View Full Version : CP at home

04-10-2009, 03:58 PM
Hi all
I was just wondered how many of you were spanked at home when you were younger
if so, who normally did the spanking, were implements used etc?
and also do you think this had an impact in your interest in cp in your adult life?
bit of a long question i know:confused:
Thanks for reading

Caribou 2
04-10-2009, 08:24 PM
My dad used to take his belt off and whack me and my brother's clothed backsides and my mother would occasionally put us over her knee and spank our bare arses. I think it happened up until we were about 10 or so.
I'm not sure if that kickstarted my CP fetish because corporal punishment was also still in use when I was at school and I was also spanked, slippered and caned there too. My brother did not develop a CP fetish like me.

Mr Cane
20-10-2009, 05:02 PM
Mum lashed the backs of my legs with a wet dishcloth (extremely painful - trust me), but it was always Dad (and Granddad) that dished out the spankings. The earliest pants down spanking I can clearly remember happened when I was seven or eight. My Dad used carpet slippers on my bare bottom until I left school at 15 (in 1961). Punishment at school was very moderate, usually gym plimsol whacked over shorts-covered bottom. When I was 16 the local 'bobby' tipped dad off that I was drinking (under-age of course) so he acquired a cane. 'A steep learning curve' is the polite expression - actually I thought my arse was going to drop off! That lasted for about two years. :o

I think it must have had a lot to do with my adult interest and that I still do get the 'itch' for a good thrash. I also think it had a lot to do with me being surrounded by an extended family of forceful male characters and there was strong bonding - all of which I now miss. My brother, 11 years younger, saw none of that and was largely brought up by Mum - maybe Dad had worn out all his slippers and his right arm on me! We did grow up without much involvement (11 years is a big age difference) and as far as I know he is not a 'spanko'.:rolleyes:

21-10-2009, 04:18 PM
An interesting sideline on this is class difference. Working class parents tended to punish children casually, without any implement or using only those close to hand. Middle class parents were more formal, and often (I am talking about the late 1960s) used the cane. My (working class) parents disapproved of corporal punishment, so I had no experience of it before winning a scholarship to a minor public school, aged eleven. When I was first invited to another boy's home, I was amazed to see the cane in the hall stand and still more amazed when my host caned me, along with his own boy, for doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous. He just assumed my parents would approve. Did it foster my interest in cp? Yes, certainly. Being beaten at school, for breaking the rules, is one thing. Being beaten by a father, or someone with a fatherly interest, for your own good, is quite another.

23-10-2009, 12:59 PM
When my sister and I were young my mum did all the spanking over the knee first with her hand, but later on with a leather slipper mainly over underpants, but a few time bare.
When I reached about 10 years old my father took over my punishment using the slipper bent over the bed and always bare bottomed, later he used the cane and my punishment went on up to the age of 17.

24-10-2009, 09:33 AM
We, my older brother and I were spanked with the carpet beater
made of rattan. The "thing" was always ready to be seen. Mother used
to tell us: "beware of the carpet beater"! Meant she would tell dad
upon his arrival. Needless to mention, we were due!
First he spanked us on the jeans or whatever we were wearing ... and then during the spanking he would order us to take down the pants and bed over again, mostly of the edge of our bed!
The firework started and we felt it for days.:mad:
I'm sure, this made my interest especially of the carpet beater, which I still "enjoy" feeling from time to time!:)
Any others around who experienced IT!?:confused:
Let me know!

23-11-2009, 09:09 AM
I was spanked often along with my brothers and sisters , mother was the main spankeri n our house , and she favoured the slipper or the dreaded hairbrush , she was an expert spanker , and always spanked long and hard , and always on a bare bottom , my spankings were often witnessed by siblings to add to the embarrassment , needless to say I also witnessed alot , I was spanked until 15.

I, too, grew up with a very similar experience. Mother was the most frequent spanker for my three younger sisters and myself and she used a large wooden-backed clothes brush on our bare bottoms. My first spanker was a female cousin who spanked me when I was too young to remember it, but she told me about it later in life. I was caned in both primary and secondary school on several occasions. These experiences somehow combined to make me a natural disciplinarian myself, which I now am. If you would like to correspond please do so. StrictOlderDad

28-12-2009, 04:54 PM
for me it was both mum and dad when young mostly over the knee if lucky underpants on but usually bare bottom
as i grew older 12+ dad was more likely to use a slipper or wooden backed hairbrush
mum used wooden spoon or hairbrush usually
last bare bottom from mum was about 12 but with dad it continued till way after my 17th birthday

29-12-2009, 12:47 AM
I have just sat and read this thread, and...

while i was growing up the disciplin came from both of my parents,
my mother was always more likely to just fly off the handle and i'd
end up with a slap or run as the nearest thing was thrown. if however
it was my father there was more chance of being put over the knee
or about 4 or 5 times i may have been given the belt, two maybe
three wacks a go.
but any of that would have well ended by the time i was 14, so i find
it strange that some people would accept that kind of behavior 3 or 4
years later in life.

Peter Kline
29-12-2009, 11:28 PM
When I was a kid my dad worked away all the time and my mother would send me to my granddads for any punishments. The punishments were always carried out in the dinning room whilst my grand mother was in the lounge. He would bend me over and give me the slipper (6) and afterwards I would be invited into the lounge for a drink and biscuits. It hurt and I never found it arousing until one day I went to my granddads but he wasn't there but he was at the allotment. My gran sent me the the allotment and when I got there I told him I’d been naughty and he sent me to the tool shed to wait for him. When he came in he informed me he didn't have his slipper as he removed his belt, and he would need to use that. he then told me to drop my pants and underpants and bend over. I was mortified at having to expose my bottom but did as I was told, dreading how much this was going to hurt. After a few seconds I received the first of 12 lashes across my bare bottom and I was surprised that I didn't hurt as much as the slipper that I normally got across pants. When he'd finished I had a warm bottom that did smart, but as I say,not as much as I expected. We then sat down to tea from a flask and biscuits. The next time I was sent to be punished I was hoping my granddad would be at the allotment but sadly he was at home and I got the slipper but this time I did find it a little exciting, but nothing to compare to what happened in the tool shed. I continued to find him at home for the next few slipperings till one day I went and find my gran was out shopping. Granddad took me into the lounge and informed me that I would receive my punishment over the back of a chair, and , as my gran wasn’t home I was to lower my pants and underpants. I received 12 strokes of the belt and I found it very arousing. It continued to be a hit and miss (forgive the pun) affair. Most of the time I received 6 of the slipper in the dinning room whilst gran was it the lounge. How I would long to go to the tool shed on the allotment or to go when gran was out shopping. I longed to drop my pants and receive the belt on the bare bottom and then one day I realized what I should do, I simply when along to see my granddad when I knew my gran was shopping (she went shopping every Saturday morning) My granddad would strap my bare bottom whilst I was over the back of a chair and I always enjoyed it but wanted more so one day I told my granddad I’d been really naughty (I used to tell him I’d been naughty) On that occasion he gave me 18 strokes of the strap and I came whilst over the chair. I was so embarrassed I stopped going unless I was sent by my Mother.
My mother never spanked me but would just lash out, and when my dad was home he would strap me usually on PJ’s but sometimes on the bare bottom. I never ever found it arousing when my dad spanked me.
I’ve got 5 siblings and as far as I know none of them was ever sent to see granddad and I think I’m the only one with the fetish. Sometime it drives me mad not being able to be spanked when I wish but when the time comes and I am spanked, (always on the bare bottom) then, I’m very glad I have the fetish.

If anyone would like to spank me I'm in Stockport and cannot accommodate my email is spankme@fan.com

Mr Cane
02-01-2010, 01:47 AM
Like Peter, I had a granddad that spanked me just as and when he thought I needed it and, like Peter, I experienced a bare bottom spanking on Granddad's allotment. I was around 12 years old (so 1958) and supposed to be helping Granddad dig over the ground ready for spring planting. I got bored and started throwing stones and 'popped' off several 'Drum-head' cabbages on a neighbouring allotment before being apprehended. Like I say, Granddad did not mess about and down came my shorts, in fact he was so cross with me he pulled off my bracer (suspender) buttons. We didn't get spanked in those days, I was angrily told I was getting my bottom smacked and before I knew what hit me I was doing a nose-dive over his knee. Granddad only ever used his hand on me but believe me nothing could have been more severe. Granddad was a retired miner and had 'Paws' like paddles! When it was all over I had to give a red-faced and red-bottomed apology to the offended neighbour. Then I ran all the way home clutching my burning bottom - straight to an appointment with Dad's slipper!

To answer the recent sceptics that supposed boys enjoyed being spanked - like hell I did. It was always a painful, embarrassing experience I tried to avoid but, like most of my school pals, I didn't manage to go too long between smarting bottom experiences.

Peter Kline
02-01-2010, 10:50 AM
I have to say on the whole I did enjoy all the bare bottomed spankings I received from my granddad and I was quite young, I think I must have been around 10 or 11. My granddad died after a short illness when I was 15.
My first recollection of wanting to be spanked was even before I was ever spanked by my granddad. I was at infant school, I think I was in the 3rd year (not sure But I do know it wasn't the last year of infants) We fad a female teacher who would take a boy who'd been naughty and stand him on a table that had a chair on it. The boy would bend over the chair and the teacher would spank him with a slipper. As the teacher head was about level with the boys bottom her hand would strike from a low position striking the fleshiest part of his bottom. She never struck hard and I always enjoyed watching this performance but sadly no matter how naughty I was I never got to receive from her.
I thought it was natural to want to be spanked and only found out that I was different when discussing it with a friend outside school one day. I told my friend how I longed to be spanked by her and my friend thought I was completely nuts.
Also In the winter I used to go to bed with a hot water bottle and I would place the bottle inside my PJ's on my bottom whilst I would thrust myself into my pillow, After I'd come I would go to sleep with the bottle still on my bottom and it would still be raised as I laid on the pillow (with come all over the pillow and PJ's)

Also adding to my last post where I said I never enjoyed being spanked by my dad, I've given that a bit more thought and I suppose when my dad spanked with a slipper I didn't enjoy it but sometimes he would spank me with his hand and I seem to recall enjoying that more. When my dad spanked with a slipper it hurt like hell but when he used his hand it was not as severe.

03-01-2010, 11:56 AM
Hmm,very interesting. Never had the carpet beater,people use vacuum cleaners these days,but I think I've been hit with everything else-cane,strap,slipper,hairbrush birch(excruciating),leather cat,etc.Started spanking at age 10 with boy called Alex,who didn't seem to like it at first,but always submitted to bare bottom otk smacking and eventually one day,spanked my bare bum very enthusiastically! These games lasted for about two years.Lost touch,but when I saw him again at age 17,the first thing he said was-do you remember those whacking games?-with a broad grin.

08-01-2010, 06:53 PM
i was frist spanked otk on my underpants by my grandfather at 3 years old. At home it was my dad that punished me. I was 6years old when i got my frist belting from my dad on my bare bum. I would even be punished when my borthers where naughty as i was the oldest. It was always where the belt. But the thing i never told my mam or dad was when i was spanked at school. The my teacher i had from when i was 8 years old he would spank me on a regualar basis. He told me that i needed it as i was thick, and he always used me as an example for the others.