View Full Version : Electro discipline.

Naked and waiting
29-10-2009, 10:54 PM
This is not to be tried by older people. It bloody well hurts!

In reply to "The new boy" and his request for information regarding "electro discipline" which was posted on the general adverts, here goes!
To set the scene regarding general punishment, I went to a rather strict church secondary school. As an only child I was not used to seeing other boys naked and during the sports lessons, both in changing into PE kit and afterwards, especially in the showers I frequently had an uncontrollable erection. Our PE master took a very dim view of this and the punishment was to be laid on the bench in the changing room naked and dripping wet from the shower and to have six of the best on the bare bum in front of the class. How the other lads laughed. They would even shout out in the showers "(my nickname) has got a hard on". This brought me to the attention of the master and I was duly beaten.

I was never much good at school and frequently found myself outside the headmaster’s office with the punishment book under my arm. Our school caretaker would sometimes walk past and give me a wink, knowing what I was there for. I usually gave the thumbs up and a smile as I was quite getting used to having my bum beaten. I think he must have realised that I was beginning to like it.

Now lets fast forward a few years until I was about twenty two. I was wandering through a local market and I bumped into the caretaker, now in his later years and coming up for retirement. We went for a coffee and a chat and the subject turned to the punishment that I received at school. I told him that I missed those days. What I did not know was that he loved giving electric shocks to people and he asked me after going around and around in a rather tortuous conversation if I would submit to electro punishment. With some trepidation I agreed.

It was in the middle of the school summer holidays when I turned up at the gates of my old school. The caretaker let me in and locked the gates behind us and ushered me into the entrance hall. He said that the school was ours and we could do anything we wanted. He suggested that I went to the changing rooms to get undressed and to meet him in about an hour’s time at the science lab and I was to wait outside until called (hence my handle). It was rather spooky walking down the corridors with the smell of freshly polished floors and the echo of my footsteps.

I reached the changing rooms and duly undressed and left my clothes on the same pegs that I used all those years ago I began to get an erection. Gingerly opening the door, why I do not know, there was nobody to see me, I walked out into the empty corridors. Down to the catering area, across to the assembly hall totally naked. I looked across the playground to the science lab, the school was in a U shape, and I saw the caretaker preparing for my torture. He waved and carried on with the preparations. Instead of hard footsteps there was the soft slap slap slap of my bare feet echoing up and down. I stood on the stage naked where once I was caned in front of the whole school along with three other boys for having erections in the showers.

On to the headmasters study where I sat naked in his chair and then wandered around the staff room. On through all the classrooms where my incompetent schoolmasters tried to maintain discipline by the cane. I eventually sat waiting in the entrance hall until the allotted time for my torture.

After a while the caretaker shouted through the corridor and I ran to my fate. Slap slap slap of my bare feet on the fresh polished floor until I arrived at the lab. I knocked and waited for five trembling minutes until called and the caretaker’s eyes lit up as I came in as he had never seen me naked before. Before me was a collapsible bed complete with restraints and on the workbench was a box with switches, knobs and a car battery connected to it. Beside it were lots of wires with electrodes on the end of them and a strange looking wooden thing which looked like an unopened tulip attached by a small stalk to a metal cone with a wire attached. The caretaker then bent me over the bench and lubricated my bum and then took the strange device and slowly pushed it into my crack so that the cone part was firmly in contact with the outside of my anus. Electrodes were attached to my buttocks with duck tape and also to the soles of my feet. I then laid down on the bed and was strapped down. He then said that he had to attach an electrode just above my cock and that the hair was in the way. Then with great glee he produced a pair of forceps and ripped out the offending pubic hair and attached the electrode. Next was a clamp around my cock and an electrode into my crutch also having the hair ripped out.

After being connected up to the box I was switched on the box made a loud buzzing sound. At first there was a tingling sensation through my buttocks and feet then he turned the knobs and my buttocks clenched and my toes curled. Then he turned on the cock and crutch electrodes and slowly brought them up to full power and then back down until I was quivering to the pulses. Then it was time for my anus to be tortured. The knob was slowly turned until I screamed and then he turned everything up to full power. He then turned everything down until I was just twitching and left me there for half an hour for his tea break.

After his cup of tea he came back and told me it was a full power run for two minutes I now knew what was to come. First he turned up my buttock electrodes slowly until I was fully clenched. My feet were next and my legs and toes were contorted and then he switched on my anus electrode at full power. Next to come was my cock and crutch. I was now writhing in agony and screaming my head off. Bless him, as soon as I shot my load he switched me off, untied me and walked me back to the changing rooms.

Pyjama Boy
21-11-2009, 02:26 PM
I have just noticed your post regarding electro discipline as I have not been on this forum for some time. It appears that it is a spanking only forum and other forms of BDSM are not much of a turn on for the members.
I have also have been tortured with electric shocks. My torturer was not interested in electrodes on my feet and buttocks but the main earthing electrode was inserted in my anus, not right inside but just far enough for the shocks to be felt by the tender part. Another separate electrode was attached to my crutch. The shocks were provided by an old car ignition coil with a buzzer and a cycle headlight battery, the old double cell type. My torturer also used an ignition unit taken from an old gas cooker.
I needed to be naked and tied down at the waist but my legs were free and my wrists were also tied. My foreskin was then pulled back and the shocks were applied to glans, cock and balls. The cooker ignitor produced sparks and the torturer played them around my cock hole and frenulum. A couple of times he passed a sterilised wire with a smooth solder covered end down my cock. The soldered part was about 3cm long and 3mm thick and it was sometimes pushed quite a way down. This produced some unbelievable sensations. The sparks were also played over my nipples and it made them stand up solid.
All the time the shocks were being applied to my most tender parts I was screaming for mercy and my legs were thrashing around in a vain attempt to escape my bondage. I would recommend that if you want this done to you it must be done by a trusted person as there is only so much of this you can take. Try it for five minutes first and then go on from there. It is also best to do it out of earshot too. Best of luck.
PJ Boy.

26-11-2009, 07:57 PM
I answered an ad on another site a guy wanted a regular spanking partner so we arranged to meet at his house and we were soon in his bedroom and i was naked . At the side of the bed were a couple of violet wands so i said i would like to try them on the low setting . He offered to shave my cock and balls so i agreed and he tied my ankles to a spreader bar then to the bottom of the bed then he ran the wands over my body not an unpleasant sensation on the low setting. he also had a tens machine that he attached to my foreskin and balls he started on the low setting and my cock twitched nicely to the pulses but then he turned it up and it hurt so for me low voltage is nice but not on higher voltages .oldgit61

Naked and waiting
27-11-2009, 04:29 PM
With regards to Pyjama Boy’s comments about having sparks played onto his nipples. This can be dangerous, especially if there are heart problems or latent heart problems. The advice is to keep all electric torture below waist level. You can get all the pain you can handle in the anus, glans and crutch areas. My caretaker was very careful about this and although he did it once or twice he kept the charge very low.
This all brings many memories back of my mid twenties. I went to the school many times after our first encounter. Something brought me back time after time during the school summer holidays. Every time, I was sent to the changing room to undress by myself. As soon as I had taken my shoes and socks off butterflies were in my stomach. By the time I was down to my underpants I was shivering with the anticipation of what was going to happen to me. When my underpants were off I looked into the full length mirror at my slim body and stiff erection I realised that soon I would be writhing in pain and screaming for mercy.
By the time I would get to the lab my erection would be gone. I would stand outside quivering until summoned to my torture. Usually, the first electrode to be applied was the one for my anus. Although the cone shaped electrode was to connect with the outside, the unopened tulip shaped piece went inside. I think the caretaker turned it up on the lathe in the woodwork room. The tulip part was about one and a half to two inches in diameter. We found the best way to get it up was for me to lay on the bench with my legs in the air in the nappy position. My bum was just a bit too small but after a lot of lubrication and pushing it went up. It took a lot of pulling to get it out too!
With regards to the other electrodes, the ones attached to the soles of my feet had a brine soaked pad between the electrode and the skin. This gave a virtually resistance free connection so that all my muscles in my legs and feet contorted, especially on full power. The other electrodes to my buttocks, crutch and cock were dry and produced an unbelievable burning sensation in addition to the muscle spasms.
As I said before, be careful. Probably the best thing to use is a Tens machine that can be bought in chemists for the relief of muscle pain. Don’t use the pads supplied. Make your own from silver foil etc. I have one of my own and due to the shortage of people who like alternative fun I use it on myself quite regularly.

The new boy
30-11-2009, 03:14 PM
[quote=the best thing to use is a Tens machine that can be bought in chemists for the relief of muscle pain. Don’t use the pads supplied. Make your own from silver foil etc. I have one of my own and due to the shortage of people who like alternative fun I use it on myself quite regularly.[/quote]

Thanks for the advice. I am now the proud owner of a tens machine. I am experimenting on myself as nobody else seems to be interested.

I have wrapped a bare wire around the edge of my glans and put a ball of silver foil up my bum and experimented with the various settings. Nearly blew my balls off!:eek:

Naked and waiting
19-07-2010, 11:10 PM

20-07-2010, 08:43 PM
I'm not surprised, considering where it's been!

Oh my God, that's grim! *chuckles* I'm not going to look at leeks in the same way again!

Cherry x

21-07-2010, 10:38 AM
Or bacofoil for that matter.

I will have my turnip, as god intended.
My granddad would agree with you, with some potatoes and a nice bit of hagis mmmm

21-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Hey Boro welcome along. Dont ever eat Haggis.
It's lovly my granddad would make haggis for Burn's night. I also like potato pancakes my grandad was a chief in the army.

21-07-2010, 11:07 AM
Ahhhh, so you have a Scottish connection then do you. Interesting.
Wee sleekit, cow-rin tim'rous beastie
O what a panic's in thy breastie.
My granddad came from glasgow, i do have family around there. My granddad would call me his wee little beastie, as i would eat everthing that he gave me.

21-07-2010, 11:14 AM
I cant help but think you are a really nice guy and dont deserve a spanking from Cov.
On the other thrash him Cov man.
Westey sir, thanks your so kind. :rolleyes:

21-07-2010, 11:20 AM
I know, I even amaze myself sometimes.
Well judging from ur jokes i can see why. Any haggis jokes !!!!!:D

21-07-2010, 11:32 AM
any way this electro thing, why would anyone want to have this done on their balls. I had electro shock treatment for my byepola now thats nasty.

21-07-2010, 11:37 AM
Yes I won third prize in a competition and received two haggis suppers.
Second prize was one haggis supper and the first prize meant that you didn't have to eat the haggis at all.
Good one sir. Is there any big scotish bears that would like to put me otk.

21-07-2010, 12:05 PM
It's so cold here ever the bears wear scarves.
I am sure there are but If I was in you're shoes I would be more worried as to what the DHM has in store for you.
Yes ur so right sir. I think i'm going to spend more of the time looking.at my floor. With a very sore bum.

21-07-2010, 12:13 PM
I think you are more likely to be looking for some balm.

I've got some in the bathroom. Thankyou sir. :eek:

little willie
26-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Now, that seems like a really good punishment.