View Full Version : anyone need a cp sub for the making of vids

24-09-2009, 08:17 PM
cheshire su tv or schoolboy sub available for the making of cp vids cheshire edwina1828@hotmail.co.uk;):p:)

20-04-2010, 12:01 PM
Don't believe a word.

21-04-2010, 08:41 PM
Spanking the invisible man. Quite a good idea for a DVD I think.

23-04-2010, 01:24 PM
I hate to be pendantic and am aware of covspank's dislike for me, but the illustrious Percy Blakeney ('The Scarlet Pimpernel') does not have 'multiple alaises'. The only one disclosed in the stories is the name of the flower, except when he briefly passes under the name of enemies such as Chauvelin. If I were among covspank's pupils I would request him to hand the implement to me, take down his trousers, and bend over.

23-04-2010, 03:26 PM
Ooh, ooh, I do love it when covspank gets angry! He reminds me of a maths teacher named Mr. Clough, and I am wondering whether he looks like him as well. You would have to have known Mr. Clough to appreciate whether this is compliment or insult.

Phil Hooper
24-04-2010, 01:45 PM
Now now Cov! Name calling is so undignified and juvenile. Try to lighten up a little. It will help your blood presure no end. Maybe have another of your little pills.

26-04-2010, 04:36 PM
I wonder whether the Demon Headmaster really is an ex-beak? He certainly exhibits the worst characteristics of the breed, viz extreme touchiness and total lack of any sense of humour. And, given that we have never met, he seems to know an awful lot about my private life and character.

Phil Hooper
27-04-2010, 09:27 AM
Oh, I'm certainly the genuine article- thirty six years in the profession. As for lack of sense of humour, that may be because I'm yet to be amused by any of the puerile drivel that spews from your mouth! My comments about you are based on what you told me- you may remember that we had some correspondence way back in the dim and distant past. I am quite happy to publish it all on here, so that members can make their own minds up about you. It would mean identifying you by name, which you may not want- particularly as you are using a computer in your place of employment to write these postings- I would have thought that might be construed as gross professional misconduct. Do you want me to publish and damn you?

The Demon Headmaster

By threatening to publish private information given to him in good faith Covspank is betraying the trust of Smoothbum and potentially of every member of this fun site. What he is proposing could potentially cost Smoothbum his job. Covspank is clearly not to be trusted and members should think very carefully before corresponding with him in future.

I believe Covspank should publically withdraw his threats and apologise to Smoothbum or risk being thrown off the site.

Does the moderator have a view on this please?

Phil Hooper
27-04-2010, 10:32 AM
And they say that it's only women scorned who behave like this! It's interesting to note that both Smoothbum and Phil Hooper are the only two members of the site that I have refused to meet, and, more importantly, to have any sort of social relationship with- this in spite of their desire to do so. Is that the whiff of sour grapes I detect? Members from the site who come to see me, know that their discretion and confidentiality are guaranteed 100%.

The Demon Headmaster

Let us be very clear Covspank, members of this site who come to see you now know with absolute certainty that their discretion and confidentiallity is not guaranteed. To your shame you have threatened to betray another member.

The above post is a gross misrepresentation of the situation regarding our aborted meeting. We exchanged correspondence regarding a meeting which did not take place because it appeared we were not compatible.

27-04-2010, 11:41 AM
Users of this site may be interested to know that the Demon Headmaster is threatening to use the services of a friend to identify the computer from which my messages were sent. In the first place, he is a liar, since after our abortive correspondence he told me he was deleting all my messages. In the second, he is a blackmailer willing to try to destroy someone's career for the crime of disagreeing with him. Avoid this scum.

Phil Hooper
27-04-2010, 12:04 PM
If he tries anything like that I should go straight to the police. I am sure they would treat the matter with sensitivity and complete cofidence. There are probably a few members of this site who are policemen or women. Now there's a thought!

I know a very nice domme who has several policemen as clients.

29-04-2010, 05:13 AM
As the owner of the site and the nearest thing we have to a 'moderator' I feel bound to say that any information given in confidence should be forever held that way - anything less is potentially a bit of a nightmare scenario for us all. If I think of people piecing two and two together and actually getting the sum right; well, I shiver

However, (oh how I hate sentences that start that way) perhaps it's time for us all to walk away from the exchange and get on with enjoying our increasingly short bit part - there are better causes against which our anger can be engaged. I, for instance, quite like the idea of a thread about spanking which, after all, is what we're all supposed to be here for...