View Full Version : Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

Richard Hampton
16-01-2010, 01:39 AM
In my day the most regular DAD punishment was the SLIPPER! Who'd like to compare notes on seventies/eighties DAD slipperings? Did he use his reg carpet slipper or a more sporty trainer? Did you go over the knee/bed/chair?Did you wait for it or was it immediate? I still love a good slippering and have many stories to tell so hopefully we can start bit of a horny slipper story here ... Dennis The Meance's dad had the right idea!!!! Bend over,lads!!!!!!

17-01-2010, 03:34 PM
although my dad hand spanked it was the slipper mostly from age 12+

it was a regular carpet slipper to begin wiith the ones he wore but then he kept one of a pair for spanking purposes only

it was usually always over his knee always shorts/trousers down and most of the times underpants down as well

that went on until i was 17 which was well into the 80s

31-01-2010, 08:13 AM
although my dad hand spanked it was the slipper mostly from age 12+

it was a regular carpet slipper to begin wiith the ones he wore but then he kept one of a pair for spanking purposes only

it was usually always over his knee always shorts/trousers down and most of the times underpants down as well

that went on until i was 17 which was well into the 80s

Hi col, I was adopted and was in care to I was 7 years of age I was fostered by a couple who eventually adopted me my dad used his carpet slipper on me when he caught me smoking for the first time I was never in regular contact with the slipper but had my bum spanked frequently enough when I needed it...

21-06-2010, 08:22 PM
i was given the slipper as a kid but when i got to about 10 my dad made me bend over the table and i was made to take my trousers down and was spanked with the belt.i was 11 minuites late home one day and i got 11 wacks with the belt it hurt like hell.for swearing or answering him back he used to put me over his knee and gave me the belt i used to get the belt up untill i was 17

22-06-2010, 10:02 AM
My sister and I were both spanked by both parents, mum used her hand, but dad used his leather slipper. If we had both been naughty we would be spanked together I always had to go last so I had to watch my sister getting spanked and by the time I was spanked I was all ready crying, but it didn’t lessen the punishment.

Mr Cane
08-08-2010, 04:24 PM
My dad kept a pair of old carpet slippers in the bottom drawer of an old desk in the back room of our corner shop. I would have to bend over the desk for several whacks across my bare bottom. This punishment was for all sorts of things but regularly for smoking and pinching the stock. Also as a 'reinforcement' of school discipline, which was nearly always gym plimsol and pretty tame compared with home. My granddad also spanked with his hand which was just as bad as the slipper. This went on until I left school aged 15 in 1961.

Mr dad, on discovering my under-age drinking (a friendly word from the pub landlord) acquired a cane which was applied on several occasions, me bent over the same desk in the same sort of undress. My last corporal punishment was a leathering with a pit belt belonging to an irate uncle - it was about two weeks before my 18th birthday.

08-08-2010, 06:19 PM
At home mum gave out all discipline, she walloped me otk by hand untill I was 7, then for a couple of years she slippered me with a Dr Scholl's wooden sandle until she decided a leather belt was more in line with what 9yr old's deserved. A cane appeared when I started comprehensive school at almost 12 in Sept 69, I'm ashamed to admit when I felt it for the final time.
I was caned at 23, that was by the mum of one of my mates, something for another day.

17-08-2010, 01:28 PM
My mum used to use a plastic spade, and her hand, my dad used his hand and a belt (once), my aunt had a stick she kept in the kitchen until I snapped it, then she resorted to a school cane and a plympsol. My aunt was also the person who probably introduced me to wearing schoolgirl uniform during punishment.


23-08-2010, 04:33 AM
Hi I was very strictly brought up by a dad who usd the slipper. I first got it when I was 11 and continued to get it right through till i was 17. dad used a white plimsole that lived on top of the waedrobe in my bedroom. Dad slippered my bare bottom very his knee till I was about 15 then it was over the back of the sofa in the living room. Prior to being slippered I would have to go to my room and strip to my underpants and wait that was the worse bit. Dad also gave me the belt three times but that's another story.

02-01-2015, 12:38 AM
I know it is too late now to reply a four year old post. But this matter is one of my favourite. Dad's slipperings!
I grew up in the 70's/80's my dad slippered me a lot of times. He used the slipper he was wearing at the moment so I tasted quite a few kinds. All were good stingers for sure.
There is a funny story behind my dad's slipperings. Making it short, his first intention was to use the belt as main implement when I turned 6 yo, my grandad introduced my dad to belt at that early age. But my mom thought I was too young for beltings so she asked Dad he could try with the slipper before going for the belt. And Dad became a newborn slippering dad since then. Even he launched a sort of campaign to
promote the use of the slipper between friends and relatives. Whenever other dad complained about his kids behaviour , my dad asked Have you tried the slipper? It works great with mine!

There was no doubt it worked for me.

06-04-2015, 11:13 PM
your so lucky caned by a mamtes mum? thats amazing.
At home mum gave out all discipline, she walloped me otk by hand untill I was 7, then for a couple of years she slippered me with a Dr Scholl's wooden sandle until she decided a leather belt was more in line with what 9yr old's deserved. A cane appeared when I started comprehensive school at almost 12 in Sept 69, I'm ashamed to admit when I felt it for the final time.
I was caned at 23, that was by the mum of one of my mates, something for another day.

30-06-2015, 10:59 PM
Intrakota, it would be good to hear a little more about your mum's scholl spankings

03-11-2015, 04:04 PM
Hi new to site and thought i would share. My dad used both a carpet slipper and a Plimsoll. Started off with carpet slipper when I was 11 (prior to that smacked bottom) underpants down across his knee. It was a rubber soled Pirelli type slipper old one he kept for the job, lived in the Hall Robe at bottom of stairs. When I became a teenager at 13 he started to use an old Dunlop Red Flash plimsoll on me again across his knee bare bottom. I went across dad's knee till I was 15 then wennt over back of lounge sofa till 17 when dad last slippered me. Slippering was very effective and as has been said seemed to be the most common dad impliment. Although, my dad did use his belt as well! My mum never hit me but left the disciplining to dad and he never failed in his duty!!

27-10-2016, 10:47 PM
My Dad used one of my school PE plimsolls. Well-worn, and very flexible. Never less than six hard whacks. Also used a thin bamboo cane, again, never less than six strokes. Administered across the seat of my underpants on both counts.

11-11-2016, 01:21 PM
Unfortunately (?) never got a slippering at home myself, but had neighbours who did. My immediate neighbour was slippered with his dad's size 12 slipper (red and black tartan with a yellow rubber sole). the neighbour one up from him was whacked with his dad's size 8, leather slip on mule type slipper. Both dads wore their slippers and apparently took them off to whack with.

18-12-2016, 03:58 AM
I was spanked regularly by both parents. Both of them used a slipper more than anything else and most of my spankings were from my dad. He used a red leather slipper which had a flexible but hard plastic sole, and it stung ferociously on my bare bottom. An alternative to a slipper (used by both my parents) was a flat leather sandal (the kind commonly known as Jesus sandals). I had a lot of spankings with those as well, it was just as painful on the bare bottom as the slipper.

19-12-2016, 05:46 PM
I was regularly slippered by my dad, he used a leather soled one, always bare bottom aand otk, it stung like hell and was always after dinner and then straight to bed.

red hand
19-12-2016, 09:18 PM
my Mother done most of the spankings at home, always by hand and always bare bottom this was regularly done until i was 12, thereafter i was allowed to keep my clothing intact and was tawsed until i was 14. while bent over the sofa.
my Dad was much less frequent but when he did discipline me, it was always sent to my room and don my pyjamas (without underwear) when he arrived with his tawse in hand i had to drop my p.j. bottoms and bend over my bed and this was by far more painful than any hand spankings i received from my Mother

21-12-2016, 01:10 PM
my parents were not big cp givers.
my dad worked long hours and at weekends tinkered in his shed or under his old car.
my mum was a leg smacker so if we were cheeky we had to be quick not to end up with red handprints on our legs....kids would always comment if we played out and they caught sight of a handprint on flesh...cheeking your mum were ya?...
however predictably at school in the seventies the slipper or gym plimsoll was the weapon of choice for many teachers.
the awful thing is if you saw someone else getting walloped and trying not to blubber it was funny... not so much if you were the one getting your bum thumped hard....worse still if it was a gym lesson and all you were wearing was soppy thin shorts and vest....running and jumping is rarely fun with a stinging bruised arse!... stopping occasionally to rub some feeling back in.

22-12-2016, 04:57 AM
I was spanked with a plimsoll in school, but never more than six smacks at one time, and only over the seat of my trousers. It was considerably less painful than my dad's spankings with a leather slipper on my bare bottom.

- - - Updated - - -

I've never been spanked with a tawse. Both my parents used a slipper on my bare bottom, my dad giving me the majority of slipperings.

30-12-2016, 11:38 PM
Looking back on my schooldays,obviously CP had a profound effect on me the fact is that with reasonable clarity I can remember an incident from nearly 40 years ago yet cannot remember three blooming items from a mental shopping list today!
I am still puzzled why CP and bottoms still hold such a great fascination to me and secretly enjoy the vaguely naughty exciting feeling that veiwing and partaking in CP scenarios brings me.
At the time being a schoolboy slippered seemed horrendous but becomes something that builds into a fetish in later life.

31-12-2016, 09:53 AM
"....builds into a fetish in later life." Your post reminds me of a quote I recently saw which compared two things as children we don't like, sleeping and spanking and the two things as adults we do like, sleeping and spanking!!!

31-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Yes Bendoon tastes change as we get older.
But I still wonder if some psychological seed is planted as a youngster that becomes the fetish in later life or are we born like it. Sorry about the amateur psychology.

01-01-2017, 03:11 PM
I'm sure you are right Jaybo.

Not slippering but a hand-spanking on bare bottom I witnessed in Infants' School was my seed, I now believe.

Slippering helped fertilise it: not by Dad or on me but witnessed, this time in senior school, the PE-Teacher's plimsoll on shorts.

Perhaps the fact that the first was unique and the second rare helped me remember them, and although I escaped the slipper gladly at the time, I do have my PE-kit including my original school ones, 50 years later, surviving by an accident of domestic history. (Our family has the hoarder gene - the shorts lay forgotten in a drawer.) Wearing them makes me feel more submissive and immature than I usually am, and the slipper or plimsoll may well help me!

01-01-2017, 09:01 PM
Hi Titanites
My sports masters saw the slipper as an incentive to encourage lazy arse students like moi to see the value and worth in sport the competition the team spirit.
Did it work NO!
I am and forever will be a placid creature of comfort who could not give a monkeys whether Gronkchester united or
Plebite Rovers win lose tie or dont turn up.
Why on earth the tutors didnt just say hands up who would rather read than run around and get sweaty.

23-08-2018, 08:41 AM
Interestingly enough I talked to one of my PE teachers later in life who told me that he was slippered at home growing up and that he also slippered his sons at home, although he used a carpet slipper rather than a plimsoll which was more usual in PE lessons at school. An advocate of cp in other words, and an afficiondao of the slipper.

Stuart Drummond
23-08-2018, 11:02 PM
From my Dad it was always on the bare and he would use whatever shoe he was wearing, so usually a slipper but sometimes a work boot!

Hardly ever got spanked by Mum, but on those rare occasions she used a table tennis bat :eek:

26-08-2018, 09:36 AM
A work boot sounds a bit awkward to whack with. Must have been difficult to get a good grip! Makes me wonder what sort of shoes your dad wore and whacked with. Very interesting!

Richard Hampton
22-12-2018, 05:11 AM
Sounds like a sensible bloke - carpet slippers much better for home whackings! Dads in my era used to test them out in terms of good soles etc. \Best were often from Clarkes or BHS!

red hand
22-12-2018, 02:29 PM
Never slippered at home. Punished yes.
Only slippering/plimsol i ever received at school was age 13 in p.e. kit 6 strokes on shorts . From p.e. teacher.
That did sting a lot.
I think i was wired up at birth to be into spanking.
I dont think any spankings i got growing up were the reasons for my interest in spanking.
There are a lot of young people now who were never spanked either at home or school and are very into spanking .
So like me i think they are born with it in their genes.

01-01-2019, 08:50 AM
Hi yes I got the slipper a lot from dad he was a pe teacher not at my school but gosh he was strict
used a white size 8 pe plimsoll on memany times always on the bare
last from him I was 18

01-01-2019, 12:25 PM
Reading some more of the recent comments about the use of the slipper as a punishment at home,
I always wondered about adults using an implement on a child was it simply a way to make a child conform to the adults rules or in some cases a former of adult bullying.
Unfortunately there will always be those who use punishment as cruelty and not as a shared private pastime for adults.
Just thought I'd put that out there.