View Full Version : Experiences of Other Contact Sites

22-12-2009, 07:18 PM
Well you are referred to my posting under General Discussion on other "Contact Magazines".
Generally as this site evinces there appears to be a larger proportion of men to women into Spanking.
This is probably because its more likely men will be subjected to CP and are affected by it more due to physique.
What I am saying is that male genitalia is more likely to become aroused being external than female genetalia.
Men generally are aroused by visual stimulii more than females anyway.
There are several other sites around and I have got to say that in common with some others I have found none of them to be satisfactory.
One seems to be run by a power mad control freak who constantly seems to need "the upper hand"and criticises and censors everything and anything interpsersed with lectures about how to behave all the while.A friend who was a member showed us the entire membership profiles(voluntarily submitted)and a right shower they looked too!
Out of 800 profiles we couldnt find one interesting to us.
His/Her/Their behaviour has reduced the site to a small clique and driven many away.
Another one is better but no great things have come from it,its mainly guys discussing their fantasies about what theyd like to do to women.
This one is the best Ive come across so far.
The ads are very good though perhaps because Im a newbie it does seem a bit lurky at the present.

27-02-2015, 07:54 PM
Some are purely and cynically commercial, seem to be run from America even if the administrator is in this country, highly pornographic and more interested in M/M sex with the CP as a sort of side-line. These blighters will bombard you with unsolicited advertisements saying things like "Fred is only 90 miles away - can you meet him tonight?"

At one time I bought "Matchmaker" magazine, which covers all sexes, sexualities and predilections. Though I found a few pen-friends of both sexes over the years through it, and indeed met one or two people, it is costly for men to advertise (women advertise for free) and it became seedier and seedier with most ads from one-night-standers, prostitutes, marriage-of-convenience hopefuls and, oddly, American female prisoners.