View Full Version : Cold Showers

09-10-2009, 07:30 PM
The first time I was caned I was eight years old, it seems barbaric now but it was a different world in the fifties.
I attended an all boys Catholic school in South London where the teachers were also all male. We never saw a woman until we left school at four o'clock each day. There never seemed to be a real reason for anybody to be punished, they seemed to do it to encourage the others.
Anyway, my memorable caning occured when I was fifteen. We had a woman teacher at last - a supply teacher straight out of teacher training college called Miss Lucy Barnes aged about twenty-five. She taught Physics and we used to play her up something shocking.
It was the last day of term, a Saturday morning, and we were playing rugby for the school against another team from Croydon. We won as I recall and then all off to the showers. As it was our school the guests showered first and we stood around kicking our heels and flicking each others bare bums with our towels.
Eventually it was our turn. The showers were individual cubicles but had no doors. I and another boy Paul were not quick enough and had to wait again for a free cubicle.
The rest of the team left and we went to take our showers. After about two minutes the hot water ended and the water turned freezing cold. Our language turned as blue as our bodies.
We both shot out of the showers like scalded cats and who should be standing there but Miss Barnes fresh from the Tennis court resplendant in her tennis kit. She stood with her hands behind her back and a face like thunder.
"Your language was the most blasphemous I have ever heard, and I intend to punish you both" she announced, "You first Reed, come here"
I went over to her and then realised that she was holding the Headmasters cane behind her back.
"Right" she said, "Bend over, touch your toes"
I bent over but have never been able to touch my toes without bending at the knees, which of course makes my bum stick out more.
She gave me three strokes, quite hard, that stung all the more as I was cold and wet.
I stood up and tried to cover my stiffy with my hands as Paul took his position, she gave him three as well, but they must have been harder because he jumped up and clutched his striped bottom - cheeks and hopped from foot to foot.
I made the mistake of laughing, "Oh, you think it's funny do you Reed? Well come back and bend over again"
I did as she ordered, my stiffy now disappearing fast and waited.
I heard her walk back, then heard two quick footsteps before the cane sliced into my buttocks. It was agony!
She gave me another two strokes identical in strength and sting and then said: "I hope you learned your lesson young man." before walking out of the changing room leaving me to massage my poor burning bottom.
Two days later I still had purple tramlines on my bum.
We never saw Miss Barnes again, as her time at our school was up, but I remember her, quite fondly, especially when having a five-finger shuffle!!
Where are you Miss Barnes now I need you?