment of the belts his thighs now became the target, this stopped as quickly as it had started and again the victim was given more to drink before being untied and hoisted by his ankles the soles of his feet were then at their mercy , my eyes watered in excitement the next thing I noticed was this naked fellow being strung up by his wrists and various whips and what looked like birches whipping his back and torso ,he wriggled in what looked like pleasure perhaps this potion he drank was there power over him.

His back was lashed and even in the glow of the candles I could make out the welts and cuts , but now his cock that had grown to quite a size was being beaten with a small leather object it bounced as I watched turned red swollen and then black and blue .............
Again he was untied put back over the bench and this time as two of the gowned figures held his arse cheeks apart he was subjected to a arse hole caning for what reason well they each took a turn in fucking him raw what a sight what a night that I would never forget and in fact that group I would join given half the chance .

29-06-2008, 12:10 PM
My new e-mail address is repairman83@yahoo.co.uk still looking for such a scene

07-07-2008, 12:59 PM
Please ignore this post as I have left this group and the scene